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Posts posted by straceydor

  1. I spent two years running between competitions and MTB and really tried hard not to miss either. Unfortunately we had to miss some MTB as my dd's dance school had our prior commitment. Also when my dd did get to MTB she found that her group hadn't done anything not even a warm up ( my dd's assessment not mine).

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  2. My dd also loved it.  Just can't wait for the results now.  While waiting for my dd to finish audition one of the other mothers was talking and said that she received feed back last year about her dd. Not sure if this is correct but it would be good to know.

  3. I am no expert but my daughter has done both ballet and gymnastics at the same time. Both of which she enjoys. my DD can do splits 3 ways in both dance and gym. Her gym teachers were regulated and had a professional body of which they were members. they also had badges which progressed from stage 9 upwards. The teachers did gently press down (more like press and release) when the children were doing splits if they felt that the child could do a little better.

  4. AS people can do anything they want to do the problems start when they do not want to do things that they have to.

    The statement above does not make sense but it will to those dealing with AS

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  5. Languages have evolved and devolved over the years both written and spoken.  English spellings were optional until after the print press. Britain is only a small country but different parts have different words for different things and even your age and peers and family will have sayings that only apply to yourselves.

  6. Silly question but how do you store your tutu's ? My dd's usual tutu's I store by pulling the leotard part inside out and the 'tutu' part is then caught in the leotard and stored in a bag but how do you store yours.

  7. It is not her main class and its been going on for a couple of months, I am not sure how many there are in her class but I think it is about 15-20.

    "there is always something which can be improved" that's what I thought and I assumed that she had been corrected

    The class' are based on age and were auditioned before attending and the teachers are not  easily accessible

  8. My dd age 11 has said that she is not getting corrected in a ballet class. 

    Would this mean that she is

    1. getting everything right and not being stretched

    2. not being seen doing it wrong

    3.the teacher believing that she can not do better than she already is and so not being corrected

    4. my daughter not realising that she is being corrected


    Any one any ideas ?


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