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Everything posted by Katymac

  1. You pay a fee every year to maintain your DBS as up to date - employers can check this
  2. She loved it but only managed about 2/3rd of it Her cousin is a singer in the backing group the Ballet use and she 'organised' it. The ballet mistress suggested Manana? but she will be flying home
  3. She got to join in the company ballet class for Ballet Revolucion Without leotard, ballet shoes or ballet bun - how the professional live!!
  4. Can't imagine what 50 shades of pink would read like!!
  5. TBH the chocie was get them clean or buy new ones - I don't think you understand the shades of grey involved & for those that like washed out - these would be approved of......def a pale shade of pink (but at least not beige or grey) & finally domestic goddess I am not!! DH does all the washing, ironing & cleaning in this household - I just step in for the more tricky situations If I did it again I think I'd start with the washing soda - it had the most effect imo & the others might not be necessary - but it is strong and I think it is what made that one pair disintergrate
  6. Well I have ten good pairs, one excellent pair & one pair that disintegrated!! Not a bad return on a mornings work Individually I think each method wouldn't have worked but in sequence they were successful!
  7. They are in the washing machine now They have been soaked in Vanish, then colour run remover then washing soda (remembering to rinse well in between as miing chemicals is never a good idea) & they look remarkably pink, considering they have had no dye added - I may just leave them as they are with a new pair for exams/assessments?
  8. They have soaked overnight in vanish - some improvement They are now in colour run remover If I can get them light enough and not a shade of grey/brown then I won't bother about making them too pink but the grey has to go!! Yes the normal dye is for natural fibres, so it would need to be a polyester dye (which is more expensive )
  9. Seems a bit moot really as after the summer DD's legs will be so dark they will look ridiculous!! But pink needs to be 'pink' sadly
  10. I have red food colouring My red/pink towels are all well washed because of it - she has a new (to her) pink leotard I'll try
  11. DD has lots of pink ballet tights for college - they have no snags or ladders but they are grey, very very grey I have put them all in a bucket of vanish - but how do I make they a decent colour again? So far we have suggested beetroot or permanent red ink (but just a drop or two) So how long do they soak for or should I add bleach too? I wondered about washing soda? Can you tell I am lost?
  12. From their Facebook page: "Don't miss out on our auditions on Sunday 3rd July! Seeking dancers of African and Caribbean descent, aged 14-19 years. Register NOW at www.artistryyouthdance.com/register " DD had loads of fun with this group
  13. She is excited - my husbands cousin is a singer for them, so she will be allowed back stage & will meet them all
  14. Just to let you all know after much discussion this is likely to be postponed until next year to enable more fund raising DD is hopefully off to Cologne to see Ballet Revolution instead she is 'consoled' by this
  15. For college? Yes she is just finishing her first year at Performers, she is going on to do Dance Theatre and got a scholarship fro full fees and a bursary that funds accommodation, food & uniform She had a blip early in the year after my dad died but she has caught up on her coursework and is now doing really well again
  16. Yes I'm 48 & my mum is worried about me (my business went bust & I am starting a new one and she is panicking big time!!)
  17. Pictures explained it It's lovely that she gets invited back - but I am quite 'out of the loop' now & as she is 18, I don't have much say But it's Jamaica & I do worry Probably because I am a nightmare!! There is a show tomorrow for the Lord Mayors Patrons Lunch (not sure where apostrophes go in that!) in Trafalgar Square at about 3- so I think they will be hoping to raise money there (I guess) DD couldn't go to that
  18. I've passed on some of the tips - it's hard because I'm not really involved as DD left
  19. DD has a lovely laptop case with ballerinas on & had a phone case (but it broke)
  20. Thanks I have passed on suggestions to some of the people involved It seems an impossible target
  21. Part of the problem is, as a sort of 'associate' type scheme, the children come from all over the southeast to their classes in Islington So there isn't a local' But DD might try our local paper & I'll suggest it to the teacher/organiser
  22. Thank you so much Janet DD was so excited & then they found out it might not happen as it is only weeks away
  23. DD has been invited to go to Jamaica (I mentioned it already) & her grandma has funded her portion of the trip. What I didn't realise when we were offered the opportunity was that the rest of the funding hadn't been raised. Each child has to fund their bit and the organisation is trying to fund the rest I have many issues with fund raising especially for a 'jolly' but from the sounds of it they will work very hard over there (in the wrong time zones for their bodies) and produce a performance. It would feel inappropriate to ask for DD but as this is a group trip and there are children from all sorts of backgrounds going I decided it would be OK to post a link to their fund raising page in case anyone would like to support them I hope no one is offended (& I asked a moderator first) https://www.gofundme.com/aydanceco
  24. I would use a bought short & bra top then possibly use georgette to make the skirt/top, you could possibly use a ballet skirt but matching the material to make th top could be tricky If you wanted you could drape a folded in half (or cut & hemmed) silk scarf from the shoulder down to the hip or even a large square scarf with 2 adjacent corners tied at the shoulder and brought up under the armpit If you want to send me a PM I can send you some pictures (I can't send you a PM atm - there is a problem, sorry)
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