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Everything posted by MJW

  1. From Anna Rose O'Sullivan's IG - such a shame she won't be able to perform as the Sugar Plum Fairy this run. https://www.instagram.com/p/CI6NtTmFArO/
  2. To quote James Kirkup in the Spectator [re the easing of restrictions next week even in Tier 3 areas] "The sheer inconsistency and gaping lack of logic borders on black comedy."
  3. I’m afraid it’s all starting to look rather ominous. The Health Secretary is to make a statement this afternoon 🤞
  4. Just read your comment on the T'graph's comment section - I agree entirely. I'm afraid the paper has been going down hill for some time.
  5. Although I have been up to London quite a few times since March - the most recent being Monday when I went to see the new exhibition at the Queen's Gallery (highly recommended by the way) - this afternoon's matinee was my first time back at Covent Garden. I wasn't sure what to expect but considerably less queuing than I anticipated and most people were in their seats in good time (save for a very late entrance on the other side of the Stalls!). Despite what the critic of the Telegraph said yesterday personally I think the Royal Ballet have done extraordinarily well in managing to put on a performance in the current climate. For those of us who have seen the Nutracker before its clear to see where it has been pared down or pieces cut but I don't really think it made much difference to the whole experience and no-one would have been short-changed. James Hay and Anna-Rose Sullivan make a lovely Hans-Peter and Clara and are a terrific pairing (I think the couple I have seen the most over the past few years) and Laura Morera and Federico Bonelli were an excellent Sugar Plum and her Prince. Interested to see that the Rose Fairy's escorts weren't wearing their wigs and looked much better for it! I have booked again for next Saturday but the signs aren't good...I hope for the sake of all the dancers, staff and audiences that the run can continue until the New Year.
  6. Well it’s lovely to be back - first time since February 👏
  7. Tempting to ask what does he expect in the current situation? Frankly we are lucky to have anything at all to see. Anyway I shall see for myself tomorrow !
  8. Hope everyone has a very enjoyable (and safe) evening at the General Rehearsal. Looking forward to Saturday. 🤞
  9. Really glad you asked that as I have been wondering that myself. Possibly very long queues for the lavatory!
  10. I've booked for Saturday 12th and 19th so hopefully there will be a different main cast for each!
  11. Well I've booked for two Saturday matinees...now we wait to see if the performances will be allowed to go ahead 🤞
  12. Thank you for that link - some excellent ideas. Nevertheless really quite distressing.
  13. Frankly I’d be happy to see anything live at the moment !
  14. That was excellent - and very moving at times (I found myself quite teary at certain points particularly watching Within as it is one of my favourite pieces). How wonderful it would have been to have seen it live tomorrow, but there we are. I think it greatly helped not having a compère (is that the right word?) as with the first live broadcast. Fingers crossed for next month and the Nutcracker !
  15. A limited number of single seats still...and still no option to chose your seat(s)! I might have to book two seats - one for me and one for my bag (!)
  16. Absolutely - an excellent idea (also that it will be available to watch afterwards)
  17. Very good question! I suppose do they take a punt and open booking for early December in the hope that they can re-open?
  18. From the ROH's Flickr - enjoy! https://www.flickr.com/photos/royaloperahouse/albums/72157716773438048
  19. Welcome to the forum James - and thank you also for your review. Very jealous!
  20. It simply says that "if you chose to make a gift before 15th December, the value of your gift will be doubled" and refers to the Recovery Campaign. There is a separate form to complete giving details of the donation to complete (and it does refer also to roh.org/donate). I presume therefore that all donations go the Campaign unless you designate otherwise. The website (as yet) doesn't refer to the matching of donations by the Board.
  21. Not sure if this has been publicised elsewhere (can't see it on the website) but I had a letter today from Alex Beard saying that donations made by 15th December would be matched pound for pound by the Board of Trustees. Whether that includes donations made via the website as well, it's not clear.
  22. Apologies if this has already been posted, but just had this via email Due to the new COVID-19 government restrictions, the Royal Opera House will be closed to live audiences from Thursday 5 November. We will therefore unfortunately be pausing all forthcoming on sales for Friends. Wednesday’s performance of The Royal Ballet: Live – Elite Syncopations will go ahead. We are now awaiting further government guidance for the arts, and are assessing what is possible safely in terms of performances and rehearsals. We will be in touch with all ticket buyers with further information and digital performance options as soon as we possibly can.
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