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Sometimes Always Never

Jan McNulty

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I had never even heard of this film till I got an email from a friend and then there was an item on Breakfast News about it a few days ago.


My friend and I went to see it this afternoon and it was a total delight.  It is one of the films I have most enjoyed in a long time.


I don't want to give any spoilers but it is a small cast ensemble film about a family who plays Scrabble.  Nothing really happens in it but I just got drawn into their lives and didn't want it to end!


The ensemble cast, led by Billy Nighy, was just wonderful; subtle but meaningful acting at its best.


The film, which was largely filmed in Liverpool opens with a scene by my favourite Iron Men on the beach very near where I live.


It seems to have a very limited release but it is being shown at some Picturehouses.  Do go and see it if you get the chance.

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Do you know who is mainly going to show this film.....eg is it a Picture House or Curzon type film?

Theres a fab new cinema in Lewes right next to the station called "the Depot" which is an independent but quite arty ....looks like their type of film!!

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