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Everything posted by ponklemum

  1. Degas 9525 leotard in pink size 12A for sale. £30 including delivery.
  2. Has anyone else just had a welcome email off the Hammond? Dd can’t do without an MDS which I stated in the financial forms so I’m surprised to get it.
  3. It was for year 8. As far as I’m aware, all the mds this year went to year 7 so unfortunately there was never a chance for dd. Have you tried emailing them?
  4. I emailed them earlier and I’ve just had a reply saying no fee remission for us. I’ve heard that there were literally only a handful offered out so really there wasn’t much of a chance.
  5. Thank you. I’ve still not heard so I think I’ll email them next week.
  6. Any idea how late into the evening they send the emails? I’ve still not heard.
  7. I never had an email reminding me to send the forms in but thankfully another mum reminded me.
  8. I googled dance flooring and Lemark Floors came up. Whist I was looking on that it it gave an option of “also available as dance mat” so I clicked on it and it took me to the gaffatape site. I’m not going to order until Tuesday so hopefully you’ll have yours by then and can tell me what it’s like.
  9. That would be brilliant thank you. The second one 2x2 would be £116.34 with next day delivery.
  10. Would anyone recommend either of these please? https://www.gaffatape.com/multi-purpose-dance-floor-harmony-professional/ https://www.gaffatape.com/foam-sprung-ballet-floor-sonata-foam-sprung/
  11. Apologies if I missed you saying it earlier. Thank you for your advice and I hope you feel better soon.
  12. Thank you, however I’ve been lucky enough to get the dvd x
  13. It was the same here. My children were booked on to two different Easter schools and both gave me the offer of new postponed dates, or a refund.
  14. Oh wow that’s awful. You booked for the dates they gave out. If you can’t do the postponed dates you wouldn’t have booked your dc on to the course in the first place so in my opinion that’s not cancelling.
  15. I would hope to have the option of postponing to new dates, use the money for next years easter course or having a refund.
  16. Thank you. It’s quite a confusing email isn’t it.
  17. My dd did Elmhurst Junior summer school last year and I re applied for this year. I received an email in the middle of March saying they’ll let us know if it’s going ahead at the end of May. To anyone else that has had this email, will they also be offering the places out at the same time or does the email mean they have a place should the course go ahead?
  18. I’d like some advice regarding online classes for my children please. I’ve seen plenty that do Instagram/Facebook live classes and also some that offer zoom classes. Would zoom classes be better as they’re more interactive or doesn’t it matter?
  19. Does anyone have an IDTA Tap grade 3/4/5 dvd and/or prep to grade 2 dvd for sale please?
  20. I’m looking for rad intermediate dvd if anyone is selling one please
  21. 2faced dance company are going to do free online classes.
  22. If Claudia is streaming at 7am I think that’s our Friday night at 9. Or am I working it out wrong lol?
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