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Everything posted by RobR

  1. Yes, the children who dance; soldiers, mice and party children, remain in White Lodge until the final performance just before Christmas and return in time for the post Christmas performances. Until about 10-15 years ago (can’t remember exactly) they were supposed to return in time for performances on 26/27 December but the parents rebelled and the RB sensibly changed the schedule. The Upper School children, who dance as snowflakes and angels, remain in their school accommodation.
  2. The giant wheelchair was there and used to ‘deliver' the Mouse King (although I always liked it when he rose through the floor)
  3. I’m looking for single tickets for 28 December and 30 December evening and 21 December and 29 December matinee
  4. I’d been watching it for years and had no idea either that there were gingerbread dancers until my daughter (RBS year 7) announced that she was cast as the ‘Spanish gingerbread’! * I always look out for them now and they were there today 😀 (*That was many years ago)
  5. Had he watched the World Ballet Day link to her rehearsing O’Sullivan & Bracewell, he’d have realised he’d summarised it very accurately
  6. In the absence of any synopsis or summary (and please don’t think that my comments are any form of personal transference) I got the impression from both the choreography and the dancers of an older, established couple, possibly married, going through a period of reflection or even separation at a later stage in their relationship, with MacRae or Osipova moving away only to be drawn back; a strong relationship showing a mutual and deep affection and support. I’m afraid that the choreography in ‘Dispatch’ gave me no real idea of any relationship between the dancers, romantic or otherwise
  7. Apropos the costumes, I didn’t have any problem with the costumes worn in ‘Concerto' by Macrae & Osipova, which looked fine to me (I’ve already said I enjoyed their performance) particularly when compared to the costumes worn in 'Dispatch' and 'Prima'. And I positively refuse to make any comment on the drab dungarees, fatigues and T-shirts currently the costume of choice in 'See us!!' and pretty much anything choreographed by Crystal Pite.
  8. Obviously I was really there for ‘Diamonds', and it was wonderful and I found lots to enjoy in the programme. Contrary to previous posts, I positively enjoyed 'Concerto pour deux', particularly as it followed hard on the heels of 'Dispatch'. I found Osipova and Macrae brought a sensitivity to the relationship of the dancers to the music and the choreography. I'm afraid I felt that in 'Dispatch' the dancers were let down by the music and the choreography.
  9. One of the reviewers described the Quagebeur and Forsythe pieces as 'pop ballet'. I think it’s an apt description, which I shall remember and re-use, and that the reviewer was being complimentary.
  10. Apropos acting skills of the RB dancers, I’ve always enjoyed (and look out for) the acting skills of both the principal and non-principal dancers and also think how well Fumi characterised Larisch, particularly in the scene at the Vetsera home. But, and it’s particularly true in all MacMillan ballets, the general cast all appear to have both the ability and encouragement to characterise their roles, be they big or small, foreground or background - one of the great pleasures of watching these performances. I juxtapose this view with my recollections of watching the Russian companies (when they used to come here) and noticing how (generally) ‘wooden' their acting skills appeared to be to me.
  11. The dancers all looked as though they were really enjoying themselves both during the pieces and at the curtain call
  12. i posted that some debutant(e)s had been mentioned earlier in this thread, and Samantha Price was one of them. Mentioned by Dawnstar earlier 😀
  13. Well, am I glad I had a ticket! Tonight's cast were terrific and the dancing/acting of all the cast and particularly Vadim, Yasmin, Fumi and Itzi will linger long in my memory - they were all that good. Apart from the debutant(e)s mentioned above there were about twenty debuts including; David Donnelly, David Yudes, Teo Dubreil, Lukas BB, Nadia Mullova-Barley, Julia Roscoe and, with apologies to anyone I’ve omitted, others. They really were that good.
  14. Very much looking forward to Vadim’s debut as Rudolf tonight
  15. I had forgotten the hunting scene. I, for one, would be happy to lose it and I wouldn’t miss the birthday party either
  16. So, which bits might you or anyone omit, to reduce it by “20-30 minutes”? The bit with Katherina Schratt singing? Middleton’s silly cigar joke? Rudolf’s tortured solo while the others watch the fireworks? Or the brothel scene? I recall some said that the brothel scene in ‘Frankenstein’ was unnecessary and displayed a même arguably out of date nowadays. Similarly arguable here. TBH, apart from underlining Rudolf’s decline it doesn’t do much here although I would miss Casper’s dance with the four officers and Bratfisch’s solo.
  17. @MJW It’s nice of you to describe the dancers as ‘courtesans’, but the cast sheet lists them as ‘whores’. 😀
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