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Everything posted by emmarose

  1. I think when people are younger it's easy to throw out a number, then as it approaches their perspective changes. I know Roger Federer had stated he was going to retire after the 2012 Olympics as he would be past 30, obviously he decided when he got there he wasn't ready to say goodbye and carried on. When you're so young 30 and 40 can seem far away, but it comes up on you fast!
  2. Well, I wouldn't say the Edwardian era was in the modern era as so few people are even alive who witnessed any of it. I was just thinking of the twenties as the era when women cut their hair short, so it wasn't standard after that decade, 30's were those pinned curls and going from the 50's my aunt had a hairdressers and will still speak about the hairstyles she created through the decades and it wasn't 'done' then really either.
  3. How very interesting. I'm always fascinated when people take on certain things into their daily lives, especially from their reading, I'm an avid reader myself and from when I was little a lot of what I did came from works of literature.
  4. Is it something you picked up from ballet in general? I've just never heard of it in the modern era at all, when a girl turns 18 putting their hair up in a bun.
  5. I completely agree with you both and feel very uncomfortable at the thought of any white person passing judgement on what a person of colour should be wearing on their legs, especially if it's to say they want them to look paler or to say the natural tone was distracting and they didn't like it. Time has moved on and we must all move on with them. Is it as it's always been done? No, but that doesn't mean it's always been done correctly. I wouldn't be comfortable as a white person passing such a judgement knowing what we know about how hard it is for people of colour within this industry. Funnily enough though, I took my mother to this and she noticed Marianna as a stand out dancer, when I asked her if she noticed anything about her tights she didn't have a clue.
  6. Do you mind me asking why you decided to wear your hair in a bun since age 18? Of course, don't feel you have to, I just have never really heard of something like that, that when you turned 18 you had to wear your hair in a bun and wondered if it was self imposed or a religious decision?
  7. I think Marianela started with her hair fully back, then she emerged later from the cottage with it half up and down before the mad scene when it was completely down. That seems to be what I remember from the 18th.
  8. He's one of my favourites too, he has a lovely quality to his work and as you said, so graceful in the air. Also, amazing feet! He just has great hair all round, however he wears it!
  9. Thanks, I did already know all of this though, both of their histories, especially within the RB, that's why I brought them up in the same breath. And Vadim's career has been in it's ascendancy in the years after Sergei quit the RB. He just seems so much older and looks it too, a bit more world-weary too. It's just quite a stark difference when they're comparable, same age, both graduates at RB, both principals, both technicians.
  10. How are ghosts who are not white handled though? And she's not making her skin white on top, so her legs would then match her upper body.
  11. But the difference between a white persons skin tone and tights is minimal, so it doesn't actually notice, but it would be quite different with a person of colour, it at least tones with their skin tone. But yes, it's a small price to pay if it does offend or distract if it makes the dancers feel comfortable in their environment and she seemed VERY comfortable up on that stage, she looked at home out there.
  12. Would it not look odd though? The arms and face and chest being one colour and the legs a completely different one?
  13. I noticed Marianna in both acts of Giselle for the reason of her talent and not her tights or shoes. She really is a beautiful dancer with gorgeous and expressive arms and hope to see her continue to grow at the RB and enjoy seeing her career. I'm also enjoying the diversity within the RB and like the fact they are not being suppressed into previous norms. I really like Joseph Sissens and think he's a lovely dancer, during lockdown he grew his hair and it looked so lovely, I did think he may have to cut it on coming back, so it was great to see him with his cornrows in Romeo and Juliet too (and I believe in the Nutcracker too). I love the celebration of diversity.
  14. How strange, we must get to the bottom of this! That's what I was thinking though, that the photos of Vadim didn't have it and he doesn't wear it on the recording, I don't think Fede wears it either. Edited to add that Fede does wear it sometimes and at others he doesn't. Personally I prefer it without as I don't like how it cuts the line of the leg, but that's just me.
  15. Thank you for this, I thought it was part of the costume and thought I remembered seeing it before, and then I looked back on other photos and couldn't see it.
  16. But that's the thing, it's not untrue, it's that posters opinion and perspective and we all have different ones and they're all equally valid. Some people can adore a performance and others can think it utterly pedestrian and both are valid. You can't take it personally because it should detract from your own love of something, someone else doesn't have to agree with you for you to get enjoyment. And, you know, it's not cool to tear down others because you didn't like someone else's review. I'm glad you've apologised, I just think it was a bit of a low blow. Some of the biggest fans will be those paying the least because it's all they have to spare, but they want to get there and see a live performance, and I don't think anyone should ever make that person feel small or less worthy than someone will to pay hundreds per ticket.
  17. Thank you all for the wonderful write ups here. I really would love to see Daniil Simkin live, for me the gold standard of Le Corsaire was and still is Baryshnikov, but he comes a little close with his lines and execution. It sounds like they did very well with the PDD as did Nela and Vadim with the Don Q, as expected really, it's amazing still how effortless they make the extremely difficult look. Marci and Yasmine looked stunning together in all the photos I've seen on Insta. Don Q, so glad you finally got back to a live event, it's special, that first time back after what we've all been through. Great photos, the one of Nela and Vadim with the rose is quite cute, they look adorable!
  18. I think we're all better than this, no? For one, some of the cheapest seats/standing places do offer those exact things, and for another, let's not shame people who love ballet and can only manage to afford those. We're all on here because we love the art form and to see it live when we can is a real treat, let's not belittle those who love it just as much as you do but may not have as much disposable income, it's a bit of a cheap shot.
  19. Reading the reviews one thing I couldn't get over is that he's still only 32! He just seems so much older, especially compared to say Vadim, who still seems so young. He left RB so long ago now too, crazy.
  20. Well, a lot of people enjoy those 'filler' pieces, however, even if they do not, by being in those pieces it is how stars rise in the ranks and become great performers. If you was to cut those from ballets, you would have a big issue on your hands as all of the future principals and stars will have missed out on a big part of their development, or they just won't be there at all. Anyway, I am enjoying reading the reviews, both the good and the bad.
  21. Lovely photos as always Rob. Marci and Sarah look really good together as a pairing.
  22. Can't you go to this one and exchange the Fumi ticket you have for later in the run instead?
  23. I think one of the great things about dance and ballet is that they're all given essentially the same steps, but they can look completely different one dancer to the next. A different interpretation, different techniques, some hold things that bit longer, some are whip quick, and it's all personal choice as to what we enjoy watching. It's why we can watch the exact same show by so many different casts and come away feeling something different each time. We're so lucky over here that we have such a wealth of talent at the royal to enjoy watching. Right now, they have an abundance of world class talent.
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