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Top Gear sadness

Lisa O`Brien

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Is anyone else on here sad to see the end of the Three Amigos [Clarkson,Hammond and May] presenting Top Gear for the last time tonight? Found the closing titles,minus the music quite touching. A shame the BBC voice over person had to chime in and interrupt. I don`t particularly have anything against Chris Evans,but I cannot imagine TG "working" with him presenting it. Have come across a lot of people on Twitter saying they are not going to watch it any more. I still feel undecided. I suppose I feel I ought to watch several episodes ,to give it a chance. But tonight definately felt like the end of an era,and not in a good way.

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No, I'm not going to miss them!

No, neither am I or the seemingly unavoidable,endless tedium of the Jeremy Clarkson saga. What's he said this time, what did he mean, who has he offended, he's only saying what we all think isn't he but only our Jezza can get away with it, what a lad he is. 

 I found the programme quite unbearable the one time I watched it to see what all the fuss was about. Admittedly, I have little interest in cars apart from whether they go or not. But Top Gear just seemed to be an extended, extremely well paid jolly for three overgrown school boys with Jeremy as the leader and the other two, well, they were just the other two, doing their dream job playing 'adult' vroom vroom.

Together with an enormous budget and a sycophantic audience to laugh along with their witless chattering. To think this is/was supposedly the show that allegedly kept the beeb afloat and now we have Chris Evans to look forward to. Really?

This is only my opinion though, perhaps I just missed the point of it all.  Millions of people loved it so I must be wrong. I don't mind being in the minority.

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Yes Lisa, me too. We all LOVE JC in our house! Such a shame it's all gone wrong for him. I hope he sorts himself out and comes back with something else as good as Top Gear one day. He does need to learn a few lessons though first, like growing up and becoming a bit more responsible, but OFF screen only though!!!

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I found the banter between the three entertaining too. In the final show, I thought the linking bits showing Hammond and May without Clarkson only emphasized that the show wouldn't have worked with just the two of them, and I'm not sure how well it's going to go down with Chris Evans at the helm. However I did think that Clarkson had been given too much leeway until now, and definitely deserved to go after punching that poor producer.

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