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Posts posted by Balletmum55

  1. In our JA centre there is 1 class with years 7,8,9 girls mixed. So we've been told approx 4 places, poss 5 depending (I presume this means if any girls are entering mids in the later years). There are 2 JA classes of 15 (Inc. approx 6 boys total?) so 24 for c.4 places, plus applications from non-JAs and from other centres as there are 8 JA centres but only 4 MA centres. So all in all it seems incredibly hard to get an MA place xx

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  2. Waiting list for us this year and a few friends. Didn't expect to get in again but still sad as she had such a wonderful experience. My dd was fine. Can we spend the money to go on holiday instead? Ha ha YES! was my answer ????

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  3. It was also an expected no for my dd. She took it really well and said she knew and was fine with it. Then fell apart at the dinner table and said she felt a failure and she'd let everyone down. ???? Absolutely not I have told her, we are all incredibly proud of her, and more than a little relieved that she won't be living so far from home! ... so she has had a cry and that seems to have really helped. So hard for them to experience this at such a young age, but a great life lesson and she says she's going to work hard and try again so it hasn't put her off.


    Commiserations and cuddles to all the dd's that received a no today ???? Sure there's a few yet to post. Hoping we have some ballet forum yeses to celebrate soon ⭐️

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  4. Dancer 123, if your dd will still be year 5, last year in my dd's week, she was one of 7 year 5 girls (5 from U.K) There were 17 year 6 girls (11 of which were international girls), but the class was a year 5/6 class so they all mixed together and there was wonderful and interesting mix of nationalities. xx


    Edited to clarify numbers and year groups after checking

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  5. I saw it too, was wondering whether it meant offers may not even be this week? As the person asked if SS were being sent out this week, and all they said was 'SS offers will be sent out as soon as possible'. Slightly less committed to this week maybe?


    I'm such an over thinker!


    Must stop jumping every time my email dings this week ???? I really need to do some unsubscribing at times like this and note to self - do not order from Amazon when waiting for important emails.

    Ding - confirmed order

    Ding - order ready to be dispatched

    Ding - order dispatched

    Ding - order being delivered today agghhhh ????

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  6. I'm working on the basis that we will hear at the end of the week. No insider knowledge, but im presuming they're so busy with WL finals results, that those children will get their results first, perhaps older years finals today, boys finals tomorrow, yr 7 girls finals Thursday, leaving summer schools to hear late Thursday/Friday, simply because they said we'd hear this week.


    I don't envy the admin staff at all at RBS this time of year, imagine the pressure to get them all out, on time! And correct! ???? You seriously would be double and triple checking your work this week!


    Good luck to all. Hope it's sooner xxxx

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  7. My daughters JA teacher told me, when i thanked her for whatever recommendation she put in when she got summer school last year, that she has no input whatsoever and they really do choose off photos and apparent facility. The app form just gives an indication of whether they will cope with number of classes but I've known children attend doing very few hours a week from a small local ballet school and on average level grades for their age (i.e. My dd!) and those who do lots of hours. However that was for year 5, this may change the higher up the year groups you go. We certainly felt very privileged to attend as you are correct in that children from the uk are in the minority, even in the youngest years, but my dd was able to keep up, even as part of the year 5/6 class xx

  8. Thank you Dancer123 xx I think that's what the call backs are but my dd was very sure she wasn't in the definite yeses after a wobbly ballet class and physical assessment xxxx

    No private lessons for us .. My dd goes to a small dance school and she does 2 syllabus classes a week in ballet. Her teacher has let her join a higher grade for the last few weeks for a bit of extra training. So 2.5 hours total the last few weeks. Plus JAs of 2.25hrs approx every other week.

    However from speaking to other parents, many children do many more hours than this for ballet, made up of syllabus, non-syllabus, associates, comp classes etc but I'm sure there's a huge range.

    Advanced in that my dd advised that many girls had spoken about what they do ballet wise, their high grades, already en pointe for a significant time, and she recognised many girls from winning prestigious competitions, as well as how advanced her whole class seemed to be in terms of technique, flexibility and performance. This is of course from the mouth of a child who was feeling a little disheartened but she's generally pretty astute xxx


    Yes I think it does make it harder getting to finals. It's very easy to think it's not for them until you are caught up in the experience and you just think wow, what an opportunity xxx

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  9. Good luck everyone, my dd loved the audition but it didn't go to plan, and she was disappointed in herself when she came out which is always tough. She wanted a call back so she had a chance to prove herself again bless her but didn't get one. Regardless she enjoyed the experience, the friendships made and camaraderie amongst the girls, seeing some friends that were already at the school, and generally getting the opportunity to dance in such a beautiful place. We know that 4 in 5 girls will get a no this time so we are in good company, so just taking it for fabulous life lesson. We haven't had the result yet but she's already said she's going to work hard and try again in a year or two so I'm very proud of her xx

    Good luck to all the girls, as expected the standard was incredibly high, and to those that get a yes, you must be very special young ladies indeed ????Xxxxx

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  10. Good luck to your DS Wiglgybunny!! I'll be thinking of him tomorrow and keeping everything crossed for you all xxxxx


    Just kissed my biggest baby goodbye and good luck...he's off to school today and then his dad is taking him down to London straight after school, by which time I won't be back from work and picking up other DC, so I won't see him again until they get back after the finals tomorrow. Apparently his dad is his good luck charm, so I have been banished from the day! I thought I was being all nonchalant about the whole process until it all became very real this morning!!


    Just wanted to wish all the prospective y7 boys tomorrow and then the girls on thurs and Friday all the very best with their auditions. It will be an amazing experience whatever the outcome.



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  11. I know, my dd really wants to do a summer school again this year but because she was lucky enough to do the WL SS last year, we're not expecting to be so lucky again. But I just don't want to book another ... just in case! Sure the other SS are going to be full soon tho but suppose could be matter of only another 1 or 2 more weeks of refreshing my emails! xx fingers crossed there's places left elsewhere xx

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  12. Today RBS have announced "Due to the high volume of Summer School applications we've received this year, offers for successful applicants will be sent out in early March.

    Thank you to all applicants for your patience."


    I wonder if this year they are waiting until after finals?

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  13. Hi ballet momma. Anything is possible I suppose, but it would be very unusual as they'd skip a year of education too. Is the child an international student?

    You are correct in that auditions for year 7 entry are for current year 6 children. Good luck to your dd next year xxx

  14. I don't think we can know either way and it's almost not worth thinking about as you could drive yourself mad! ???? I think if they get a place it won't matter if it was following a call back or not. It would just be too amazing and no-one really knows this year what the call back means, only the teachers and they could have very different reasons for calling different children back. Like everything I think we need to sit back, enjoy the ride and try not to analyse as none of us ultimately will ever know. ...(and I m saying this to myself as much as anyone else as I overthink everything but trying hard not to!)

    Xxxxxx sending good luck to all the finalists, what lucky girls and boys they are xxxxx


    (Edited to add boys too ????) x

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  15. Yes I'm presuming it's over 2 days as they have a lot to fit in to one day, with an academic test, a physio assessment and a ballet class. I'm hoping it's to make it less rushed for all parties as obviously it's a big decision for them to make. It's very clear in the email that all the girls would need to be there all day both days, and both days would have an early start, so 2 nights accommodation has needed to be booked as we don't live locally. Also interested to receive the schedule to find out more x

    We are looking at it as a lovely experience in London and not expecting anything other than something to always remember xx

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