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Hi all

Was hoping I could gain some knowledge in the world of Associates. DD attended Move It last weekend and was scouted for a free audition for LSC Associates. She’s very keen on the training there however but it’s over an hour to get there. We live much nearer Tring Park so we’re also considering auditioning for Associates there? DD also thoroughly enjoys Tring’s holiday courses. If anyone has experience with either programmes it would be great if you can share. Also I believe TPA is after school and on a Saturday - should she get in can she just go on the Saturday or is it firmly encouraged to go during the week as well? Thanks!

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Hello dancemum09,


We had a thread quite recently about Tring Park Associates as they are not actually "Associates" in the same way as London Studio Centre/Central/RBS associates are.  This thread explains the difference between TPA and Tring's Classical Ballet Academy: 


I've heard only good things about LSC Associates if it's more general dance/Musical Theatre your dd is after. 

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