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Ballet Saga

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  1. My advice would be don’t go too mad! You can always send things if they need them, and they’ll be home regularly. A sharpie is the best way to label things. You usually don’t need any extra furniture, the rooms will likely be small and the kids that bring masses of extras just take up all the room!
  2. My son has recently done all of these finals (including Elmhurst) and he said ENBS was the hardest (but then again they only did one round this year). It’s really hard when it comes to exams as they don’t mark you on physique or what a particular school is looking for. Rather than exams achieved I would be concentrating on technique. My son only ever took his intermediate. But he has worked extremely hard over the last couple of years perfecting his technique and that’s what has done him well, not exams.
  3. You could try for an MA? Don’t be put off by the eligibility requirements on the websites, contact them directly and plead your case! You can get a student loan for it. There seems to be quite a few dance MAs that are a year long. https://www.postgraduatesearch.com/pgs/search?course=dance
  4. Agree with above. She’s at the right level. Vocational schools don’t expect more than intermediate by year 11. Plus it doesn’t really matter anyway. What matters is how she dances at the audition, that’s what they will be judging her on. But it’s handy to have your intermediate I would say.
  5. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised! I’ve enjoyed watching at the cinema.
  6. Does she do any drama classes? That could help her. I don’t think you need to be a noisy and over the top child to succeed in ballet. And she’s so young, I would just keep encouraging her and she will learn to find her voice. I honestly wouldn’t be worrying about this right now because of her age. If she still won’t talk to her ballet teachers in a few years then I would be wondering if there is something behind it. Children change dramatically as they grow up. A shy and quiet 6 year old could be an outgoing and loud 12 year old!
  7. End of next week they should be out.
  8. I’m sure it’s an online video but they expect a solo. My DC didn’t audition for them but he heard that’s what they want.
  9. I think the schools want talented kids. There are a lot of decent kids out there and that’s part of the problem. The jobs can take the best of the best. Plus it’s being at the right place at the right time. So it’s not even about being good or not. I’m sure all the kids are good dancers after all the years of training. The schools are all good schools. It really is heartbreaking for the kids after they’ve worked so hard.
  10. Yes I would like to know this too! A lot of schools seem to have such successful graduates…But statistically that can’t be right! I’m sure the schools just give the impression of success for most. Which at the end of the day pulls in pupils which is what the schools need to run… Also worth noting the schools that assess out or don’t take many of their own into the graduate year look so much better on paper! And it’s quite obvious why! Edited to add: this is why I tried not to listen to the ‘noise’ when it came to decision making for my DCs school. Looking for graduate destinations doesn’t tell you much about a school.
  11. I think hard work and determination count for a lot!
  12. Gosh! It’s madness. I know even in non arts industries it’s similar. So many jobs are insanely competitive for young people. But I do believe the attitude ‘it might be me’ isn’t a bad one to have! Keep going!
  13. I think it’s worth noting that even a ‘top’ school doesn’t guarantee a job. I know a lot of people are swayed by the names of schools. Schools are a business in their own right at the end of the day. They need students and they know that there will be hardly any jobs for their graduates. That’s just the reality of it sadly. Hence why all the graduate schemes have popped up (another business). I fear for my DC like all of us do our kids. We want them to find work. But only a few will. You have to keep trying though if that’s what you want. I would say don’t be too picky when it comes to a job, a job is a job at the end of the day! Good luck to your DD. Good luck to all the graduates this year. I wish there was a job for them all.
  14. The email says early April so should be soon
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