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Everything posted by BarbaraH

  1. I've send an email to ask if there was any news and they told me that the latest admissions will arrive by the end of the month. If we haven't received anything by then, it means that no spot became available.... 😞
  2. I just checked and the holidays in Paris started the 6th of April. The 22nd of April the holidays are over. So hopefully more news then!
  3. Yes, the video was watched. I believe they looked at it for 1,5 minutes.
  4. Oh that's so frustrating for you all! I really hope you hear soon!!🤞
  5. I hear the same at other schools. Apparently one of the comments that is most common is that "they are too young". I have the impression that it's normal nowadays to first do another 2 years of junior company/graduate training somewhere before starting a paid position.
  6. Any ideas on which ones also do the ballet intensives? (Maybe for the future.) So far I only found this for entire school years.
  7. My daughter is now attending the spring intensive and she was required to have a legal guardian in the uk during the intensive. Not sure if that's also the case for summer. But we are staying in the uk now for this reason.
  8. We applied 27th of February. Hopefully some news for you in the beginning of next week! 🤞
  9. We just received an email 5 minutes ago!! We never expected this, but she got in. She's going to go crazy when she comes home in half an hour!!
  10. Still nothing here. Anyone else any news?
  11. 3rd year here as well. So far my daughter never came of the waiting list.
  12. Thanks for the info! Any idea when the friend submitted the video?
  13. Easter holiday is later in France. End of April if I'm correct.
  14. Still no news here. Someone else maybe?
  15. Nothing here either. I also check YouTube analytics to see if they already watched the video's. But not so far. Also some deadlines here. I'm waiting untill the last moment for accepting/paying others. But I won't be able to do that much longer.
  16. Not that I am aware of. Their fees can be found on their website: https://www.catballet.com/trainee/fees/
  17. I have no personal experience, but I read a recent post on the Facebook Group "Parents of Pre-Professional Ballet Dancers". I'm afraid it wasn't positive news...
  18. Last year my daughter was in "moyen". She had classical dance, repertoire, contemporary, yoga and charactère. The younger groups had mime. The higher the group, the more classes they have. I believe the classes started at 9h. (The first day they started at 10h30.)
  19. Waiting list here. Anyone any ideas if there is a real chance of getting of the waiting list? (Royal waiting list has never been a succes so far.)
  20. We received an email with registration time. We need to register at 16h on Tuesday.
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