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Everything posted by Ondine

  1. "poignant occasion All the lumps and bumps of what's lurking inside the pointe shoe box are possibly best hidden? I suspect unhooking yer corset is a great relief though (and cooling.) 😉
  2. Oh lor thanks. Have changed it. I'm pleased to see the ROH Twitter feed tweeting it out though. I hope they are making a huge fuss of her!
  3. Apologies for quoting myself, but I note that Sarasota Ballet has Rake's Progress in its repertoire. Ravishing costumes! https://www.yourobserver.com/news/2022/jan/18/sarasota-ballet-returns-to-familiar-territory-with-the-rakes-progress/ I've been looking at its programming and it's interesting how one act ballets are grouped and marketed. " "The Rake's Progress" will be just one of three acts in the Sarasota Ballet's Love & Betrayal program" Sarasota has Checkmate too. How good would it be to have a certain amount of 'exchange' of dancers and more of its rep which relates to the Royal Ballet's history / choreographers?
  4. I did see a performance of Ballet For All (live) can't recall the dancers where Colas hauled Lise up into ther chair lift then promptly dropped her. In coming down and him trying to save her she ended up facing him and with her dress way up and showing her pants. Not Ashton's intended effect but we did give a huge round of applause to her bottom.
  5. I suspect not! I came across this about her though. One for Gasparini fans. https://www.onedanceuk.org/after-50-years-of-teaching-in-the-studio-brenda-last-obe-will-deliver-her-first-online-masterclass/ And if you follow the link to FB it has a small snippet of film of Cleo Nordi teaching a young Brenda Last. I'm a sucker for this 'passed on' history stuff. https://www.facebook.com/bbodance/videos/2678558679127192/
  6. Ballet for All was a wonderful idea, I remember it well! And yes a glorious Giselle, she looked every inch the romantic heroine too. Perfect. Made me cry.
  7. Yes the fairy frocks / tutu issue was jarring I agree. But oh the dancing! Sibley FLOATING in her bourres! (Can't add the accent.) Ashton & Helpmann. wonderful, not being 'drag queens', not detracting from Cinders, and the rest. And Dowell, every inch a prince.
  8. YES!!! We have to remember Cecchetti's 'days of the week (six days!) were for professional dancers & companies, he also altered / added things depending who was in class (Pavlova etc) and of course did unset enchainments too, but everyone weould have used the 'embedded in the body' heads arms etc. His barre was simple and loads of repeats of the basic tendu etc. The fancy choreographed barres which are the norm these days I find baffling. And the first and second set of ports de bras, which Ashoton said every dancer should do daily!
  9. I think the one in the Sibley / Dowell DVD (which is online but I'm not going to link... though if anyone wants to see for 'educational purposes' I can point you in the direction) is the one I like best. That one has Ashton & Helpmann as the stepsisters too, Grant as Jester, Georgina Parkinson as FG, Wayne Sleep aged about five, magnificent fairies.
  10. I wish I could recall where but I came online across a theatre recently where apparently some seats have no view of the stage! Presumably music venue and hopefully those are the cheap seats. (And I'm old enough to recall when the 'Gods' in certain places were simply wide wooden steps and if you forgot your cushion woe upon woe.)
  11. But how many dancers have Cecchetti in their DNA as opposed to it being a much later add on for that DVD and other demos? This was a brave attempt. And others looked on and said 'Ooh that's difficult!' And a comment under? "In comparison, I would love someone to post the same adage who has been mostly Cecchetti trained and not as influenced by other methods. This dancer did a WONDERFUL job! Please do not get me wrong! There are certain small details though that add that much more into the intricacies of the method and I would love for them to be demonstrated (position of the ritire, the initial releve of 2 legs, etc)." Yes and other details, which would come naturally to anyone weaned on the work. Ashton certainly had it in his DNA.
  12. We had a little discussion about the Royal visit earlier but mods removed some of it (wisely all things considered). However @Fonty gave the information (still there) if you book the Royal Box, though not the best view, you get a private 'throne'. No need to worry about the queue for the loo!
  13. I think Melissa Hamilton is always going to be the bridesmaid. Is it not down to the fact she is seen as having stamina issues? And so she went elsewhere to attempt to either build this or prove she could do it? Beautiful dancer. (And then there is the delightful Yuhui Choe, but I think that ship too has now sailed!) As for all that guesting abroad others do, the RB has so many principals hasn't it, they need to keep busy, and make their mark and money while still able to be at top of the game? Hence the guesting. Cannot sit in London doing nothing. All have future careers to consider once their dancing days are done. You need to have moved around, made a name internationally, to coach / teach / choreograph become an AD and the rest. That podcast with Brandon Lawrence mentions this. He's in part moving to broaden his repertoire and also with his future in mind. Sad loss to BRB but this is the futire of ballet as a career I think.
  14. I saw Brenda Last dance Lise. Once, in the scene where she was locked in the house by her mother, who pocketed the key with great theatricality, the 'locked door' slowly opened, thus negating a key point in the drama! The audience began to chuckle, so Brenda Last, with huge aplomb, balletically took herself to the door and closed it again. I'm sure it was all done with the correct epaulment and ports de bras too, and a knowing shrug! She was a real trouper. Wonderful dancer.
  15. I'm merely relating what was said to me, decades ago, to illustrate the whims of management! It was ever thus.
  16. Naming no names I was told many years ago by a teacher at the Royal Ballet School who is has long departed to the great studio in the sky that Monica Mason would never be given Aurora though she was Lilac Fairy (a role she said herself she didn't think partcularly suited her) and of course she was Carabosse as her physique was wrong for Aurora, broad in the back etc. I think people are seen by the Powers That Be as suited / not suited to particular roles for various reasons, not always ones we would agree with perhaps. Monica Mason was a brillant Myrtha. Perhaps excelling in evil women was her strength! Mwhahahaha etc. BTW I've run out of LIKES again so if I don't like posts it's not indifference.
  17. 'Certain classes' though doesn't inculcate in the body what needs to be there to do things automatically, and build the core strength while being able to er... BEND freely above it all, use epaulment, position the arms, the head, and move the feet fleetly below! It's not just a syllabus. It's an entire way of moving really. I note that, in the interview with Morera, Paul Arrowsmith says Fonteyn 'created' the role of Juliet at the same age as Morera is now. No Fonteyn, as we all know, did not. That was Lynn Seymour, who was robbed of her opening night along with Gable as Fonteyn & Nureyev were seen as the box office big hitters. Seymour was relegated to fourth cast, and I don't think she ever really recovered from the shock & disappointment. Let's not rewrite history, even if it suits the interview.
  18. I agree! They tweet these out with no credit at all! One chicken may well be Francesca Hayward. Seriously.
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