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Everything posted by Linnzi5

  1. I’ve only had to call once and the lady I spoke to was brilliant!
  2. Indeed. I am looking forward to seeing Vadim/Fumi and Will/Yasmine for Manon - I have booked to see both couples. I think it’s wrong and unfair for anyone to assume how I feel about other pairings as I haven’t said anything about these on this particular thread. However, as presently, Will and Fumi are not cast together I am sorry not to be able to see them again and it felt bitter sweet when my Nutcracker performance had ended and agreed with Sim . I certainly am not making assumptions that I won’t like other pairings as I always have an open mind.
  3. Seriously, what is wrong with my typing?! 🤣 Very funny typo though, but not as good as my ‘tougher’ one! 🙄🤣 There was a sadness felt acutely by me as well. I knew I hadn’t got them together in Manon and was desperately hoping for Swan Lake - that would be my dream pairing. I was, and remain, so disappointed! I hope that the casting for next season doesn’t go the same way! I need my Fumi/Will fix at least once in each booking period (more would be better!!)
  4. I enjoyed last night's Nutcracker even more than the one I sae last year (similar cast). I just read The Times' review and there is a paragraph that just summed up why this performance was so special for me. I won't link it here or talk about it yet, as it will be linked tomorrow in the links section and I wouldn't want to spoil what's written in it for anyone who hasn't seen it. So, why did I like it so much? Where to begin? The production is my favourite, for a start. I really love the costumes and Peter Wright's vision. The sets are so pretty, especially the Kingdom of the Sweets. The orchestra was on top form and I felt the direction from the conductor was full of vigour and the music a little quicker in some places. Despite my still-defective ear, which is still suffering middle ear issues and hearing music a muffled semi-tone higher than the other ear, it sounded wonderful. At one point, I stuck my finger in my bad ear so I could lesson the dissonance. My daughter gave me very strange looks! The dancing - wow, what a high standard was set. Sae Maeda was just a gorgeous Clara - she showed such joy in her dancing and she and Joseph Sissens were lovely together. I particularly enjoyed the latter's Act II mime this year. They both seemed very relaxed and confident. The snowflakes were lovely - it is so much more magical with 24, so that was exciting and, well, did I already say 'magical'? 🤣 Gary Avis IS Drosselmeyer - he was a joy to watch. The children were lovely as were all of the dancers in Act I. It was all just so perfect. Act II is my favourite act (though there are several scenes from Act I that I think are beautiful and moving). The dances were as excellent as usual. I couldn't fault any of them. I still prefer the old version of the Arabian Dance with the three male partners, though the performances yesterday were as perfect as always. I also miss Fritz being hauled up into the air - him being frozen doesn't have quite the same impact! Those are small quibbles though. Mariko Sasaki made a light and dainty Rose Fairy and her escorts were absolutely top notch. The Sugar Plum Fairy and Prince were, in my eyes, perfect in every way. Yes, technically it was wonderful (they made it look so easy). It was elegant and beautiful, charming and perfect. But, the thing that affected me the most, is the beautiful partnership Will and Fumi have. I truly believed they adored each other - and I just don't generally see that in other Sugar Plum couples I have seen. Theirs is a unique chemistry that elevates the PDD from technically brilliant dancing to something that moves me. I realise my opinion is, of course, mine and my views are subjective, but I just felt they elevated the PDD (and Coda) to a new level. I am still sighing contentedly today. I'm also still half-deaf in one ear, but at least my heart is feeling full of joy.
  5. Booking opened for me today (yet again Insights all sold out already! 😡) I booked for opening night of the triple - the tickets have already sold really well and I thought that if that cast isn't my favourite, I'll just try and book my preferred cast after they are announced - I'm sure I'll be able to get a ticket to a performance somehow. Even one of the Swan Lakes I wanted to see has already sold loads of seats!
  6. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Auto correct and no proofreading failure again! 🤪
  7. Indeed! Weren't they lovely together? My daughter and I thought it was a perfect opening night and we went home full of wonder and warm hearts My daughter thought Fumi was divine. The only thing that left me feeling a bit sad was that I couldn't help but wonder when will I see Will and Fumi dance tougher after Nutcracker
  8. I agree. It was a lovely evening. I'll post another time my thoughts in full, but I thought the whole evening was divine. Everyone was on top form. It was yet another magical evening. Sigh . . .
  9. It has been wonderful so far. My daughter is with me and she loved the snowflakes and commented how much more effective and exciting the scene was with 24 snowflakes. I agree! Some lovely dancing ! Can’t for the next act!
  10. I have too. My MacBook and iPhone definitely swap notes! The most annoy one for me is when I type 'ill' - it changes it to I'll all the time! I have no idea why but even when I correct it, it then changes it back to what it wants. It's incredibly irritating and I have no idea how to stop it!
  11. At least it wasn't me this time! 🤣 I wonder if it was an autocorrect issue? My spelling of 'principal' has been autocorrected several times! Not that that is an excuse as we should all proof-read!
  12. I'm glad you liked it! I did too. I thought Bracewell was absolutely brilliant, as Dante, though I do agree with some who say he should have had the opportunity to dance more - Dante is rather underutilised at times. However, he was a wonderful presence, in my opinion. and has a connection with both the audience and his partners - his PDD with Fumi Kaneko was sublime. I left Covent Garden in wonder at the outstanding dancing of the whole company and I enjoyed Dante.
  13. I thought this was an excellent review, Sam. Some interesting points and a clear explanation of the ballet. I look forward to reading more of your reviews!
  14. I hope you enjoy! I thought William Bracewell was fantastic as Dante, though I felt he wasn't given enough dancing to do! Saying that, his acting and emoting was brilliant, IMO. I also enjoyed so many of the other dancers, who were magnificent too. I would have gone again, only I've spent to much and have been so unwell I couldn't go. I'm trying to get myself better for Nutcracker - I know have an ear infection, which is so annoying. 😡
  15. Thanks, Sim. I struggled through Dante on Saturday (not because I didn't like the dancing - I really was in awe of the dancers) and can't stop coughing. I am very much looking forward to the insight
  16. I am very much looking forward to Naghdi/Bracewell and have also booked to see Kaneko/Muntagirov. However, I am really disappointed not to have Kaneko/Bracewell in Swan Lake. I get to see the same partners Bracewell had last time
  17. I sadly will be watching from home as I have a chest infection and can't go (my continuous coughing would not be fair on the audience) I hope those going enjoy it
  18. Was he? I;ve watched that several times and will need to go and watch again now! 🤣
  19. I think you're spot on. A friend asked me which Nutcracker to go to (those before Christmas were sold out) and I suggested Nunez/Muntagirov - you know what you're getting and yes, they are a safe bet. I'd personally see many couples (budget permitting, though at the SL prices, the budget will be very limited!!!) but seeing two world class performers in an iconic ballet is very safe, I think.
  20. I have seen Dante before but wanted to give it another chance and I love Will Bracewell (especially dancing with Fumi), so went to see him. I decided to give it a go and am not unhappy I did. As I have said, it's not a favourite but I was entertained and did enjoy what I saw. Would I give Dispatch Duet another go? Probably not - unless it was with something amazing. However, I definitely would not see Anastasia Act III again. I'm pretty open minded about what I see but if I really don't like something it doesn't matter who is dancing, I won't go.
  21. Sorry. Not the best quality photo. I emailed it and chose the lowest quality! I was right at the front of the stalls and have a good iPhone but just am rubbish at taking photos!
  22. I do generally prefer classical ballet, yes, I can’t deny that. But I did enjoy Dante. Would I have seen it if William Bracewell wasn’t Dante? Probably not and that would have been a shame as I really loved seeing the other dancers and choreography. I thought the whole company was amazing and watching this ensemble piece, with such talented dancers performing very complicated choreography was so interesting. I did need to understand who the characters were and what the storyline was - I would have been confused otherwise. This is not uplifting like Don Q or tragic like R&J etc. It is different and I totally understand and respect why this is not for everyone. I can only say I did enjoy what I saw and it’s not just because I am a huge fan of Will Bracewell and Fumi Kaneko. It was different but I liked it. Did I love it? No, but that’s ok.
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