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Everything posted by FionaM

  1. Yes I’ve booked for Alina’s 38 year old version. And the Akram Khan Giselle is a woman who has been working in the factory and is pregnant at the start. So neither young nor a virgin in my understanding. I’ve heard Alina is fabulous in it. I’ve seen Rojo in this and she is excellent (wish I’d punched the unknowledgeable person behind me who pronounced loudly ‘who is this rowjoe person’). It’s a challenging role and does require a mature actress.
  2. I have seen some of those you suggest. Kimin Kim is awesome technically but doesn’t move me emotionally. Osiel Gouneo is a one trick pony. He can spin beautifully but is limited elsewhere. On the other hand, I saw Friedemann Vogel do the most beautiful Des Grieux in Manon with Daria Klimentova, it made me cry. Such control in the adagio solo! I would love to see his Mayerling. I saw David Hallberg with Osipova just this season in R&J and it was so disappointing as he was so unconnected with the role and of course Osipova was fully immersed. I was doubly disappointed as I’d missed seeing their Giselle when he pulled his Achilles. His technique wasn’t up to the pre-injury videos I’d seen. I have not seen Lantratov and Shkylarov live but I have watched videos of both. Maybe I’ll get to see them live one day. It’s a shame Lantratov is not in London for the Bolshoi tour - I’ve been told there may be a conflict between him and the management and that his recent injury isn’t the real reason he is not here. Beyond these names that you mention there are many wonderful male dancers around ... Wagman, Hernandez, Sissens, Sambe, Bracewell, Richardson, David Motta Soares, Tissi, .... even Figuerido ....and more. And actually I agree completely with you that it is disappointing to watch any dancer (Sergei included) in offpeak form when you know they can do better. I hope I am not going to be disappointed with Bolle/Nuñez Manon next season, as Bolle May be on the retirement decline.
  3. Apologies for the double posting, that was a technical fault possibly on my side, I do struggle with posting here from my iPhone and assume the site is more user-friendly on a PC. I did not mean to post the same picture twice and had not realised I had until you mentioned it here. If there is a way to delete the duplicate, please advise. The picture was meant to be evidence against the many (!) comments that Sergei Polunin does not train or rehearse and is no longer in good shape or good balletic form. I realise a topless photo wasn’t going to be to everyone’s taste. I am as keen as anyone to see perfect technique once again from Sergei.
  4. Thanks yes I’m refreshing all the time and seats becoming available for every performance EXCEPT that one! I’ll keep trying though🤞
  5. Yes I am happy to agree with that statement. And vice versa, many anti-Polunin people on here could hardly be described as objective non-observers either. I’d already decided independently earlier today, because I have a brain and am not insensitive, that my value here is not wanted. One too many rude responses. Any reports I can give will be undermined by the forum’s general perception of me, or of Sergei Polunin. So rest assured I’m out of here. Au contraire, I am well aware of his flaws. Errors of judgement, opinions I don’t necessarily share, poor choices along his journey to be an independent artist, his imperfect English, to mention only some! I reported on his loss of peak form in Spartacus in March this year on another forum. Of course his off-peak is better than most dancers’ peak. He is on a different artistic journey than the normal company-bound ballerino and there will be wrong paths taken along the way. For instance I can see he could do with collaboration with better choreographers. Anyway that’s enough from me.
  6. I take this comment to mean you’d like me to not mention Sergei Polunin at all anywhere in this forum. I do have one question, is there anyone else on here that is going to see the show? If you don’t want to identify yourself publicly, I’d be happy to hear via personal message.
  7. Thank you for this BBB. I would be interested to know the business dynamics of this production. If anyone knows anything about it? It’s my understanding it is a PoluninInk one in conjunction with ShowBees, Ater and Verona Festival of Beauty and came about because the city of Verona invited Sergei Polunin to put on a show. If so, Sergei is the curator of it. From what I see, Johan and Sergei are collaborating together on the production and the show itself is Johan’s vision. No doubt we will hear more in the weeks before and after the premiere. There are interviews in the Italian press talking of upscaling/downscaling for future performances in Russia and India.
  8. This is Johan Kobborg’s Instagram. There are many posts in his and other cast members’ Instagram, including Sergei and Alina, showing just how brilliant this performance will be. I have only posted a few on here to keep people informed. You obviously haven’t looked or you wouldn’t yawn.
  9. The antagonism on here shown by some is enough to make anyone want to give up on this forum. If you don’t like a dancer or a dance style you are free to not follow it. There’s plenty of other dancers and styles to follow. I believe (and I am not the only person on here) that this R&J in Verona will be a significant event. The arena is close to sold out on numbered seats ... that’s 5,000 people who think differently to you. Plus many I personally know who can’t afford to fly there. Moderators - please remove the yawners. They serve only to narrow the membership of this forum to only like-minded people. Which will be to the detriment of all.
  10. He doesn’t seem worried, so I guess we wait. Tantalising! I note that the Maryinsky season only finished officially a few days ago and most companies don’t announce promotions, new joiners etc until after that.
  11. I personally don’t like this tendency for showy gymnastics it detracts from the art. It can be ok in showy pieces at galas, but everywhere else I feel the point is to show no effort.
  12. Indeed Sergei Polunin has performed both Spartacus and Crassus to great acclaim. Most recently as Spartacus in March with Bayerische Staatsballett in Munich. He will be performing Crassus alongside Osiel Gouneo with the Novosibirsk company on 13 August in the Chernosesos ancient ruins near Sevastopol. Hopefully both roles again with BSB in more accessible Munich in near future.
  13. Agree Act 3 is the best act. The narrative is the most cohesive in it. The rest narrative wise is terrible! Just back from Thursday 1/8 performance. Impressed by Yulia Stepanova as Aegina and Artemy Belyakov as Crassus - they both portrayed their roles effectively and pulled off some difficult dancing confidently. I can also see why Eleonora Sevenard is highly regarded. She gave an emotionally charged performance as Phrygia. Sadly the beautiful and lithe Denis Rodkin as Spartacus did not move me. I think the role requires for more muscular form in the legs and buttocks. I wish I’d been around to see Irek Mukhamedov live, and I am thankful for video of him to show us how it can be done. IF the RB were to do it, Federico Bonelli would be a poor choice for the same reason as Denis is. Matthew Ball, William Bracewell and Cesar Corales would be my picks to give Spartacus a go. Federico and Ryo Hirano would be great as Crassus. Pipedreams!
  14. I was highly impressed by Gabriel Figueredo in the Prix De Lausanne particularly in the Wayne McGregor piece - beautiful body work and emotion. I was also impressed with his approach in classes and rehearsals- willing to listen, learn and change despite already havun* superior technique. Such humility too. I am so looking forward to seeing his career blossom.
  15. The final performance of this tour will be in 27/7/2019 in Civitanova Marche where Sergei last danced with Mara Galeazzi exactly 11 years ago aged 18, and promised then to return. LI expect another emotional evening. Photos from 27/7/2008 http://www.maragaleazzi.com/photos/end-of-time/
  16. Rave reviews from Italy for this tour of Fraudulent Smile and Sacre in beautiful summer venues - see poster below. One more show on 27/7. Sergei added an extra performance of ‘Take Me To Church’ last night in the courtyard of Santa Maria Novella in Florence as a ‘thank you’ for the love he is getting there, especially from Florence. Videos can be found on Instagram showing his remarkable emotion, technique and stamina, and in the 40 degree heat. Ross Freddie Ray says ....
  17. There will be more performances of this R&J. Johan Kobborg remarked in an interview (I forget where) that he’s had lots of interest and that was BEFORE he had choreographed even one step! It is a Poluninink production so who knows where it will be performed next. FYI, Poluninink’s Rasputin has already been booked to perform in Zurich in November this year (stalls close to sold out) and in Parma and Milan next year. We await further bookings.
  18. In an interview with RTL (Italian radio) on Sunday, Sergei explained this will be a modern passionate real Romeo. He mentions he had thought in the past that Romeo was romantic and sweet, and that “that wasn’t me”. This is not the only video about - Johan has posted quite a few and they are very dynamic with a lot of exciting lifts and jumps not only for the main 2 parts. There is one of NG (Nikolas Gaifullin) pulling off 8 pirouettes - filmed by Sergei - and others showing Nikolas as Tybalt. He has excellent stage presence. One to watch for sure. More importantly is the passion and emotion they are all giving to it. We await an announcement of who will be designing the costumes. Sergei said on RTL on Sunday that it will be a surprise!
  19. The whole idea that male dancers are outstripping female ones, breaks down when you look at the principal dancers of the RB. I hope it is not a sweeping statement to note that ALL the female principals are highly versatile and superior in technique, dramatic, classic and contemporary roles. Whereas ALL the male principals are limited in at least one of these, or by their height. Happy to be told otherwise.....
  20. Loving the video clips on Shale’s IG story from audience and from the wings. Super debut! What next for Shale I wonder? Surely not back to lowly corps de ballet at ENB? Although ENB have not yet announced annual promotions I think?
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