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Everything posted by Aurora

  1. You'll probably find she's trying just the same in both shoes but that her feet look much nicer in the split soles, this could also boost her confidence when wearing them!
  2. Well that's what I was hoping it would be but the reply from the RAD doesn't seem to say that I guess it'll be clarified further in June.
  3. I guess if people had split sole pointe shoes and deshanked them then technically they would be split sole soft pointe shoes and could be worn in the exam.
  4. My query to the RAD was whether split sole soft shoes could now be worn for Intermediate since I had never heard of split sole demi-pointes. Here's their reply: We are not saying that flat ballet shoes will be allowed from Intermediate and above we are saying that soft and hard pointe shoes can be worn with a split sole. Apparently you can now buy split sole soft and hard pointe shoes. You are correct in saying that at Intermediate Foundation, candidates can wear flat ballet shoes or soft pointe shoes. This has always been the case and the ruling remains the same although now they can wear split soles.
  5. Just found the original e-mail. It's in the Members' e-news which came on 8th March. I've copied and pasted it below: The RAD Examinations Board has reviewed its policy regarding the wearing of split sole shoes for Vocational Graded Examinations. The new policy is that split sole shoes may be worn for all Vocational Graded levels at the candidate’s or teacher’s discretion. This applies to soft ballet shoes, soft pointe shoes and pointe shoes according to theSpecificationrequirements. The use of split sole ballet shoes remains permissible in all Graded Examinations, Presentation Classes and Class Awards. Whilst this is a change in policy, the RAD does not advise that split sole shoes should be worn for examinations or during training, and their use remains discouraged. A full announcement of the change in policy will be included in the June issue of Focus on Exams, at which point the policy will be in immediate effect.
  6. Well I did query the details with the RAD when I got the information and what I've said above is what I was told. It is a new policy though so I guess the word hasn't got round yet.
  7. Thanks everyone. Hammond and YBSS clash with our holiday so they're no good. Sussex is a bit far to go. I've sent an enquiry to Centre Pointe asking for more information so we'll probably go with that one or the one run by Northern Ballet. Hoping for Yorkshire Assembly next year, maybe residential if any of her friends are going.
  8. Yes it changed about a month ago. Inter and above still require demi-pointes but you can wear split sole demi-pointes. Inter foundation you can now wear split sole soft shoes as you can for all the grades. Each teacher and school will have their own rules though.
  9. Split sole shoes are now allowed in all RAD exams but their use is discouraged as they don't strengthen the feet as much. Apparently you can even get split sole Demi pointes and pointe shoes!!! Never seen them though. I remember a friend who had hard soled soft shoes when I was younger. They were leather shoes and had a thick leather sole, never seen them since but you might be able to get them on special order.
  10. I answered your question above, why do you still need to contact the RAD??
  11. The new advanced foundation, advanced 1 and 2 will be released in august or September 2013 and examined about a year after that so there should still be more than 2 years on the current syllabus.
  12. So even if they say you've got some funding you won't know how much?? More waiting!
  13. Hmmm and I'm drinking vodka lol!!! No excuse for me though, not waiting for any results.
  14. My daughter is 8 and auditioning for elmhurst associates in Sunderland at the end of the month. I'm not too nervous about it as I'm really not expecting her to get in anyway, I just thought it was worth a shot! She's very bendy and strong so that will be a plus for her but I really don't think she's got the technique or dance quality they're after. From what I know it's very simply steps like skips, gallops, jumps as has already been said. They'll be looking for elevation, stretched feet etc. I think they get the child to do a Demi plié and hold it so they can check the depth of it. Plus stretches and I should think they'll have them sit or lie in a frog position to look at turnout. I'm sure they don't do things one at a time, or not much anyway, perhaps a few jumps.
  15. It's now not going to be shown until Thursday or Friday I don't think as another news story has come up.
  16. Bear in mind that if you don't allow your daughter to go (without a valid reason) there may always be a feeling of resentment from her. If your husband is the one that stopped her going and yet you are keen you may well find that you always have a feeling of resentment against him! Not a healthy way to live. Overall if you can make it work financially etc then I think you need to let her go to at least experience it. Once your husband sees how happy she is there he might come round, and if she's not all that happy then she'll come home. It's a hugely difficult decision to make so take your time. When it comes to it you'll know the right thing to do
  17. Yorkshire assembly have said no as they have to be strict on the age. Thought they might consider her as it was just as a day student but no such luck. So will look into the others this week
  18. I think (but not completely sure) that it's a feature about one of the dancers who has overcome a physical problem as a result of ballet. She's a courtier.
  19. Definitely agree with CeliB on the point that it's worth a shot and if they're unhappy they can always come home. But obviously lots of other factors to consider too.
  20. Didn't realise Hammond had one, will contact them for details then. Thanks
  21. Brilliant thank you! The ybss site doesn't seem to be working, technically shes a little too young for Yorkshire assembly but only by 2 months and she'll be in grade 3 by then (and already takes the grade 3 classes) so I've sent an email asking if they would consider her. It would be as a day student anyway. If that's no good I'll look at the hull and northern ballet ones again and decide which I think would suit her best.
  22. How lovely! And a hard dance for a 5 year old!
  23. Maybe if they're undecided, regardless of the standard, that's when they ask for a double pirouette.
  24. I'm looking for a summer school for an 8 year old that's held in August. Not London though as I don't want to deal with the Olympic madness!! Also don't fancy going as far as Bournemouth for the RAD one, the further north the better! Any suggestions?
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