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Everything posted by stardancer

  1. Thank you Anna c,I will keep you posted, there is a 80%chance the operation will work,the surgeon said,then if not major surgery will be needed, but he has great hope,and told us she is in the best hands.
  2. Hi my lovely,miss our chats on Saturdays,how is your beautiful daughters doingxxx
  3. Hi everyone An update on my dds injury,what a nightmare my poor dd has been through, to be told there was nothing wrong on her recent mri/xra. The orthopaedic surgeon decided she will.have to live with her limitations of not walking,and get on with life,and no operation needed, just psychological unstable, by three surgeon,s three physios, one radiologist, and ten doctors,and her dance teacher,and so called friends,have just left her alone,no get well or any thought,which is very sad, what has happened to human kindness. So I decided to max my credit card,and to book a top surgeon, who found out my dds knee is not in the socket, leaving cartlidge damage/fluid,and if it had not been treated soon,it would of turned to many problems including being in a wheelchair. He is going to operate soon,privately, and he is kindly going to fund this through a trust. We are lucky to have found him,but in the mean time I am in the process of medical negligence. I hope no parent or child will ever go through what my dd has been through, and still is,the saddest part for my dd will always be,out of site out of mindxxxxxx
  4. I no girls who leave vocational school at 18/19'and are not ready for the ballet world'so either stay on for the graduate course 'leaving at 20/21. So going to vocational at 18 then leaving at 21 is no different 'infact i think this way is the best'my dds friend did this and is now in new york living the dream
  5. Thank you everyone for taking the time to reply. The same orthopedic surgeon we had seen last may'suggested that my dd had an operation if by August last year there was no improvement. It never entered my head surgery 'as i thought 'physio would do the trick'time and patience 'physio did not work'so we moved on to a sports therapist 'which my dd is still seeing 'he said today how sad and angry that my dd has to be put through this 'and if he had the money he would pay for her to have the surgery . So between my mum and me 'selling a few stuff 'and taken on extra work between us 'we can at least pay for the mri next week. Also her sports therapist suggested fundraising too. I will keep you posted when my dd gets her results. And to mummy twinkle toes'we miss you so much 'you and your beautiful dd
  6. Luck has it we are seeing another orthopedic surgeon next week .who thinks my dds knee is serious 'and needs to be taken seriously 'a mothers instinct is usually'the one to trust. Thank you for all your advice
  7. Thanks pups mum An operation is not my first option' either'after my dd had her mri the consultant said that she was very lucky'as her injury would need 3 months physio 'then slowly back to ballet in july last year 'with full range for september'her sports therapist said the same'back she went in july 'then collapsed so more physio 'then Sept "her legs buckled 'so more strength training massage'rest good diet. December came back to ballet 'and now her leg shakes more now she finds it difficult to walk and limps'she cannot straighten it'she still goes to the gym but cannot jump run or skip'and walk properly'she is in pain most days 'and feeling very sad'we have tried everything'so it is either sit it out and pray for a miracle'or surgery. We are also limited to where we go as her knee buckles most days'today was really bad after strength training her knee gave way down the stairs 'and she fell down' leading to a trip to casulty 'just bruised but probably mentaly battered more
  8. Hi My daughter has a excellent sports therapist 'who recommended my daughter have an operation 'after Four sessions a week since may'he thinks it is flooting cartlidge. He sees my daughter go through pain and hard work since may and has become part of our family 'when the orthopedic surgeon has no idea. I have asked for another referral today 'and mothers instinct is telling me something is wrong
  9. Hi my lovely Every time she bends or does squarts /stretching/walking"her bad leg uncontrollably starts shaking'sitting is the only time it stops'her mri said her knee took a knock leaving cartlidge damage 'so straightening 'bending and climbing will be difficult 'but after 3 months of physio 'whom is his wife)she should be back to ballet last july'if by chance she is one in a million it does not work he will operate 'but he cannot remember saying this even though he wrote to my doctor 'recommending this. Her sports therapist recommends a procedure of washing the knee out or stem surgery 'but the surgeon is having none of it
  10. Hi My daughter injured her knee last april 'cartlidge damage'she has had physio and a sports therapist since may'the shaking stopped 'then she started back at ballet in december'after knocking it on the stairs'her knee buckled'she cannot climb the stairs 'the shaking came back. Her sports therapist said she needed it operating on asap'but today her orthopedic surgeon says time will heal'and knee surgery will not help cartlidge damage and she may need to live with the shaking and not walking 'any advice
  11. Thank you for your help.yes my daughter was thinking about both of them. I was just a bit concerned as we have not applyed abroad before'and i hoped someone had been to either for advice
  12. Hi Does anyone no what the difference is between the international summer school in prague'and the masterclasses in prague. I am a bit confussed
  13. Hi my dd did the advance level 'i have also been to enb/central and london studio i also thought it should be ruled out'how wrong was i. Xxxxzz
  14. Hi my dd did this fantastic summer school 'she did the classical course the standard was high very friendly fantastic studios. The presentation was a mix of ballet students one side'jazz the other side 'that was wow'then the comtemporary on the other side 'they all had the same amount of time. My dd would live to audition here for ballet. Hope this helps i even have a lovely hotel i no where you can stay A summer to rememberxxxx
  15. Hi my dd is a bit older ,but if she is lucky enough to go to vocational school,I will be the mum ,who will be crying none stop at the door,my dd is my best friend and my daughter. I remember two years ago at elmhurst summer school I cried so much ,that the teachers were comforting me instead,I am well known in elmhurst for this ,funny I no ,but at that time I felt terrible,while my dd waved me on with such a happy smile,I felt so proud. We have all shared the same adventures with our children,and leaving that chapter behind can feel sad and frightening
  16. I also feel my dd should take as many gcse as possible biology was her favourite, but I probably have to swap it for maths,for financial reasons. I feel guilty I cannot give her all the gcses, but homeschooling has given her a fantastic education, she just lacks the paper at the end. Thank you everyone for your advice,, maths and English it is,us as parents can only do our best,and with me homeschooling, working and having to travel four times a week to her dancing school,which is a hundred mile all round trip it can be exhausting
  17. Hi I think maths it is ,and thank you for the tip on the art ,my dd will not be taking that,although art is very beautiful. I phoned elmhurst and they told me as long as she takes one a level,the royal also but tring said no gcses but five would be lovely at A to C,and a levels do not have to be taken. How true is any of the information I have been given
  18. Thank you ,that is what I thought ,but they told me to pick any gcse that interests my dd,and try not to worry. I am afraid if I did this a year down the line will be very different
  19. Hi I homeschool my dd and this week we are in a bit of a dilemma .my dd has any choice to take any gcse ,but what do the vocational schools require you to have. I had no joy with any of them ,although very friendly ,they are telling me not to put to much in to it,what I am asking is my dd is going to take english ,French,and Japanese ,and maybe gcse dance,should she take maths and biology ,or is it not needed,funds are getting very tight with dance fees aswell
  20. Thank you everyone ,I am quite baffled why my dds ballet teacher did not no this information ,I am going to phone around tomorrow ,and hopefully will find a least one fingers crossed
  21. Hi Lovetodance2003 My dds teacher would love to teach your dd it is a shame you didn't live up north, as you would be very welcome to join,more the merrier. Hi taxi4ballet We have tried the local comprehensive schools but have been met with hostility.
  22. Hi my dd ballet teacher is starting gcse dance.but is having trouble finding a hosting centre to take the exam for about six students. Can anyone help or have any ideas,we are in the north, but will be willing to travel
  23. Hi Harwel My dd also attended tutugirls school ,and I agree 100% it is a fantastic summer school ,all the children were extremely talented ,very friendly a credit to all the parents. My dd did the swan dance and pas de deux it was so professional ,every child got there moment to shine ,and they all sparkled . Tutugirl made every child feel special ,this is one summer school that should be top of everyone's list next year. And also the added bonus of everyone singing happy birthday to me made my night ' 21 again as always.
  24. Thank you mummy twinkle toes,my dd loved york, she is an associate of the scholars, so the teaching is amazing they are like a big happy family. I loved the senior ballet and the tribe dance wow. Also the little ones were so beautiful. The teachers were very heartfelt at the end with there speeches, and the awards were given to three beautiful girls. I am sad to say my dd will not be returning to the associates in September as she is going to elmhurst, but it will be sadly missed, I would tell everyone to audition there,it will remain in my heart always xxx
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