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Posts posted by Balletmum55

  1. Any character shoes, they advise not to buy new ones especially.  Your JA teacher will have a look and tell you if they'd prefer different ones but there was a variety of styles in my dd class. 

    Full sole ballet shoes needed as they work the feet better. 

    Yes once a JA you stay until the end of year 6 (unless choose to leave or really not gaining anything from the course, but I haven't known anyone be asked to leave) .... in regards to leotards, I did the same butterflyballerina for JAs and kept the next size up xxxx I've just made the exact same mistake for MAs and will keep both too xxx 

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  2. Ispendl828, I think it will be up to your school to agree. I know a friend one year who auditioned for Manchester asked permission from her head teacher in advance due to the different days they do there, but i imagine it will be even harder for them to cause a fuss considering she has an offered place.

    Im not sure if they actually can refuse, but with year 6 being SATS year, there may be some Fridays they don't want her to miss? Yes it's a big ask, especially for the parent getting them there if they work, but hopefully if you can make it work, it will certainly be worth it xxx Good luck with it.  


    Nb. whenever my dd has needed time off school for JA events, auditions, or when she was in a production with JAs, she was marked as education offsite so it didn't affect attendance and her school have always been very supportive. I have heard of less supportive schools however xxxx 



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  3. 7 hours ago, MyBalletboy said:

    Hi balletmum55 Is this the Elmhurst associates times or Royal ballet associates as I had thought Elmhurst was in the mornings? 

    Oh I'm so sorry, yes this is RBS JA! Thought I was responding in the JA thread. Apologies xxx 


    i wonder if my original post can be moved to prevent confusion? 

  4. 1 hour ago, NicolaP17 said:

    You are so kind, thank you I will. That's fantastic news regarding your daughter you must be so proud of her, she must of worked extremely hard. Where does she train? It would be lovely to meet new friends that share our daughters love of dance. It has given me so much information already just reading everyone's thoughts and questions, fabulous! I've just finished work so I am off to celebrate ?? . DD is with her father this weekend so I don't want to tell her over the phone, I will have to hold it in until Sunday ? X x


    Shes a JA currently in Birmingham, so quite a way from you xxx 

    All the mums ive met through JAs are such a very friendly bunch, You'll make some great friends too.... as a coffee and a chat while you wait certainly beats shopping every week (and is far kinder on your bank balance!) ?


    I do not know how you are going to keep it in until Sunday!!  You'll be fit to burst but what a lovely welcome home it will be ?

    • Like 1
  5. Good luck to everyone who applied! Were you all new applicants or had any reached finals previously? 

    We were on hols so didn't apply as we were too late but my dd wasn't offered a place after attending finals anyway so thinking it's not her time quite yet xx 

  6. 27 minutes ago, NicolaP17 said:

    Thank you so much balletmum55 I am totally clueless ? Yes I get it as she will be in year 6 from September ? 

    I am new to this chat have you got a son or daughter that auditioned if so I hope you also got a good result also x x


    My dd has been a JA for 2 years and she has been very lucky as she will continue as an MA in September. Like you I found the forum searching for information when my daughter unexpectedly got her JA place. 

    It has been a lifesaver on many an occasion, with general queries, leotard advice, recommendations on summer schools and for simply understanding when others around you don't! The forum helped me locate other children who were off to the same ballet residential as her, and so also made her life easier, and I've made some lovely friends through it too. 

    Welcome xx I hope you'll find it as useful as I have and carry on sharing your daughters journey xxxx 

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  7. NIcolaP17, congratulations to your dd! If I've read your question correctly, if she's currently in yr 5 at school she'll have got a yr 6 place starting in September x 

    Your info pack will come in a week or 2 so you'll get lots more info then xxxx so for now enjoy the celebrations x 

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  8. Term dates will be different for each centre but it's normally around the same week as school starts back (so beginning of September) but don't worry, within a week or 2 of accepting you'll get the full pack. You have to order your uniform from a couple of different places (using an online code for one to get your RBS printed leotard etc) but it's all very clear in the pack what you need to do, and you'll get full information regarding what is expected and things like the term dates for the whole year xxx 

    Congratulations to you and your daughter xxx 

    Heads up also, all JAs normally get invited to London for a workshop (normally in October half term) and also can be invited to watch a pre-gen rehearsal at the ROH each year.  Not everyone attends as often people have holidays booked etc but if you can attend it's a wonderful experience for them xx 

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  9. I think it's great that you want to eat healthily, but I must say I am a little worried that you're concerned about having a square or 2 of dark chocolate a day, and are worried about putting on weight. Especially as you say you are very tiny already. 

    Im not a nutritionist at all but I can say as a mum of a dancer (and a previous dancer myself) that having an occasional treat isn't a bad thing. Ballet school's give their students brownies, flapjacks etc for morning break quite often so don't think that ballet dancers don't eat. In fact you need to have plenty to eat to give you strength and energy to do as much dancing as you want to do.  Certainly eat healthily with a good balance (as advised in much more detail above) but I would also suggest that you have a chat with your parents and ensure they are also aware of your concerns regarding your growth xxx 


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  10. So sorry to hear of the nos. 3 girls in my dd's class (that I know of) got a no first time, and a yes later, so hugs for your dd's now but it could also be a not yet also. Hope your dc's take it well xxxxx 

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  11. My Dd is in her final year of JAs and there are a huge range of shapes, heights and sizes in her class ... no clones at all! My dd is petite and I'd say normally proportioned, with slightly long legs but not obviously, but there are lovely long legged girls, Shorter legged girls. Stronger girls. Very slight girls all in her one class. I'd definitely say it's based on potential and that something only they must be able to see.  There were girls in my dd's audition that I knew of that were fabulous dancers with excellent technique, flexibility and performance that werent picked over children that aren't that finished article and vice Versa too. I don't think there is any way at all to predict (unfortunately ?!) 

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  12. Oh gosh I remember this feeling! None stop refreshing of emails and checking the forum for updates. The forum is a life saver as no one else understands like another ballet parent ?Xxx good luck, I'm checking up just to hear some good news ?

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  13. Good luck to everyone auditioning, parents and children xxxx My daughter is just finishing her JA journey and we also heard on 8th June 2 years ago that she had a place, despite also being told the beginning of July for results, so hopefully it won't be quite so long a wait x  (...... although I hear from my dd's JA teacher that they had a significant increase in applicants for the Birmingham centre this year.  I presume this will be the same in other centres also, so they may take a little longer this year) xxx 

  14. My dd would love her for mids! In fact it's a large reason why she wanted to audition  for mids as she's loved her so much and was quite gutted when I told her it was a different teacher!! 

    I stand corrected ... just heard off a friend who's dd auditioned today that Miss F was in there watching the class line by line but the class was taught by a 'younger lady' this year, so perhaps Miss Murphy is doing it this year xxx either way it's going to be a lovely experience for them xx 

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