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Everything posted by nzballetfan

  1. Always worth recording just in case. If you have Sky on Demand, they have Nuñez (N), Muntagirov and Osipova (G) available to view on there (listed perplexingly as "La Bayadere ep. 1" starring Carlos Acosta!).
  2. She's peerless, the most captivating dancer in the world. Her Bolshoi Coppélia has made ballet fans of everyone I have forced to watch it. I am so envious of those who saw her Juliet, as I can only imagine the grace, fragility and youthfulness she would have brought to the role. Praying there'll be a recording of that one. Also hoping there's a recording of her as Nikiya somewhere. Her Gamzatti is actually sympathetic, so I can't imagine how you'd ache for her Nikiya. She also strikes me as someone Solor would be more likely to fall for (but I'm not a man, so who knows)!
  3. Ia Bayadere is on Sky Arts on Feb 16 at 640am. So Nuñez, Muntagirov and Osipova then, although the listing says 1997?
  4. Phew! The Myrthe is really good! Very very Monica Masonesque.
  5. Fumi and Sarah Lamb were standouts, but I strongly disliked the music (and its lack of connection to chorey) and the set, which in the third part looked utterly amateur hour, almost like a school dance recital. A fine ensemble cast, but I am amazed someone as adept in modern dance as Natalia Osipova was underutilised in that way. I will be deleting this one off the box, I think.
  6. As you all predicted, the Sky Arts Giselle this morning starred Marianela and Vadim, to my daughter's utter delight (we usually alternate our recordings of Osipova/Acosta and Seymour/Nureyev, so she's thrilled to have another recording to contrast these with). Muntagirov, being the dancer and actor he is, is a treat, isn't he? I wish he paired with Osipova in this occasionally. I'd remortgage the house to get down to London to see it. (But if technologically-minded people could splice in ultra-naive Osipova and mega-cad Nureyev together, that would be the ultimate.)
  7. Thank you! It's still saying Naghdi for Friday, but clearly that's not correct and I won't hope for it. Sky Arts also claim they will show Giselle (Cojocaru/Martin Harvey/Nuñez) on February 2nd at 7am, but they say it's 2016, which if it were that cast, it clearly would not be, sigh.
  8. Thank you I do have Sky and just tried to download it from On Demand. It says it's Macmillan/Naghdi/ 2019 but when you play it it's just the Urals one from last night. I feel a thunderous email coming on.
  9. I actually recorded a Tales of the Unexpected yesterday, and the voiceover at the end says, "There never was a tale of more woe, or more drama and romance, especially when choreographed by Kenneth Macmillan, and performed by the Royal Ballet. Romeo and Juliet, new tonight at 9 on Sky Arts." We've been had! Thank you for the welcome. I'm a long-time lurker. There is another Romeo and Juliet scheduled for Friday morning on Sky Arts at 6.55am, also apparently Naghdi, so fingers crossed
  10. Sky arts preview on my Virgin black box says 2019, Naghdi/Ball. I haven't seen it, so make it so!
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