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Rob S

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Everything posted by Rob S

  1. If it's any comfort Marianna's tights and shoes were the same colour as all the other snowflakes and flowers today and I didn't see any problem with her Giselle tights, it's not as if the Wilis wear white costumes
  2. Marianna has been in Marianna has been in all the Act 2s I saw and wore tonal tights. She also matches your Act 1 description....and although I wasn't there was in the closing performance
  3. Looks like Yasmine Naghdi is replacing Akane Takada for tomorrow and Thursday.
  4. He did 10-11…pretty much the same as all but Reece and Federico
  5. Stalls Circle Standing D16….so almost as far from the stage as you can get 🔭😜
  6. Sambe's sword end hit the floor and bounced back up quite noticeably during the transition from shed to this mime so he was probably checking it was still in one piece and not bent. 😄 Sambe also had the most polite 'no Wilfred, I don't need my cape right now' I've seen too.🙂
  7. I miscounted...today makes a final tally of 11 and I think today may have been my favourite overall performance. No flower pot or key dramas, no Mr Bravo, my favourite Giselle and very pleased to see the Pajdak/Lubach duo that I assumed would be in tomorrow's cast as that's usually my luck.
  8. They were M&Z in the schools matinee but I’d not seen Romany in any of the 9 performances I’d seen so far.
  9. The cast for tonight is up and I’m very pleased to see Moyna and Zulme will be Romany Pajdak and Isabel Lubach 👏
  10. She also had a problem at the start of the last week, having to go back on to two feet although still en pointe. Cesar had the best 'key out of the pouch challenge' I've seen in several performances too....if it were me I'd probably just start the performance with it in my hand just to avoid it
  11. Yep...Mr Bravo decided to do his thing in that complete silence immediately before Myrtha threw her twigs towards the wings. 🤦‍♂️
  12. I think the idea is that’s the rightful owner of the unique piece is registered. What they then do with it is up to them. If they put it out in to the public domain then what other people try to do with it would realistically be out of their hands.
  13. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/covid-pass/get-your-covid-pass-letter/ What I've not been able to work out is if the letter is only valid for 30 days like the Covid pass.
  14. Click on the user name of the poster at the top left of the post
  15. If you are going to use this kind of lift you need to combine it with the RB's Wilis graveside gathering to cover this rather mechanical entrance.
  16. It seems NFTs are now a catch all term for digital media because Osipova's are straightforward ownership of a unique video. What I don't get are things like owning somebody's tweet.
  17. More info here: https://www.bonhams.com/press_release/33408/
  18. I've moved away from counting entrechat six and have now started counting how many seconds it takes Albrecht to get the key out of his pouch🙂
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