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Everything posted by BbcBoy

  1. Aw we were the 1.30pm slot, hope it went well for him? My DS really enjoyed it, said there was 6 in his group. 🤞
  2. Bunny we’re you at WL yesterday? thinking your DS might have been with mine? X
  3. Oh well done to him hope it went for him. X
  4. We are at finals on Tuesday but we are for junior performance foundation course x
  5. Best of luck today at Tring everyone! Would love to know how many children they seen?
  6. Well done on getting a boarding place! Sorry no MDA offered 😢 am assuming this means full fees am I correct? Or is it still means tested? X
  7. So we found out 4 weeks after deadline date. we have scholarship audition next week for year 7. X
  8. We have date for performance junior course of 16th March but no times x
  9. Congratulations whiteduvet! Which year is your DD going into? X
  10. I still keep wondering how many MDA they actually have to offer??
  11. Def don’t give up hope. We had to submit by 4th Jan and got response 4 weeks later, and with half term thrown in still time to hear 🤞
  12. When did you submit video audition? will keep everything 🤞 for you x
  13. Hi all congratulations to eveyones DCs on audition results! Our DS has been offered a boarding place at Tring on the junior performance course starting in September and an audition for funding - so so excited! can anyone give us any advice on funding and how do we know if we are eligible for bursary - I am assuming all means tested but at what level? We are fortunate that we could help fund some of this but absolutely no way all of it? Can anyone give me an idea what levels of funding are offered and what is threshold of earnings to qualify? we have also had a yes today for WL audition but all aspects of performing are more my DS then just ballet, but not ruling out anything at this stage!
  14. Aw lovely maybe we will see each other. My ds has been offered 24 sessions - glad about that as he has only just turned 8
  15. Are there any other London year 4’s on here boy or girl? X
  16. So sorry for all the no’s this year, hope your DC try again next year. Well done to all the yes & waiting xx.
  17. Sorry to hear that tiredtoes hope your DD is ok. X
  18. I hope so for you all - keeping everything crossed! X
  19. OMG he got in!!! I am thrilled and cannot wait to tell him. 🙌🤗 Good luck to all of you waiting x
  20. I have everything crossed for you. Still nothing here we were last group of the day on Tuesday. I wonder if it’s only yes’s that are out 😢??
  21. Now that would have been a very sensible idea 🤣 expat what day & group result are you waiting for? X
  22. Motomum can you tell me which group your son was in? Mine was group 5 x
  23. Refreshing like a mad woman - not sure I am cut out for all this 🤣
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