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Everything posted by Vonrothbart

  1. Thanks JA-Dad that gives this years no's a little inspiration to keep working harder than ever at Mids. (if she's there of course)
  2. Did your dd get a no last year JA-Dad, and what year was she successful in this time round.
  3. Congratulations balletjack and tippy-toes fantastic news, but disappointing news for us as it's a no. never mind though it's been a good experience for the girl and all concerned, and I'm sure she will get over it quickly and get back to her normal routine. The competition is really tough, so we're very proud of her for getting this far, and she is only just old enough to be in this group.
  4. JA-Dad I'm the sort of bloke who doesn't usually get excited about results etc, as there's nothing at all you can do about it, but I must say with all the previous nine pages it has made the situation a little more nerve wracking. My daughter and her husband are fine, as is their DD but I feel like popping round to their house and having a look in their post box just to see what size (if any) the letter is. I won't of course, I'll just hang around waiting for the phone to ring, and hope it's a yes.
  5. She must have crept in by a couple of days then, it must be the end of August. I know she was the youngest at the auditions, but I wouldn't think that should make any difference.
  6. eloise_please would you know the age span in year 7 by any chance just out of curiocity please, as my grandaughter is 10, I just wondered how old the limit is for year 7. I've got to say what a great day they had on Friday from start to finish and whatever the outcome, it was a day they will probably remember for the rest of their lives. Best wishes to all concerned,
  7. Great news for you JA_Dad, congratulations to her.
  8. Fantastic news theadore and krishell, time to celebrate.
  9. Calm down calm down, no news good news hopefully.
  10. Tulip and A Proud Mum, when I said "it's tough at the top" it's what you call a figure of speech. When the children are auditioning for WL or similar schools, they are near the top of their tree at that particular moment in time, if they are successful in their auditions then of course they start at the bottom again.
  11. Yeah I found it Julie, a lot of reassurance as most parents etc are in the same boat.
  12. How do some of you feel, my youngest grandaughter auditions next week for year 7. I know I should be desperate for her to succeed and gain a place at WL and of course I am for her as she really wants it. It's the other side of things I'm concerned at, such as the family life she could miss out on, eg events that happen in all families, and feel a bit scared that she could maybe grow up and lose touch like a "normal" child would go to their local school etc etc. I'm not paranoid about it, it just crosses my mind that's all. I'd welcome your thoughts on this please?
  13. It's tough at the top I'm afraid, and lets be honest, experiences like that unfortunately do happen from time to time at all dance schools. It's impossible for them or anyone else to get it right every time, and it seems some people have an axe to grind with RBS., probably due to some disappointment they have had previously, like maybe not getting through an audition or something.
  14. I hope I don't sound too hard Discouraged, but you really need to learn to accept that there well might be many knock backs on your dd's journey in dance, It's how you react that is important. It's of no use to anyone, least of all yourself to simply blame the system, the judges, a particular school etc etc. Lets hope it makes her stronger, and realise that it's a tough tough climb and gets harder with less opportunities the further up the pyramid you go.
  15. Wait until after the finals before you change your username. All the very best to your DD Discouraged.
  16. Yes that's what I was trying to say Julie, I'll pass your tips on to my daughter, it's always best coming from someone who's "done it all before" Thanks a lot.
  17. Well my grandaughter must be very lucky regarding any stress, as she is absolutely looking forward to it, and can't wait. I feel a bit sad when I hear of ten year olds getting stressed out for gods sake, they're not old enough to be putting any pressure on them, and like spax said "if they get in, great. If not try again"
  18. Not so Tango, grandaughter is in blue. Good luck to all of them.
  19. I believe there will sixteen in two groups for the final audition for lower school in a couple of weeks. Does anyone know how many are likely to gain a place, or isn't there a set number, just the dancers they want, or maybe none at the extreme if there's no one suitable for them?
  20. No different to what a lot of us feel then span.
  21. Fingers crossed for your dd Discouraged, try not to put too much pressure on her and more importantly on yourselves., Enjoy your day and feel priviledged, as some would like to be in your shoes.
  22. Yes I fully agree, it is an achievement as some good dancers won't have made it. I'm sure they will both enjoy their day no matter what the outcome.
  23. I knew the director was from the Hull area but didn't know about the others, quite remarkable and as you say it must be the water.
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