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ENB - booking open

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Is it in order to post a rather delayed note that ENB bookings (for example for the Coliseum Christmas Nutcracker and Raymonda) have opened? I was tipped off by a friend, as I didn't see any of the usual alerts. 

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Checking out the ENB prices and they're not too bad at all compared with the ROH. They also have an impressive list of discounts and I was amazed to find I'm entitled to a senior discount of £5 as I'm over 60 even though I haven't yet received my state pension! I'll definitely be booking for Raymonda but does anyone have any idea about casting yet? Will Tamara be dancing Raymonda? Will Alina return? I'd like to see both of them if they're dancing so does anyone have any idea when casting will be announced? I know they're sometimes quite late and obviously, at the moment, casting is even more provisional than usual but still it would be good to know.

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