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Posts posted by PetitJeté

  1. SWL for London for my dd. To be honest it’s been so long since the application she’d almost forgotten about it all. Well done to everyone, a very difficult year to be doing all this! 

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  2. It’s really interesting to hear everyone’s views on this. On the social media side, I’m sure others may have a different opinion, but personally the thought of putting my dd out there in pics wearing a leotard in front of hundreds if not thousands of followers does not sit right with me at all. I also notice with some of these girls on there that it’s all still images, no videos, and I think a false impression can be created with a photo. I think ultimately my dd not being chosen was the right thing, and I was not particularly happy at the idea of sending her off boarding at 11 in any case. But all this has made me think if the dance world is a place I want to encourage her to pursue anyway. I think for now we’ll focus on her just getting enjoyment out of it, and see where the next few years take us. 

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  3. I haven’t read all the replies, but I’ve been thinking exactly the same @Momapalooza  My dd is a JA, and got to the WL finals this year, but it was a no. I feel now that perhaps I was naive in thinking they only look for potential (although this was what her JA teacher told me!), and have thought exactly what you said about the ones who got in looking ‘polished’ (although this is based only on the social media posts, as you say!). Although I appreciate that there may be others who don’t do social media, and may not be like this. My dd has only even done one show, and has never done a competition, so she won’t have the confidence in performance of others who are more experienced in this regard. I was a dancer myself, albeit only for a short while, but it feels like the whole thing is tougher these days! 

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  4. 25 minutes ago, Motomum said:

    No it isn’t, that’s why Mark Annear head of Associates is on the finals audition panel, they identify who they want for MAs pretty much from the finals, and the Prelim videos. Mark Annear is also present on the panel for Prelim selection. 

    All the children in my child’s Y7 MA’s happened to be finalists, previous JAs and also on Wait List. 

    Im not saying that will always be the case, but IME it often is. There are always some children who come in from other associates , but usually via the finals.

    That’s interesting, I assumed the decisions were made by different teams. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Weloveballet said:

    Does anyone know with the Mid associates places whether they will be based on the original video audition or the white lodge audition or will they factor both in? Is it the same people that decide for both? I’m assuming that’s why they filmed them? I sadly have told my DD I don’t think a MA place is likely based on the fact she didn’t have the physio checks others mentioned. I just didn’t want her to get her hopes up as yesterday was awful for her. She felt that the audition had gone really well and she’d had a compliment from the artistic director too. But it seems clear they had decided no on her before the physio   

    The MA audition is just the original video. As others have said, there are very few places available for MAs, so will be managing dd’s expectations. 

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  6. I just want to say it’s so helpful to hear on here the other perspectives on this. I was a dancer, albeit not for long, so I do understand a lot of this, but it’s still easy to get blinkered into thinking a yes or no for WL is make or break, so thank you. Deep down I didn’t want to send her off boarding, and she’s so close to her sister, I was really worried about the potential impact on her too. 

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  7. Ah, sorry for all the other nos as well. So tough isn’t it. Also surprised to get the result today. I see from one of the boy yeses on here that they’re now guaranteeing 3 years, so I wonder if that means they won’t have an intake at years 7 and 8. Now the wait for the mids result as others have said, although all feels a bit flat now. 

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  8. Painful waiting isn’t it! (we only went yesterday! 🤣). I got a bit more info from dd this morning, as well as bending fingers back in the physios appt, she also had to reach forward to the floor (sort of roll down I think). But she also said they did frogs lying on their back in the audition, and also splits, so I guess some of the physical assessment happened then. She’s sure it’s going to be a no, which I guess is the better way around if it is, less disappointing. 

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  9. Does anyone know, do they send out results for boys and girls at the same time? Obviously the boys were seen a week earlier, so I guess they might hear first. I also wonder if they’ll keep some places back for those they need to see on Zoom, rather than make everyone wait. I don’t think I can cope with much more waiting!! Mind you, the emails about the summer intensive came through earlier than expected. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Weloveballet said:

    they do get cross don’t they! I got a lot out of my DD about the audition but when it came to the physio she didn’t have much to say she says they checked her toe, her pinky finger??? But no one ‘gently handled her’ as mentioned in the letter although it did say ‘May’ maybe because of Covid they are limiting as much as possible and only checking areas of concern? If so I think fingers and toes were priority in ours as that’s what she mentioned! I’ve no idea how much they can tell about the body from watching them dance. I will no doubt start over analysing! 

    Yes my dd mentioned being asked things like if she could bend her fingers back, which I presume links to hyper mobility? (which I don’t think she has?!). Good point about limited contact re: Covid. I’m going to forget about it now anyway, I trust they know what they’re doing!!

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  11. 15 minutes ago, Weloveballet said:

    it didn’t sound like they asked my DD to do much either! Is that a bad sign then? My daughters not a JA but then she’s never had injury’s of any sort so maybe there wasn’t much to check! I asked if there was a turn out machine and she didn’t remember this happening either as some of the boy mums had mentioned 

    I really have no idea if it’s good or bad, but I’m glad your dd reported the same! I presume the physios just check what they’re told, and report back, and they wouldn’t be the ones making the final decisions. I can’t get any more out of her, as she keeps getting cross with me. I don’t want to overanalyse! 

  12. Well dd said the ballet teacher was lovely, but she thinks it’s going to be a no on the basis the physio didn’t ask her to do much, in comparison to the other girl in the room. We’ve said she shouldn’t read much into it. She is a JA, so I wonder how much they go on what they know already. Anyway, what will be will be! She’s tired, I hadn’t really thought, but of course they haven’t been in a studio for months! 

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  13. 20 minutes ago, BalletBoyMumma said:

    It does get VERY busy with cyclists. 😰 No matter the weather.

    (Must admit, I was relieved when ours was a Friday because parking in the park can be a real nightmare on weekends). 

    It’s a beautiful park though. Hope you’ve managed to spot the deer roaming around - they really aren’t shy at all. 

    Are you waiting to pick your DD up now? :) 

    I am! Yes loads of deer! We actually live somewhere with deer roaming around, but nothing like as many as this! 

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