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Everything posted by DanceTeacher93

  1. If on an ipad download iMovie (free) - it'll let you pop all the videos into one (called a project). Then click export as a file - you'll have one long video with all your clips included x
  2. Modern is great for building a variety of styles (ISTD has a lovely combination of lyrical, jazz and contemporary movements). It's a good strength builder and can be great for technique across the board and for building mental stamina if doing multiple styles
  3. It's been a while since I've had Grade 1s and I wondered if anyone had any fun visualisations or tips for teaching Grade 1, or dodgy things to look out for?
  4. I'm a teacher, and our London based dance school would like to start doing competitions but would like some advice on where to start. Any good local competitions to start with? Are solos or group dances better to begin with? Are there criteria for each style/age group? Any other advice for starting out? We currently have some very talented children with strong technique up to age 14 in all genres. Thanks so much in advance!
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