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About BarahobaMechty

  • Birthday 07/04/2011

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  • Interests
    Ballet(duh) Theater, and music

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  1. thank you, I'm somewhat better now, however definitely not in go see performances in crowded theaters better.
  2. I would but in an unfortunate turn of events the universe has decided to give me covid... SERIOUSLY UNIVERSE WAS THIS THE BEST TIME?!
  3. And yes, I am converting my friend to balletism.
  4. Not sure where else would be an appropriate forum for this but on Friday I'm going to the World Ballet Series performance in San Diego! I have a friend who's going with me and we are coordinating out outfits and putting together Odette and Odile inspired dresses! Not like full ballet costume but more flower girl gown at a swal lake wedding. If I ever get married that will be the theme lol.
  5. One of my tips is get a "sailmakers palm" thingy on Amazon, it's a little thing with a mit of metal in your palm to make pushing the needle in easier. If you don't want to do that you can take the clear cap of that little sewing kit in a bottle you get with your first pair of pointe shoes and use the tip to push the needle in.
  6. Thank you! I'm currently learning Russian because being from a family with high expectations I already study at a Vaganova method school and(assuming the war ends by the time I am old enough to apply) They want me to try to get in so I wrote Vaganova Dreams in Russian with English characters. Sorry for the long explanation, it kinda happens randomly when us dancers get to explain all of our dance stuff lol. I'll make sure to label everything I can put a label on, the dollar tree and their not actually one dollar iron on labels better watch out! I'll keep that in mind, as many bobby pins as I can reasonably afford, if dancers had a penny for every bobby pin we lost we would be able to pay for our whole tuition in pennies. Full board, and a girl. Even if it doesn't leave I'll probably label it because I'm assuming roommates will do that thing where your sibling insists that you stuff is their's so having names on stuff will help out a lot.
  7. Basically asking for advice for all ballet dancers who are going to full time vocational schools because there's not lots of info online
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