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Posts posted by sarahw

  1. My dad started with silicone pads but found them too bulky - narrow feet and sweaty.


    Now uses tendu student which are fabric covered gel and less bulky and more breathable.


    https://www.movedancewear.com/pointe_shoes_accessories_pointe_shoe_accessories-tendu_student_toe_pad/1975/?sku=TE T1002&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1oDv_dH73AIVi813Ch3v9gbfEAQYASABEgJPPvD_BwE


    Large size is what you would probably need. DD has size 2 1/2 feet and in large (don't know who small fits!!)


    But it's all so personal!

    • Like 1
  2. On 25/07/2018 at 07:58, Dancing unicorn said:

    I think it depends on where you live too! We live in the country and for us going to JA’s and then vocational school was our only option! Were as if you live in an area where you have the option of excellent training on your doorstep ie London or Birmingham then I wouldn’t bother with associates or vocational school until 16! I really wish we had had this option. 


    Totally agree Dancingunicorn - same here.

    I think boys are less likely to find what they need locally.


    A related issue is parental commitments to work and siblings which limits where/when/how much  you can access Associates etc. For example the Northern CAT needs huge parental availability  (unless you live very close.)

  3. Hi


    I have the following available:


    3 sweatshirts

    34 inch x2 £3 each

    age 11/12 £4


    2 tracksuit tops

    34-36 inch £3 (zip pull working but tab replaced with metal ring so works)

    32 inch £4


    coat 32 inch £8 (slight cracking to 2 popper casings and one missing but all poppers work)


    black drama zip up hoodie £3 XL youth


    Postage at cost.

  4. Bethany


    Hammond may be an ideal 6th form for your dd. Because they cover all types of dance there isn't such a high requirement of ballet as some other places. Other possibilities Northern Ballet School?? KS Dance?? Or there are lots of musical theatre courses if that's of interest.


    There are lots of US threads on here which would be worth reading.


    Good luck.

    • Like 1
  5. Dd has very narrow and shallow feet, she's had the following which have looked and fitted well:


    Grishko 2007s can't remember width.

    Bloch Heritage X width

    Bloch European Balance X width

    Bloch Sonata ?D width


    Did have some Gamba which looked divine bur didn't last long.


    Soft blocks are a nightmare - Grishko are the only ones that fit.




    But nothing beats a proper fitting at a shop with lots of different brands.



    • Like 2
  6. I think you need to look at the whole picture. Our experience is at a different vocational school but applies to all I guess. What makes your ds tick and what makes him happy? When dd (academically able) went to vocational school in Y10 we expected academics to take a hit but dancing was what made her tick and the focus of her life. She's certainly saved on a lot of travelling time and it helps being somewhere where the academic teachers understand the vocational situation. She is probably more fulfilled than she would have been. Due to doing 1 less GCSE and smaller classes the academic hit may not be that bad...... ( I'll know in August!!)


    Good luck! I guess what I'm saying is that your ds life is more than academic exam results....

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