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Posts posted by PutYourBooteesOn

  1. I Know o

    6 hours ago, Mummy2BalletFairies said:

    DD has just applied for year 6 JA place after a no for Year5 and a wait list for WL SI. Anticipating a no, but having seen so much improvement in her over the past year, I'm just after advice about RBS MA's for Year 7. I realise the number of centres reduces but does this mean it's harder to gain a place or is there a natural attention rate with children not pursuing dance as keenly? Do most MA places go to RBS JA's? Does anybody have a child who joined MAs without being a JA who has a view on this? TIA x

    We have a friend who’s a London MA without being a JA and one who’s starting Newcastle this September.  another friend turned down Newcastle MA after not being a JA (she went to vocational school instead).... definitely possible! 

  2. I’ve made several now. The first couple I adapted patterns for harem pants, extending them up for the body length. Since then I’ve just self drafted them. It doesn’t necessarily save a great deal on the cheapest priced ones but you can buy  better quality fleece and more colours etc! 

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  3. My DD has a y5 place for northern and has auditioned for RBS. She’d do both. She’s in a different programme at the moment but we’d probably drop it *if* she were fortunate enough to get royal, but we’d carry it on for this year if she doesn’t. 

  4. My DD was in the 9am group... it was huge wasn’t it? I was told by someone from last year that they had their results in two days too so I’ve been antsy, despite their 15th April date!

    but having now seen that the CAT recall isn’t til 13th April, I guess they’ll maybe hold off the JA outcomes until they’ve done that.... though they could send out for those not old enough for CAT (hopefully!) 

  5. My DD goes to ballet boost and has done their summer school for the last few years too. We are really delighted with the quality of the teaching and the day suits us better than York, but lots of her friends do York and she is probably going to go the audition to get a feel for the place.


    The variety of the teaching is a big plus for a lot of her friends who can’t make jazz/contemporary/conditioning classes otherwise- some BBA centres don’t offer contemporary- but my DD gets a good amount/standard of those anyway. I think both programmes are excellent with great faculty.  it largely comes down the varied styles of York v the more classical focus of BBA  or if you want the Saturday or Sunday! 

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