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Everything posted by miss.pointe

  1. Ah I found it - although it's not quite as I remembered it, probably why I couldn't locate it again! Here it is in case anyone else is interested - http://www.danceadvantage.net/abc-for-dance/ http://www.abcfordance.com/Pointe-Manual-p/p1yltg.htm
  2. I don't think so - the set I saw was a full teacher's curriculum kit with a syllabus almost, CD with music for each exercise, a 12-month programme of lesson plans, etc. But thanks for reminding me of this - may help me put together my own if I can't find the one I was looking for.
  3. I came across a boxed set of a pointe prep curriculum for teachers to use which lasted one or two years, I believe. I can't for the life of me find it again! Does anyone know of something like this? I think it was from the States. Any help would be appreciated!
  4. Just wanted to say thank you for all the support - I taught the same class last night, all the new girls came back (whew!) and it went really well -
  5. Such motherly love - lucky daughter and I hope she realises that
  6. Thank you Dancing Pixie, Dance is Life and Just Ballet! So kind of you all - and the others! - to say such lovely things. I am now very sick in bed with a sick baby so this is just what I needed to keep me positive x
  7. Very much so. Thank you more than I can type
  8. This is so true, Anjuli_Bai. Once I had calmed myself down I made a mental list of all the things I would do differently if it happened again. The main thing is if I'm late, don't rush into the class. Tell everyone, "I'm sorry I'm late! I just need two minutes to get changed and get my bearings, so can you warm up/mark through while I do that?" I'm a new teacher, this is only my second year of teaching dance I'm going into. I'm sure I will lose some students along the way through mistakes, my biggest worry, but I'm also sure that happens to lots of teachers when they first start out and I will learn from it.
  9. You know what - I was here kicking myself and didn't once think of "baby brain"/lack of sleep/etc! They all know I have a small baby so hopefully will understand. Nice idea about letting them shine - I did manage a "that's a great question!" when someone asked whether, due to my odd instructions, to jump on the beat or on the "and"! I actually dropped me new girls a line to say I hope they weren't overwhelmed, we will get there, didn't help that I was having an off day, etc - I got a lovely response so hopefully all good
  10. I taught a ballet class last night and got stuck in the tube so was 5 minutes late and it threw off my whole class and I felt terrible! I had three new starters and forgot to place them where they could see me/stronger dancers, I lost my timing on several exercises, I marked through an exercise in a faster tempo than it actually was which made me look like I didn't know what I was doing, arrghhh! Any teachers out there care to share their class shambles to make me feel better? Feeling like I'm the only one right now!
  11. You're not the first person to suggest that and I am actually going to try it at a community class I'm starting - I'm having a friend and experienced mum/grandma come along to join in the class and if he starts crying to take him out and soothe him. I exercised (not ballet) all through my pregnancy and thankfully didn't have major complications after delivery so I was easing back into exercise after 6 weeks. It is quite early I suppose but I am only teaching max. 3 classes a week, either adult beginners or preschool so not too demanding, and I want to build up the teaching so I don't have to go back to the day job when maternity leave ends and can teach dance part time and part time be at home with little man.
  12. I felt absolutely terrible! But this Tuesday went much better thankfully - I think he is just used to being with me all the time so it's not all that bad for him to find comfort with his dad who normally just "rough and tumbles" with him. Also trying different bottles/teats/etc to get him on that bottle!
  13. Looks like you've had loads of support but just another personal experience... When I was away from home - even as late as 17 - as soon as I heard my mum's voice on the phone I would start crying and couldn't even speak I was so choked up. It was really embarrassing if anyone was around and also just not very pleasant. It wasn't comforting for me to be reminded of home, I just needed to throw myself into my new surroundings and experience. I went through a phase of not contacting my parents, doing it out of guilt and it eventually settled down into a "healthy" (if it can be called such in my dysfunctional family) communication. Hopefully this is just a phase and he is dealing with homesickness in his own way. I used to hate hearing the background noises of my little sisters and home life. I'm sure he'll come round
  14. Thank you, Fiz! I left him with his dad for my first ballet class teaching since having him last week and he cried for 40 minutes! He hates bottles! Hoping tomorrow's class will be better!
  15. Thanks Anjuli (and everyone!) Something I have DEFINITELY noticed is a lot of workout DVDs I have done (I do them for strength and variety) include a sort of tapping movement of the foot - almost like a battement pique except there's no turnout so you are basically tapping the big toe and bending it laterally against the joint. I've always tried not to put weight on this but I'm sure now the repetitive movement is enough to do some damage. Thank you everyone - feel much more confident that nobody has said "oh my god, retire now!"
  16. Thanks everyone - I only just came back and saw all these replies as we had a busy week with the family! I researched a bit online about some stretches and strengthening exercises and they actually seem to have helped already. I will go back to my GP and ask if the bunion has developed yet or is just starting, as I didn't ask him to specify as I thought you either had it or not. I'm beginning to think more and more that my foot has been like this for a while without me noticing it or really being bothered by it. I have NO IDEA why I suddenly noticed it, ha! Odder still is I didn't even know WHAT a bunion was until looking into it this last week or so. I thought it was more a swelling than bones being shifted out of place. I have always had the odd the twinge and redness on my big toe joint which I put down to my foot being bigger on the left side or wearing ballet flats where the rim (if you know what I mean) was RIGHT on the joint instead of comfortably above it. This would mean I've had this bunion literally since I was a mid-teenager (I'm now late twenties) and it hasn't gotten any worse so maybe there is hope it won't develop too much. As for pain, I feel more of an ache in my arch and in my second and third toes for some reason, and sometimes a little in the big toe joint. Again, I'm not sure if I am feeling it more now that I'm aware of it. It's really not bad pain at all. Someone asked if I had changed shoes/styles recently - I have been wearing only flat shoes as I have been pregnant. I wore high heels to a wedding for the first time a couple of weeks back and for some reason I took a good look at my feet after wearing and I think that must be when I noticed I had what appeared to be a bunion. Anyway, I fear I am rambling - thank you so much for everyone's support and thoughts
  17. Hi all, I'm a ballet teacher and literally in the last couple of weeks have discovered my left foot has a bunion. I believe this is a combination of some poor dance teaching I received when younger, as well as the fact that my left foot is bigger than my right so I (foolishly) jammed it into a shoe too small for it because my right foot fit it fine. My question is, how is this going to affect my teaching? I'm worried if I can't demonstrate properly, I won't be as successful as dance teacher as I would like. Is it going to get so bad I can't dance at all? Will I not be able to teach? Should I not go on pointe anymore? What can I do to prevent it getting worse? I have read that bunions are specific to a foot type and as such are prone to them regardless of what you do. Also that it's not "if" they get worse, but when. It's not bad enough for my GP to want to do anything about and I can't afford a dance physio. Any advice would be so gratefully received! I am worried!
  18. If anyone has any experience of doing these (particularly the ballet) I would love to hear from you! Thank you
  19. How tough for her! I don't have any advice really except I can identify with this in some ways. I didn't have a parent assisting/directing us (maybe that has something to do with it no matter how you try and not single her out) but I know that working hard and showing enthusiasm in dance class often made others jealous, but maybe that's because in my case the other girls weren't that serious and thought I was "swotting". Are the others in her classes serious about dance? Is she perhaps more than them? Did she tell you what she felt like crying about? So sorry to hear it and hope she's ok! Big hug to the both of you!
  20. Thanks all - it feels like it's been ages since I understood some of this! A good 10 years plus!
  21. I think after all that I've found it - it's Distinction
  22. I'm going through my old certificates for my dance teaching exam but I only seem to remember anything ballet-related!!! On my Jazz Award for Bronze it says I got result A - what were the categories and what does that mean? I vaguely remember getting Honours - is that what A means? It was in 2000 if things have changed. I've tried the ISTD website but can't seem to find it. Many thanks!
  23. That you fight the (half-joked) prejudice about your son taking up ballet from well-meaning (old-fashioned) family and friends because you hope he would experience the joy, satisfaction and excitement that ballet can bring.
  24. Sounds delicious! Although I reckon at the moment being preggers the gin WOULD have some effect
  25. Reading this thread has reminded me of a Scottish (I think) ballet school that ran alongside a "normal" academic school but I can't remember the name of it. Anybody know which one I mean?
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