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Everything posted by Linnzi5

  1. Edit: When I say I haven’t seen Osipova dance in a few years, I mean in big, classical ballets. I have seen her in other, shorter works.
  2. What you say is not at odds with me and I think you are entitled to your views. Though I can’t agree with all that you say (I didn’t feel that Osipova was a parody of herself) I do think you make some valid points. I too noticed a lot of flat feet and technical differences (I won’t go into them as you have listed some things I noticed) and wondered if she was injured or ill. . i haven’t seen Osipova dance in a few years and was surprised at the differences I saw. I agree with @bridiem and would say there is a decline that is more obvious, perhaps, in purely classical roles. What I did love though, was her joy of dancing - her constant humour and the smile on her face. Did I like all of her characterisation? Not all of it. Did I enjoy watching her? I actually did. I found her joy compelling to see. I didn’t always like that she altered some choreography, but that’s just personal taste and she is Natalia Osipova, so who am I to question that? Overall, I didn’t feel last night’s performance was one of the stronger ones I’d seen in quite a few areas, though I did enjoy the evening, despite me not feeling that great (I have laryngitis, much to my husband’s delight!) I will do a proper post about how I felt later.
  3. I'm going to both. I'm looking forward to tonight and though McGregor isn't my cup of tea particularly, I'm still looking forward to tomorrow.
  4. Thanks for the information. I'm so glad they either edited it out or used the previous recording.
  5. I have felt the same. In my opinion, though the dancing may be well executed in this run, Laura Morera's Mercedes is the definitive one for me and I have yet to see it matched.
  6. Thanks for the information - I have been so curious about this cast. I was sorry not to be able to see this performance. I think Acri makes a terrific Benno, so I'm not surprised his Basilio was very good. I am a huge fan of Sae Maeda - I love her dancing. Julia Roscoe I have seen several times but not in something as prominent as Queen of the Dryads (though I did see her in rehearsal with Monica Mason for Giselle online and thought she was very graceful then). That is such a tricky solo and I don't think it's easy to pull off with grace and elegance. I believe she had a bad injury? Glad she is back to top form and I'm sorry not to have seen her. I think Espada is difficult to pull off. It's not about the dancing so much for me, it's more about the swagger and character. I have really loved Hirano, so far, and particularly liked Richardson too - the latter being very swoon worthy! I think that Hinkis is a good First Soloist and I have seen her quite a lot in those sort of supporting roles. Kitri is a challenging role that surely requires an established Principal to do it justice? It seems to be technically very demanding and needs a good actor to pull it off too.I know she was covering the role and that Takada''s injury meant she couldn't dance, so this was a great opportunity. I am very much looking forward to Friday's Don Q. I'm rather intrigued to see what I think.
  7. That is an interesting question. I suppose only Carlos Acosta can answer that. My favourite Kitris, so far, have tweaked little bits but mainly stayed true to the original choreography and that has worked for me. I am not someone who looks for flashy moves, so they generally (though nice to watch) are not what I appreciate, especially if the characterisation and storytelling aren't there. Don Q is basically a love story. If I don't believe that Kitri and Basilio are in love then glorious dancing and technicality aside, it won't work for me.
  8. I don't think you're being controversial here. Whenever I have seen Osipova, she does things her own, individual way - I think some love her impulsive nature, and her unpredictability as it is exciting; you just never know what she will do next. On World Ballet Day, her dancing was tweaked (or there were suggested corrections) from Zenaida Yanowsky which she appeared to take on board. Whether those corrections made it into her performance, who knows. I have read principals saying that they listen to corrections (particularly on technical aspects) but don't always do interpretative ones. Also, in interviews, I have read that pairings also may have different ideas and come to compromises. For me, characterisation is vital - that's the whole point of a narrative ballet (well, generally, in the big, classics, though sometimes it is just about pure dancing) - whether I like those characterisations or not is another thing. I am looking forward to seeing my take on Osipova and Reece Clarke together. However I feel, I know it will be unique from Osipova - that is one of the reasons I decided to go (and I rarely see Clarke, so wanted to see his Basilio).
  9. Indeed and if the Basilios are free to do that, then I can see no reason that the Kitris shouldn't be afforded the same individuality. From World Ballet Day, Osipova did say that, for her, she liked the comedic aspects of the ballet, so I'm guessing that is how she interprets her role? Lots of fun and cheekiness?
  10. Thank you for all the reviews/opinions about the matinee performance. Osipova is definitely a force of nature and unique (in my experience of when I have seen her) and I am looking forward to seeing what she does on Friday. She doesn't always present what I am looking for in performances but I like that she has the confidence and experience to do things her way. From World Ballet day, her Kitri appears to be spirited and 'sassy' and the comedic aspect of Kitri's character is something she likes. It will be refreshing to see a different approach. I'd be interested to know some more details about the Acri/Hinkis performance and what their interpretations were. I sadly didn't get to see them.
  11. Sumina Sausalito really made me giggle! How does autocorrect come up with these things?! 🤣
  12. Quite. I have emailed a fair few times begging for it to be on the stream! 🤣
  13. Yay! I'm off to watch Nutcracker! Thank you. I would have logged on and eventually found it! 😀
  14. There is no option on the response button for a sad face - so I'll do it here instead.
  15. I watched them at the insight rehearsal - I'll be interested to see their polished performances. I agree that Buvoli's Queen of the Dryads was very elegant - it looks such a difficult solo!
  16. I am looking forward to hearing the views of those attending tomorrow’s performances. I hope you all have safe and straightforward journeys.
  17. I have never had a booking issue yet, other than I can never get, via the website, insight RB in rehearsal tickets as they are sold out before I get access to booking. That is disappointing though I have been lucky enough to be gifted some tickets - for which I am extremely grateful and extremely happy about! 😊 I am so disappointed with the ticket prices. I can’t understand a 20% increase in about two years. My salary has not increased that much - I wish! I will definitely have to reduce my Swan Lake purchases - though the casting choices has helped with that!
  18. @JennyTaylor I was very grateful for the posts, thanks to you and @alison, I snatched a ticket. I wanted to see Clarke really, so thought, what the heck! 😳 I may not get an opportunity again as with injuries to dancers, you just never can predict who you’ll be able to see in a particular ballet. Mr Linnzi will not quite feel the same way! 🤣 I too did not think the comments were anything other than bemoaning the ROH’s pricing policy which means a lot of folks are not able to attend, though they would like to 😊
  19. Yes. That would be lovely I didn't go the way @Sim said to get to the Clore studio. My way was much less straightforward and of the meandering kind - but I got there eventually! 🤣
  20. I'm going to the Nutcracker rehearsal. I'm very excited. I loved the Don Q one
  21. Well. I’m very biased and have liked Kaneko/Bracewell best so far. However, as it was a debut run for Will Bracewell, I do wonder if it would have been a bit too nerve-wracking for him? He did also do the Swan Lake relay in 2022 and Nutcracker last year. As much as I will watch the man (and Fumi!) in anything (especially together), I think it’s only fair others do them too. Me? I’d be terrified performing on the relays! 😱
  22. Possibly that is the case. As I said, I can only comment on what I heard and experienced and that is personal to me and no less valid than any other opinion 😊
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