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Posts posted by margarite

  1. 2 hours ago, Farawaydancer said:

    It’s impossible to second guess what will happen. My ds didn’t start until he was 8, three classes a week when he auditioned at 10 and got an mds from one and no finals anywhere else! Dd has an mds at her school but looking at her classmates I see few reasons why some of them got funding and others didn’t.  

    Funding decisions aren’t always right. One of DDs friends didn’t get an MDS for year 7, which DD couldn’t understand as she was clearly one of the best at ballet (and other genres) and hardworking, too. I saw for myself at parents evening how good she was. Luckily it was rectified as she was awarded one further up the school. 

    Maybe she didn’t perform as well in the auditions? Or her potential bloomed between auditions and starting year 7? Who knows. 

    • Like 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, TwirlyWhirly said:

    Very interesting thread this and thank you for posing the question @Crazylifecrazykids! Yes, for any I've ever heard about (very limited experience though!) I've never heard of anyone getting the 'full house' as you nicely put it. It surely has to be connected to a 'fit'. The 4 or 5 UK dance schools that many of us hapless parents are applying for this year with our DCs do seem to provide a different dance experience and range of dance styles once you are there (if you get in) so I guess they are looking for a different range/ type of student from the outset. They also know the kind of dancer/ person who flourishes at their school, from lots of experience...and that may not be the same for all the schools. Not sure if that helps but good luck with the whole business anyway! 😊

    There was a child at my daughter’s school who was offered places at all four MDS schools - with funding! Pretty incredible achievement. 


    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Crazylifecrazykids said:

    I've enjoyed reading topics on this forum for a few years and I've become intrigued about something and that's what the schools look for because it seems to me it's not easy to work out! 🤣

    So for getting an offer for finals, for examplea child can get a yes for Hammond but a no for Tring, does it happen the other way around? Or a no for Tring but yes for Elmhurst? or visa versa. Would one yes mean more yesses. So is a no from a school a good yard stick for the other schools? but not all?  I'm really unexperienced in this 🤣 Or do all 4 schools look for something different and you just can't second guess, or work out what they may do? I've also read on here that RBS is the one where no one seems to be able to second guess! 

    Sorry for the ignorance!! Just interested and what no's form one dance school for DC might mean for the other schools applied for.

     I love this forum because there is so much experience and expertise on it 😁 I find it all really interesting.

    There’s no rhyme or reason! I know of DC who’ve had no’s to Tring and Elmhurst finals but Yes to WL and Mids. Also yeses to Elmhurst, but no’s to the others. There are a few exceptions, who get a full house of offers to choose from, but the vast majority of applicants (if they’re lucky) get one or two finals places, with one place offered.

    • Like 1
  4. My daughter is currently Year 9 at Hammond. From what I can gather, most MDS go to Y7 and Y8, but there is a girl in DD’s year who got one when she joined at the beginning of Y9. Don’t want to give you false hope - but there is a chance 👍. For the funding final they normally do a ballet class, then a modern class and then do a singing workshop on a particular musical. My advice is for your DD to go for it on each stage, even if one of these categories isn’t her thing! My daughter for example wasn’t a particularly good or confident singer, but belted our loudly in the audition! (She’s a bunhead, but Hammond training has transformed her voice - another string to her bow for the future!). Good luck x

    • Like 3
  5. 1 minute ago, The red shoes said:

    That’s a shame for those who sent in videos late as they may have offered out all their places to those who sent theirs in sooner x

    I think they offer places to everyone they like - all go back to the funding recall. There were around 40 at my daughters funding recall. When the video is watched doesn’t make a difference I shouldn’t think. 

  6. 1 hour ago, The red shoes said:

    How can they offer out places before watching all the videos??? That’s very odd!! 

    Both Tring and Hammond traditionally offer places after each audition day. My daughter was offered her Hammond place after its November audition ( in 2017) - despite there being another three audition dates to come ( Jan, Feb and March). So offering places before watching all videos is quite similar?

  7. I have the following for sale:


    Mirella deep pink strappy leotard age 12 £10


    Capezio light blue pinch front detail leotard child large £5


    Move Dance burgundy leotard with black lace and cutouts size XS £5


    Arabesque Carla pale blue leotard size 2 £5


    Mirella Cap sleeve leotard pale blue velvet sweetheart neckline  age 12 £10


    Bloch yellow floral ballet skirt age 6-8 £5


    Postage £3 per parcel


    Please DM for photos 😀

  8. 15 minutes ago, Whiteduvet said:

    @HopelessMummyIt’s such a tricky one. I do wonder sometimes at the trend on this forum to label all no’s as ‘not yets’. Yes sometimes they are but at some point a no is a no and will remain a no. The difficulty is knowing which is which. 

    I wouldn’t put too much emphasis on intensive results particularly this year. The different arms of RBS do seem to operate quite independently of each other so results in one area don’t necessarily tally up. Plus there are many odd circumstances this year which seem to make it a tricky one on which to base conclusions. 

    That being said if this no is the latest in a string of no’s from RBS then maybe the truth has to be faced that RBS isn’t the right school. This doesn’t mean there is no future in classical ballet: other schools are available which may suit children more!! 

    I do know of a child that had straight no’s all the way through JAs, years 4-6, and the same for intensives every year. Then come year 7 auditions, they not only got to WL finals, but were called back in the final few. They then got a MA place!  So you never know. Kids change SO much!

    I think it’s the attitude that counts when applying, especially with intensives that are chosen by photos and also a clear understanding of the odds! The selection committee must be so swamped with choice, and I’m sure the final choices come down to minuscule differences between dancers. I don’t envy them to be honest. My DD understands that there is nothing wrong with her if she doesn’t get a place somewhere, just others seem a better fit to what the panel are looking for. We look forward to our annual roll of the RBS dice 😆 xx

    • Like 3
  9. 24 minutes ago, SJBallet said:

    Congratulations to all the swl and yeses. DD looks to be the only no on here just now 😢

    As Raquelle said - lots of people with no’s don’t share the news (which is up to them of course). My DD has just had probably her 5th no for an RBS intensive! She’s in year 9 at vocational school and has never had any success with RBS - but plenty at other places. It must be lovely to be chosen but it’s not the only way xx

    • Like 5
  10. 59 minutes ago, glowlight said:

    Thankyou @Tulip.  Some of the language in this thread was starting to make me feel uncomfortable.


    Just as we shouldn't generalise about dancers who don't fit the 'classic' ballet aesthetic, it is just as harmful to generalise about those who do.  


    This too is body shaming.


    Slim dancers (I don't want to use the term 'skinny' as I wouldn't use the term 'fat' to describe a larger dancer) may be slim for many reasons - some may be to do with over dieting, but some people are genetically made that way.  And they still have to be talented and dedicated to get a place at vocational school and to succeed in their careers.

    My daughter (13) is a vocational student and naturally very, very slim and we had a slightly alarming experience at a recent hospital visit as a result. DD had chest pains, the cause of which was discovered and not serious, however her BMI of 13.7 threw the medical team into overdrive. I explained she was naturally very slim (her dad weighed 10 stone until he was 30!) had started her periods and ate well but they still wanted to analyse her bloods before they would let her be discharged. We were both cross questioned about her diet/health/lifestyle. The bloods  all came back showing she was at the peak of health. I completely understood why the doctors were initially concerned and I know they have to follow procedure when things are flagged, but the lasting result is that now my DD is now painfully aware  of her size and stature. Which was never an issue before. 

    • Like 6
  11. 23 minutes ago, meadowblythe said:


    Agree with many comments above.  If you are clear to your DD that without funding this is just a "let's see how far we get" exercise,  other than a hefty blow to the wallet there is little to loose.  No one knows exactly what the magic combination is.  And even then it's partly luck as to who else auditions.


    Would also just comment - the most prestigious may not be the best fit for your child.  Going on reputation alone is not a sure-fire recipe for success.  It's hard when you don't have a dance back ground - I didn't - but there is a lot more to going away to school than taking ballet classes, and the rest of it has to be right for your child too.

    This is so true. When DD was doing year 7 auditions, we decided to try the all the main schools, including Hammond, which I didn’t consider seriously for a minute as it was miles away from us. We rocked up to the audition treating it as a practice run and we both really liked the feel of the place. Suddenly it was top of our list! Luckily she got a place and some funding. 
    I had no idea what I was doing either and still don’t as never had a dance lesson in my life. Good luck on your journey xx

    • Like 1
  12. My DD was due to go to YBSS this year. When it was cancelled, the email said that everyone’s places were to be transferred to  2021 as well as all bursaries and scholarships. Obviously there will be people who can’t make it next year, so there is a  cut off point (jan 2021 I think) to confirm that you still want your place/ scholarship. There are also people on the waiting list, so am guessing that there will be very few places left open after this. 

    • Like 1
  13. 30 minutes ago, Peanut68 said:

    Well not before time & imho long overdue! Could well be a factor though in there perhaps being less bursary support available? Money can only be spent once....I think investment in boarding however absolutely the right priority & hope all enjoy the improvements! 

    Out if interest....are these in addition or instead of Hampton Lodge/Clovelly/Betty Hassell Houses?

    Apologies - am being a nosey ex parent! 

    It’s instead of them. The principal’s letter said that the old boarding houses will no longer be used.

  14. 1 hour ago, Milzmam said:

    I think I heard them say in meeting last week that there were only 17 year 7 dance pupils but maybe I misheard. If that is right then that is a lot less than previous cohorts of year 7 xx

    In my daughter year 7 class (Sept 2018) there were 18 dancers and one drama. Just over half had MDS. 
    in Year 8 seven joined but two left, so year group totalled 24. I think there are 6-8 joining this September a mixture of dance and drama, so it will rise to roughly 30 for year 9.

    I hope you manage to find some funding for your daughter. Fingers crossed x

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