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Everything posted by FionaM

  1. yes you are right. I pointed that out in his Facebook post. Maybe he was quoting an RB news release?
  2. Muntagirov and Polunin are the same school year by age (Sergei is 4/5 months older). Sergei graduated in 2007 having been accelerated to the upper school from White Lodge. Muntagirov graduated in 2009 after completing the 3 year course. They were at very different stages of development physically as teenagers aged 15/16, as can be seen in their classical variations at the Prix de Lausanne 2006. Vadim explains in his book that Sergei was the only other Russian speaker in the competition (Vadim spoke no English) and how Sergei encouraged him whilst there to join the RB School. In one of the PdL videos they can be seen together in the wings. https://youtu.be/A8qpeaiebfM?si=_gUBYcDT0wukUQaD
  3. I have a feeling the Fumi & Vadim partnership in Swan Lake and Manon will be on another level. I’ve already decided despite the eye-watering prices it’s the best seats for me for both those shows.
  4. @Angela Thank you for the clarification. in March 2022, when this show was first announced … the choreographer was Jiri Bubenicek. It had changed to Natalia Horecna by November 2022 when the team shared clips of initial rehearsals with her. https://www.instagram.com/p/ClRGewhomE5/?igshid=bmJvaHN0bnd0c2tx
  5. I found this bio online which mentions she won “Choreographer of the Year” by German Tanz magazine in 2012 https://www.danceopen.com/en/55-dance-open-persons/choreographers/437-natalia-horecna another here https://danceartsfaculty.com/en/artists-teachers/natalia-horecna/ and this interview from DANZA&DANZA magazine in 2021
  6. LA STRADA …. the movie by Federico Fellini, which won the inaugural Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in 1957 (also nominated for Best Writing and Best OriginalScreenplay) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_Strada LA STRADA … the music by Nino Rota
  7. I was told indirectly from Alina herself, that she and Matthew Ball dance at every performance of the new creation for them together by Kim Brandstrup in Bath in January/February 2024.
  8. I’m excited to see this …. it was originally announced some years ago with Alban Lendorf in the Mick Zeni role, but I guess time moved on and other projects intervened. Also it was originally supposed to premiere in Milan at Teatro Arcimboldi. I’m thrilled it’s going to be at Sadler’s instead!
  9. There is only one cast for LA STRADA … so it’s the same at all shows. Some short clips of the rehearsal process at beautiful Orsolina28 have been shared on Instagram by the dancers in the 3 main roles, namely Alina, Mick Zeni (former La Scala principal) and Johan Kobborg, plus more from the supporting cast.
  10. And of course there is the enhanced Benno role and the two princess sisters in this production which give many soloists and artists a chance to do more. I’m remembering that the cast of these roles in the first performance of this production were all principals.
  11. If there is another debut cast in the June run, I’d be looking for Calvin Richardson or David Donnelly as Siegfried, before Nicol Edmonds. Lukas BB might be interesting too. For O/O, Annette Buvoli would be my top pick. Others are Leticia Dias, Melissa Hamilton or Yuhui Choe. All are usually ‘big swans’ and could do more. There are quite a few amongst the artists ranks that would be interesting to see but I suppose it’s too soon for them.
  12. Excited to see this in Linbury on 17 November. I adore Nina Simone music. and it’s a double ballet day for me with Dante rehearsal earlier.
  13. not necessarily… Nakao and Ikarashi covered for each other in the previous run.
  14. Anybody else watched the trailer of the streaming home page called “An introduction to Rhapsody” ? Whoops! It’s The Two Pigeons
  15. From the Anemoi rehearsal, Harrison Lee is debuting in the Nakao/Ikarashi role with no prior rehearsal tonight. he looks amazing on one day (is it less than one day?) to learn the role.
  16. The Bolshoi class on stage has started … almost entirely principals and senior soloists led by master teacher Vetrov.
  17. @alison oops sorry about the ‘prime minister’ thing … it was an automated translation from their Telegram post. I see it often in online translation tools to English from both Russian and Italian 🤷🏼‍♀️. Principal becomes prime minister.
  18. The beauty of World Ballet Day … any dance entity can participate and anyone can choose what to watch (or not). Personally I find the whole day rather overwhelming … too much is produced and broadcast simultaneously. I like that ENB, NB and BRB are jointly advertising each other. https://www.instagram.com/p/CzBeCVvs_0P/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
  19. The Bolshoi Theatre announces their broadcast (Moscow time is UTC+3) on VK and Telegram. Also YouTube. https://t.me/bolshoi_theatre/1987 https://vk.com/wall-52257710_29718 Ballet Day 2023🩰 On November 1 at 11:00 a traditional broadcast will take place on the official Bolshoi Theater VKontakte community, viewers of which will be able to watch the life of the Bolshoi ballet troupe. You will see a ballet class and rehearsals, and artists and teachers will talk about what their theatrical everyday life consists of. As you know, 2023 was declared the Year of the Teacher and Mentor on a nationwide scale. And our broadcast will be held under the sign of mentoring, without which the continuity of traditions in the world of ballet is unthinkable. We will provide you with a unique opportunity to see rehearsals of the ballets “The Winter's Tale”, “Giselle”, “La Bayadère” and “Swan Lake”. The first three will be held on the Historical Stage, “Swan Lake” will “move” to the New Stage during the rehearsal. We invite viewers to take a virtual look behind the scenes and spend time with ballet dancers and honored teachers of the Bolshoi Theater. Presenters: prima ballerina Eleonora Sevenard and Prime Minister Denis Rodkin. Also on November 1 at 18:00 in the official Big VKontakte community you will be able to watch an interview with Eleanor Sevenard. It will open a series of meetings with dancers of the ballet troupe as part of the “Bolshoi Speaks” project. Ballet". You will find interviews with prima ballerinas Alena Kovaleva, Elizaveta Kokoreva, Eleonora Sevenard, premiere Dmitry Smilevsky, leading soloist Eva Sergeenkova and soloist Maria Koshkareva. Some of them are just beginning their journey in the theater, while others have already reached the highest level of the Bolshoi Ballet, some are in love with classical productions, while others prefer modern ones. They all have one thing in common: a love of dance in all its forms. Do not miss! 💌 Bolshoi Theater on Telegram 💙 Bolshoi Theater on VKontakte
  20. Thinking back to the matinee on Friday in Bristol: Erik Woolhouse is extraordinary as Hilarion. So menacing and ‘in your face’. His Hilarion has no respect for personal space. It’s a good thing he and Henry Dowden have known each other since RB school days. I was touched by the emotional duets of Henry and Emily Suzuki. And loved the wildness of Angela Wood’s Myrtha. She used her loose long hair to good effect. Really strong energy from the cast again and equally strong reaction from the near sold out audience of over 1,900. All 5 performances had only a handful of upper level bench seats unsold. Bravo ENB.
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