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Interview with the incomparable Marion Tait

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Thank you for sharing this,Jan. I first saw Marion Tait in 1968 in a cut-down version of Giselle performed by the RB touring company, as it was then. I still remember it well - she was my first Giselle, a year before Fonteyn!  This article/ interview gives a great summary of Marion’s career to date. I think she’s a real treasure. 

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14 minutes ago, AnneL said:

Thank you for sharing this,Jan. I first saw Marion Tait in 1968 in a cut-down version of Giselle performed by the RB touring company, as it was then. I still remember it well - she was my first Giselle, a year before Fonteyn!  This article/ interview gives a great summary of Marion’s career to date. I think she’s a real treasure. 

I do so agree.  I feel myself highly blessed  to have been able to see her in so many roles.  She is so intelligent in her approach to her work and it really shows.  I cannot quite bring myself to talk about her in the past sense as she still seems so real to me.

I know that she was very keen to dance Manon and was very upset when it didn't happen.  I was very sorry we didn't have a chance to see her as Bathsheba Everdene in Far From the Madding Crowd as I feel she would really have made something of that role.

It has been rare to see someone who was so equally at home with the works of both Sir Fred and Sir Kenneth.  For me she has only one equal over the last 40 years, not least in terms of utter versatility, and that is/was Lesley Collier.

I consider myself hugely privileged to have seen so much of both of them.

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