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Everything posted by threeleftfeet

  1. Hello, again, further to my frustration yesterday regarding these two types of lists, I think I can shed a bit more light on the matter! I assumed we were going to get a 'no' because we hadn't heard anything but gone 3pm we got an email saying my dd had got on the selected waiting list for WL. Looking at what irishballetmom has posted regarding the wording of her dd's offer, ours is different. It sounds like Priority waiting list is exactly that: those students get priority. If those students decline their offer, these will be given to the selected waiting list students. So two tiers of waiting list . Snowflake, I hope this might help your dd - I explained the waiting list scenario to my dd but she was delighted purely because it wasn't a 'no'. She understands that the odds of getting a place are extremely small but that if you're on a waiting list, as Piccolo says, they still like your child. She's gone from a SWL for JAs year 4, to a 'no' year 5 but this has given her a boost to try again for year 6. I hope this might help a bit. I understand your frustration for her. My dd would do anything to just be allowed to experience WL in some way and I would cut off my arm to facilitate that, but as we know there are plenty of other opportunities out there.
  2. I know I'm ranting because I'm still waiting for the inevitable no email, but why oh why aren't RBS more open about their procedures? Why does it not say on their website what the difference between priority and selected is? This is the 21st Century for goodness sake. They seem to shroud themselves in mystery.
  3. Congratulations abitwornout! she'll be one happy girl!! i'm waiting on WL for dd and haven't heard so presume we'll be in the no list . I wish they'd contact everyone at the same time!
  4. I've just had confirmation that details of photo requirements for summer schools will be on the website within a few days. We're not at audition stage yet but I suspect the same might apply to other applications? Hth
  5. I knew I could rely on balletcoforumers to help! Thank you!
  6. Sorry for the trivial nature of this post but I'm wondering if anyone with a dc at Birmingham associates can answer a few quick questions? I've tried calling elmhurst and left messages but no response. Do parents wait for their children (if they've travelled a long way to get there) in the first weeks or just leave them to it? If they stay, is there somewhere to wait (also with younger siblings..)? We still haven't been invoiced for the autumn term, has anyone else? I'm now worried our contract acceptance has gone amiss! Do they have elastics or ribbons? Do they have buns or plaits? Thank you!
  7. My dd will be going into year 5. Anyone else?
  8. Congratulations kellyb!! That's wonderful news for your dd! I called them yesterday and they told me results for Bham were all sent out on Monday so I expect everyone will hear today. X
  9. We also applied for a Bham place in Manchester and still heard nothing so I'm as well as being sad for my dd, I'm also irritated they can't let everyone know at the same... I suppose that's the downside of forums, we end up knowing too much!
  10. Congratulations Lou, it must be very affirming to be accepted onto both schemes ????. Looks like it's another no for us if letters have already been sent so sadly the opposite applies. Hey ho!
  11. Excellent news grumpy! Congratulations! Hopefully our wait will be over tomorrow. Dd's got a ballet exam tomorrow and then EYB over the weekend so plenty to thankfully keep us occupied if it's bad news! Lema, I know what you're saying about the sibling issue. Even just getting to ballet classes each week is a right bind when it comes to keeping her siblings happy/occupied . The whole thing (I mean extra curricular stuff in general) is a balancing act and often a logistical nightmare isn't it?! I feel like I'm forever sorting out kit bags...
  12. Lema, you'll have to get yourself a good diary!! X
  13. Lema, if your dd has been accepted onto RBS JAs and two other monthly schemes already, and you're struggling to get her to these in September because of other festival commitments ( from your posts on other threads), would she still accept elmhurst if she got into that too?!! You must be one dedicated parent!! And to everyone else with associate experience, do these schemes have to know if you're on one (or more) other scheme because of different teaching techniques? I'm asking because on a local ballet school level, my dd's dance school won't allow her to have lessons at another local school because of conflicts in teaching styles. Or does this cease to matter if you get to this level? Grumpy, I've got my fingers crossed for your dd, it must be so hard waiting for assessment results. At least if my dd doesn't get into elmhurst she doesn't know what she's missing :/ Good luck and thank you for all your supportive posts.
  14. She enjoyed it! Despite doing same kind of exercises as RBS JAs audition she said it felt more relaxed. They didn't say anything about how or when results are delivered though so another wait starts...!
  15. Grumpy, ty. She's just gone in - with your, dr dances and others' advice which has helped calm her nerves a lot. Fingers crossed for this one and for all your appraisals!!
  16. Ty all for your lovely comments and wishes. I think partly I'm also upset that it would be so nice for me to get to know other parents of ballet obsessed children at these 'associate' classes iykwim? I feel like I'm swimming against the tide at the local school sometimes and have no -one to sound things off.
  17. Thank you so much! She's excited about EYB as are we which is good, thank goodness we've got that! Grumpy, fingers crossed for the appraisals too, I'll read her your message
  18. Oh dear, I decided to tell her and she was utterly devastated my heart was breaking. Grumpy and Aly - your girls obviously are elmhurst JAs. Any words of wisdom for my dd's audition on Saturday? She's never done an elmhurst one before. She's auditioning in Manchester for a place in Birmingham (b-ham auditions clash with first day of Nottingham EYB rehearsals...). Does it follow same format as RB JAs? Any tips you can pass on would be greatly appreciated!
  19. We're a no this year, particularly upsetting as we were a swl last year. Going backwards doesn't seem to offer any chance of optimism somehow. Won't be telling her till after her birthday but before elmhurst auditions on Friday. Oh dear. Congrats to the yes's though, happy times xx
  20. I sure hope so Happymum! It's been very helpful to read all these posts from current/past JA parents but I'm still a wreck from waiting. It's DDs birthday this week. If it's a no I'm not telling her till next week! If it's a yes it'll be a very happy birthday!
  21. Squeaky just to let you know, I've literally just this minute heard from Elmhurst regarding Manchester auditions by email so the times are obviously starting to filter out. I guess your DS will go into that audition just a slightly bit more relaxed!!
  22. Congratulations Squeaky! Will he still audition for elmhurst associates too?!! Jumping with anxiety every time I hear an email beep now!
  23. Thank you! She came out smiling too so fingers crossed (again!)
  24. My dd is currently in 'the audition'!! She went in happy because I was able to recount all the positive experiences I've read about on here, which put her at ease. Thank you fellow balletcoforumers!
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