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Posts posted by PetitJeté

  1. 5 minutes ago, BalletBoyMumma said:

    Oh no. :(  That is much fewer than I’d expected. 

    Our JA teacher recommended not limiting the application to just MAs (like we were planning to) - I understand why now. 

    Yes, that makes sense. It’s a big drop from JA numbers, and of course not all centres run MAs, so that narrows the field. 

  2. Just with regard to MA places, there are very few, our JA teacher (London) told us that there may be only 5 places available for year 7 girls, as apparently it’s a class of year 7 and 8, so it depends on the balance and who moves up to make space. I was shocked it was so few! Almost harder to get into than WL! (sort of!)

  3. 1 hour ago, BalletBoyMumma said:

    Good luck to the girls next week! DS said it wasn’t as difficult as he’d expected and everyone is so friendly. He had the most amazing day! I hope the other boys did too. No look around apparently though. 


    We are done now (I’m so very relieved - I’m definitely not cut out for the stress of auditions!) Good luck to everyone auditioning elsewhere tomorrow and later during the week. You are all fabulous! Go and be the stars that you are. 💫

    Thanks for the update, glad your son had a lovely day! Helpful to know there’s no tour, will prepare dd for that, as she might be disappointed otherwise. Still I guess they’ll see a few bits on their way between the class/physio etc. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, BalletBoyMum1 said:

    My son went in at 1.30, so I'm just sitting in some random carpark killing time!


    All the boys waiting in the line seemed happy and excited. I can't wait to find out what it was like as he has never done an audition before.

    Eek, hope it went well! It’s a long time to kill isn’t it! Not sure what we’re going to do, hoping for decent weather next week so we can maybe go for a walk! 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Dancermom said:

    It’s going to be a weird situation for them especially with masks. I’m sure it’ll be the same kind of format as a JA audition. My DDs experience with the JA auditions she’s always been with me so hasn’t mingled and last year it was a video. So it will be a little different for them as we won’t be there. It’s definitely going to be more of a challenge as before they’d have us there to spur them on and send them in with confidence where as now we’ll have no control over it. As soon as they enter the studio we have no control anyway but I think we do big them up a bit before they go in usually 🤣 they’ll have none of that so they all may be a little more nervous unless they’re a super confident person naturally x 

    Yes very true about the masks, they do make communication more difficult, can’t even see a smile! At least they’re all in the same position, and I think sometimes not having us parents around can be a good thing! It’s just a shame we won’t get to tour the school, which I presume in normal times would be the case. 

  6. Just with regard to grouping with JA classes or not, my daughter hardly knows her JA class, as they mixed the groups around at the start of year 6, and ever since then, they’ve been mostly on Zoom. Many moons ago, I got to the WL final, and they kept children back who they liked, gradually narrowing it down, and those who got in found out on the day! I didn’t make the first cut, but did go to the summer school that year!

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  7. 20 minutes ago, CrazyDanceMum said:

    My DD has sat 20th, arrival between 13:30-14:00 and a very specific departure time of 17:55, guess they are staggering pick ups.

    Ooo, we’re the same slot then, barring slightly different pick up time! Goodness knows what we’ll do whilst they’re in there, with everything closed! 

  8. 2 minutes ago, BalletBoyMumma said:


    I don’t know if this will work but a friend has said they can get one for me as they have to test regularly for work anyway. I’ve been told you take the test at home then input the test result to the website, along with your DCs NHS number etc and you get an email and text back to use as proof (sounds quite iffy!?!) 🤔


    Does anyone know if this sounds correct? Is that the process the schools/workplaces use? 


    If so, it looks like the school should be able to help you @TwirlyWhirly - fingers crossed! 

    Yes, my husband also does them regularly for work, so we’ll be doing it through him. 

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