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  1. has anyone asked for financial assistance? The "start here" button doesn't work on the webpage indicated - at least for me... has anyone tried to click on it?
  2. Yes, we are watching English films a lot with Hungarian subtitles. And it helps a great deal!
  3. I hope she will take it as a funny adventure... She understands her Russian teachers who speak in English with the students, she understands the words referring to movements and all (after all it is all in French but the time she will spend outside the classroom will be interesting She is very shy... but let's hope that she manages the situation and will be able to make friends even with this language barrier
  4. Thank you for the advice, yes, she has been using Duolingo for some time now and has English lessons at school but the latter is so unaffective, (very poor quality of language teaching in schools here in Hungary). I hope she would understand the teachers because here in Budapest she has foreign teachers as well who speak English (but they are Russan, Ucrainian, so that's not the English English she will face in England I try to finish worrying
  5. Hello there, are there any parents among you whose child will go to the first week of the summer intensive and is age 10-11? I would be so happy to contact you and have some talks, make our children know each other a bit... I know it is not a school year just some days, not a big deal, but my daughter has never been alone without me so far AND she knows very little English (though I started to teach her how to use google translate in live conversations
  6. Hi there, do you know by chance when a response regarding the financial assistance applications should arrive? The deadline for paying the course fee is March 28, and we haven't got any response yet... (I wrote a letter to the address given as well, with some questions about the application 3 weeks ago and no response - it is a bit complicated for us, living in another country, the tax year is not the same as in th UK and there are other differences too. Not so simple to fill the application form. I can only hope that we didn't make any mistakes in filling it
  7. Can you clear this to me? Is it like this? We are absolutely new to this whole thing and not living in England we don't have any info about how the school works ... -->They have hundreds of photos of applicants (just for the 10-12 years old category) and they have a look at every one of them (I suppose, very shortly) and try to see the skills and attributes of the candidates. If they see something, they put the photo to the yes folder if not, to the no folder if it is a maybe then in the waiting list folder... to put it very simply... and then if someone is applying another year, and the supposed skills/attributes are not changed according to the photos, it is obvious that the applicant will be chosen another time. No?
  8. Hi there, Can I ask how many children are in one group? Do they send a list of what you MUST put in the child's luggage? If your child sleeps there - is it still possible to see her in any way during the week, or you put her in on a Monday and see her next time on Saturday? Were there many girls from other countries? Anybody who spoke only a little bit of English? That's the case of my daughter - we didn't imagine a positive answer at all and financial boundaries were/are also huge to be able to afford the journey and my staying in London... So it was more like let's try to get in and if a miracle happens then we are happy with the result but can't accept it anyway so the victory itself is the YES to the application... but now, we see it differently and try to finance the whole journey. She has to enroll to an intensive English course now here in Budapest but we have so little time left. She never went to a school trip or anything without us so far, and now she has to be alone for 5-6 days without a common language... I am really scared but at the same time, want to fulfil her dream at any cost
  9. I have no idea how many applications they could have this year, but does anyone know anything about the previous years?
  10. I've got it among the promotions, check it there, maybe?
  11. My little daughter is in! Oh my god! I hope many of you will get the same result!
  12. Oh, don't tell me, my daughter is so anxious since October - that is when we sent the application. I hoped she would forget about it, she is so young (turns 10 this week) and has a lot of other things to do, and we are also from another country, I suppose they don't get too many foreigners... but no, she asks me literally every day since October about the summer intensive... and I don't really know what to answer, we know nothing about this course nor about the school itself - it is just a big dream for her, as her idols are all dancing at the Royal Ballet...
  13. Hi there, I can't find a topic about the summer intensive of 2023 - so I ask here. Maybe there's someone also waiting for the results... does anyone have a yes or no already? A month has passed since the aplication deadine (okay, 2 days left till the 21st and we are so nervous and impatient now with my daughter... Thanks! (update: I found the actual topic!)
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