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Everything posted by Michelle_Richer

  1. Thank you Drdance Found it, It’s an interesting article; their achievement (6.5inches in 6 weeks) is quite consistent to the increases I have achieved (about a foot in 2 to 3 months). I guess the true answer is much of the same, keep working those muscles as slowly as possible whilst trying to maintain range. In other words, no magic solution for the magic muscles of the iliopsoas. As for relevé lent, yes I did misunderstand that term as I had looked up Battement lent as you had written it as "Relevé/Battement lent" which was not present in Gail Grant’s Technical Manual and Dictionary of Classical Ballet, however their usage is defined as "Battement relevé lent", but you had explained as a slow grand battement anyway which I understood. Ah well Awesome Abs class in the morning at 9.30am even if it is a Sunday, no rest for the wicked. Thank you again
  2. Hi Drdance I understand the logic behind your first comment, firstly I was doing 250 relevé reps in batches of 50 though out the day each day, then I had a mishap about 4 or 5 weeks ago with a simple step hop and my left leg (the strongest) gave way, I thought I had torn a muscle in my lower leg, as I could not bare any weight on it for a short while, however it soon recovered and I was available for class the next day although I had strapped it up with a sports compression tubular bandage. After a week or so I started releve’s again but only 2 lots of 50, as I could really feel it in my calf by the end of 50 reps and I didn’t want to push it. I’m now at 3 batches of 50. Before this happened I was doing relevé retiré’s and holding for 1 minute and alternating each leg, giving a total time of 5 minutes for each leg, those I haven’t restarted, but I can do them quite comfortably now, however at the time of the mishap it was impossible, but that came back about two weeks later. The slow grand battement I have already been doing as that on the surface does seem to make sense. The throwing action give the acceleration that make the leg momentarily weightless so its rises up to the limit of your flexibility, I was trying to slow down the acceleration so it required more effort for the lift until I had built up the strength for a static lift, but that seem to take forever, but the method makes sense. As for someone to help, that’s not an option for me other that on a very casual occasion. We did do something like this is class way back, but once a week for a few minutes is totally inadequate. I have also tried couterbalancing some of the weight of my leg, but suprisingly it makes little difference. Practicing developpe’s lying on my back is something I already do from Scottish ballet’s “Core de Ballet”, which I use as part of my morning cool-down. Unfortunately the link you gave does not work for me, I think there must be a permissions issue, and perhaps you need to be logged in. I am either doing or have tried most things recommended by the books: “Dance Anatomy” by Jacqui Greene Haas and “Conditioning for Dance” by Erik Franklin. If you are able to download IADMS article please PM me and I will give you my email address so you may send it if you are comfortable with that.
  3. Thank you Spannerandpony for your reply, I don’t specifically do Pilates, however the Body balance classes I go to is a combination of Pilates, Tai Chi, and Yoga, but its fantastic for stretching , flexibility and balance but not for strength. As for core strength and stability, at the end of my workout at home as I have a gym and studio, I end my workouts with Scottish Ballet’s Core de Ballet as a cool down but that’s nearly all floor work on a yoga matt, again good for flexibility and increasing range of movement but nothing directly to increase strength. As for ballet classes I do between 7 and 8 a week without weekend classes, but that’s generally reserved for social dancing.
  4. This is something I find really difficult, especially to create a high developpe static lift. As I have come from a science and technology backround, I tend to measure everthing especially performance when things don’t go well. Firstly my height is 5 ft 2 ½ inches, my best static lift and hold is 4ft 5 (LL) and 3ft 9 (RL), my right leg is always the weaker one. For a throwing or kicking action of the foot which stems from my days doing Tae Kwon-do, which is akin to a walking developpe’s or grand battement, then I can achieve 5 ft 7 (both legs) but for a pointed foot somewhat lower at about 5ft 2 (LL). My theoretical achievable height is around 5ft 10. My problem I believe is not so much about flexibility but the strength to lift and hold. Apart from my daily workout I also do a couple of body balance classes and an Awesome abs class every week, but progress with this static lift feels quite slow if not stuck, but in saying that I have achieve about a foot increase in height since I started measuring about 2 to 3 month ago. I know one should persevere, but there comes a time when you have to question is there a better way? That’s why I'm appealing with this Serious Question to the enormous body of knowledge that exists on this forum.
  5. Finally got my conformation today the 22 March, however the documentation is a bit inappropriate as it refers to child/gardian, I've changed it accrodingly.
  6. That’s the end of another Ballet week, I think we have been through the whole of our show sequence now, I don’t think any of us can remember it fully yet. I’m going to document is as far as I am able from my own notes and memory. Katy our teacher is going to go through it and fill the gaps in, so it’s complete and understandable. Then she will take it and hand it to the rest of the girls, as she does not have the time to generate it her self, needless to say I did ask about videoing it again and the position hasn’t changed, which would have been far more efficient. Our local class has a new recruit; a young lady in her early 30’s, she has done ballet before in her younger days. It needs new dancers for it to survive as we have had a lot of absenteeism this term. I went to this class this morning and I think I put my foot in it again with my teacher; I must stop correcting her and keep my enthusiasm in check, even though it was only once this time. Another good class from Peterborough tonight, it’s amazing how much we crammed in and it was still very enjoyable. Even better, next week when lots of class start their Easter break from Wednesday, Peterborough will remain open for Adult Ballet on Thursday. My Wednesday class at the Theatre is also open by special arrangement for our rehearsals as several of the girls have absent during the early rehearsals. So it now looks like I’m back to a full week running up to Easter, and as a bonus, I’m doing a Swan Lake workshop at Sadler’s Wells on the Saturday to finish off the week.
  7. Poor old you, my heart go out to you Fiz, your other thread reminded me so much of what happened with my mum when my step farther died and she came to live with us for a while. I do hope you make it back to ballet after the Easter break.
  8. I have noticed the view count does updated each time a new post is made on that thread and I've seen it go several days and no change otherwise, leading me to think it doent work without a new post.
  9. OK thanks everyone, I didnt check on the closing date as I sent my application in during December.
  10. Has anyone had any feedback from BRB, they were supposed to notify us in March and it will soon be over, I have not received anything as yet and the course date is fast approaching.
  11. Well who said you don’t get that Monday morning feeling when you have finished work, I really could have stayed in bed this morning after a heavy Salsa party weekend. Had to do a warm-up workout prior to my 10.30AM Body balance class, that gave me a rude wake-up call from yesterday’s (Sunday) Awesome Abs class, they really did ache after I got started. The body balance class was fine as most of it was stretching from a combination of Tai Chi and Pilates. A lot of it contained stretching with the hand holding the foot with the foot flexed, for me that was a lost opportunity, so I held my leg near the ankle, that way the foot could have an extreme stretch and remain pointed, my teacher didn’t complain and I was closest to her in class. We did some form of exercise with the arms, I guess it was derived from martial arts; needless to say I softened it as close to port de bras as I dare, which made it looked far more elegant and covered the same range of movement. Whist I thoroughly enjoyed the class, it was not a patch on the old stretch and tone class I did with one of my old ballet teachers at Sleaford. Went to my Lincoln ballet class tonight, it was fantastic, all this terms regular girls were present (5 of us), most of the time was spent on our little sequence, and some more added this week. One more week to go and it will be completed, then a whole new sequence to learn with bits added week by week. It was a real fun class. Unfortunately we ran over on time, also our teacher had not put the track on her IPod that I need to dance my bit of Choreography against the Titanic theme, so that’s next week now before I get it videoed. I know I’m going to hate what I first see, but that’s the psychological cost of getting it right.
  12. Yes that works but take me direct to photobucket site, if you select the little green square that says Image, then insert your photobucket link into the URL box, then it will display the picture for all to see.
  13. Hi Katymac You need to upload your photo to www.photobucket.com, you can create a free account if you dont have one, that will allow you to link your picture from photobucket to this site. You will find a picture I posted on "Not Dance/ Dogshow news" some time ago, appart from my mugshot on here.
  14. Hi Fiz I do hope you have a better week next week, I can’t imagine what its like to go a whole week without ballet now, it’s become such a large part of my life with up to 3 classes on some days, it’s almost like a new non-paying career. Fortunately I’m in very good health but at the same time I would not go to class if there was a risk of infecting others. However on the rear occasions when the sun comes out, I get reminded spring is on the way and it will soon have to make time for my garden, half an acre of lawn, trees and vegetable patch with 400ft of river frontage to look after. I really don’t know how I’m going to fit it all in. I got a wake-up call last weekend when I had to spring clean the house before a friend came to stay for the “MOVE IT” weekend, it was nice to get everywhere tidy again but it was hard going between classes and my workouts. I’ve just come from a Salsa party tonight (Saturday), I have asked Deborah the lady that organises our parties, if I can do a mini-performance at one of the intervals, she has agreed. The first will be full costume ballet danced to the Titanic theme using my own choreography. I’m not ready as yet as it’s only partly done. Kat my Lincoln teacher is going to record a video of my performance so far on Monday night after ballet class with the mirror behind me. I guess I will be far more critical of my performance than Kat, but it’s essential I make a proper job of things before performing at one of our dance parties, especially as their are bound to be a few that have no interest in ballet, and I just hope they don’t voice their disapproval. If it goes well it may become a regular performance for me, even though its a captive audience
  15. Phew! that’s the end of that challenging week, tonight’s (Thursday) class, we spent a lot of time in the centre doing long sequences and was really stretching my memory to hold all the steps inside it. But it was fun though. Wednesday was similar as we have added more to our show sequence, some aspects are a little hazy at the moment but we have plenty of repetitions to go as several of the girls were off this week, I was off last week at a performance so we are all catching up with each other. I think what may be come a little challenging for me and one other girls is this aspect of our show sequence: There will be 10 of us on the stage in two formations of 5 (spaced like the face of a dice) on opposite sides of the stage. The sequence as far as we have got at the moment after dancing the main part of the routine, girls will run to opposite corners of the stage after doing two balance’s and soutenue turn, when one pair depart, the next pair start on their balance’s, I’m in the last pair. While we are waiting we are stood on one leg with the other at the front in attitude, I do hope I don’t get the wobbles, bearing in mind I have six performances of these to do. I didn’t get chance to try this out as we only went as far as the first two pairs departing. We were due to start the Easter break on the 27th, however we have the theatre that day for an additional rehearsal. It was to have been my next trip to my ROH class, which is as well, as I’m in London on the Saturday for the Swan Lake workshop at Sadler’s Wells.
  16. Well thats done it, just booked it, I will swap ROH this month for this one.
  17. Hi Fiz Email sent as promised, Lincoln was another really good night tonight, only three of us though, our OOL returned and our young half a girl is now a full girl as she has since moved to Lincoln and no longer has to leave early to catch her bus. We are starting a new routine next week so that should be good then build it up week by week, that really works for me.
  18. Hi Katy Oh it was Salsa / Mambo you was doing was it, I thought it was a Pechanga class. My friend who came with me did a couple of classes, sadly I didnt do any, but had a good look round. I guess I came totally unprepared, the shoes I had on was inappropriate for doing lots of walking, I only see one other lady in heels. I had some lower ones but they were beige and my outfit was orange. I did have my ballet slippers and dance shoes with me though. I had intended doing the ballet but I had a strappy white sparkly to under my orange one and intended to pop a white circular skirt on as I really didnt want to come in a leotard as they are a real pain when you want to go to the loo, you virually have to get undressed each time. I know I go through that every time I come up to London for the ROH classes. Never the less I thoroughly enjoyed the day but was very tired when I got home. I think that was to do with not being able to sleep the night before through exitement and anticipation. Well done on you DH, 5 classes I am impressed for a guy. Im glad you recognised me, even though I had my hair in a bun, that is the reason my picture is displayed on this forum. I had my badge too, but most exibiters presumed I was a teacher or the owner of a ballet school, after a while I stopped correcting them and just thanked them for their info. Life is now back to normal, my friend has gone home this morning (Monday), I've done my workout and prep for class tonight at Lincoln.
  19. No problem, I will do that, but please remember I travel long distances to many of mine but I will give you a list including the days of the classes and the URL to each one of it exists.
  20. Hi Katy, it was lovely meeting you today, and Sheila for the first time, we finally got home around 7pm only to fund our local pub/ restaurant closed, as food was quite expensive there.
  21. If you did a full turn then you would be back where you started, Im not surprised you were in trouble Ha ha, I'm sure thats not what you meant.
  22. Yes Anjuli, I agree with pretending the barre is not there, but ultimately your hand does have to come in contact with it elegantly and in a controlled manner. I haven’t tried the turn and a half version yet, but they do look real fun and add a bit of sparkle to barre work. No sure I will be allowed to do them in most classes, as I’m likely to be accused of leading other dancers astray, but that’s nothing new.
  23. Hi Fiz Are you only doing your new class now or both of them, as I have never mentioned Nicole before ?
  24. Peterborough class was a good class tonight, about a dozen or so dancers, however about half that number were late teen students prepping for exams. We did quite a lot with pirouettes and sequences, it was quite fast moving too. My only down side is, I can’t be there every week unless I cut myself in half, that is one of the drawbacks of time sharing two different ballet classes on the same time slot. I really enjoy it though and the last ballet class for this week.
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