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Posts posted by Balletmum55

  1. In my daughters JA class they have seemed to let slightly more year 6s in than in any other year. In years 4 and 5 the children have classes with a roughly equal split of year 4 and 5 children (so about 7/8 of each year group in a class of 15) but in year 6 it's a purely a year 6 class, so there's a lot of new spaces that come available for yr 6 children (approx 7/8 dependant on how many existing yr 5s there are) I'd definitely reapply.

    In my daughters JA class there's as many new year 6s than existing JAs although I imagine these numbers change slightly every year with each cohort xx


    Edited to change typo and clarity

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  2. So sorry to hear that MAK xxx I hope your dc is ok and will try again in the future xxxx Now the longer wait for MAs? What's the MA class in London like, is it the same as Birmingham where it's just 1 combined class for years 7,8 and 9 (hence very few places?)

  3. Hopeful, we're from Birmingham centre. Miss F class ???? How about you? I've sent you a message (if you go into the 4 squares icon (top right) then messages are in there. (That's on a phone tho, may be different on a pc)


    Yey well done wigglybunny!!!! Brilliant news xxxx

  4. According to their Instagram post today, that's all for summer school taxi4ballet!! More applicants but lots more places too tho! Approx a 1 in 4 chance isn't too bad an odds. Not sure what it was last year.


    Edited for typo

  5. Sure they said march last year but we heard by email on 1st Feb! But seeing as they've announced today that decisions will be out by 1st march and a record number of applicants, i imagine parents and dc will have a longer wait this year!

  6. My daughter wore navy age 8 because it suited her light skin and hair better (her normal RAD syllabus leotard) for both her photos and audition and I think it was a good call because everyone else was in either very light colours or brights. I'd say wear what she's comfortable in and what suits her.

    My dd regular teacher had also recommended light colours for that young age but my dd and I both preferred the navy and so we went with that and it worked for us xx

    Sure they see past the leotard anyway, but I always think slightly different to the majority can't be a bad thing xx

  7. If you really want to let her try. Let her try. You never know what they're looking for on that day. And her body shape sounds good to me for JAs. At our JA Class there's quite a range, from an absolutely tiny girl (in build and height) to a range of very slight girls of all heights and some girls both smaller and taller without that totally skinny body that you expect. It really is a mixture. What I think they're looking for is the love of dance, and the ability to focus for a full 2hours or more doing lots of repetition without getting bored. I'm sure other people have other ideas about what they're looking for. My dd isn't ultra flexible (some are) nor does she have crazy long limbs (some do) but she loves it so much I'm sure that's what they saw in her. So, in general, I'd say go anyway. It's a lovely class. They make it such fun for the children, and my dd came out having loved the experience but with no expectations and I'm sure would've tried again for the fun of it if she hadn't got in xx

    Good luck whatever your decision xx

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  8. It's birmingham MA/WL audition for my dd next Wednesday (25th). My dd would love MAs as she's so loved her time as a JA but we were told there are only a few places and a lot of applicants. Nervous for her but think will be like a normal JA class so hopefully she'll just enjoy the experience. Good luck all. Wine, gin and chocolate will be all be required at some point over the coming weeks no doubt! ????

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  9. Congratulations to those with a yes and commiserations to those with a not yet xxx

    A very surprised little girl opened her yes to yr 7 finals after school today (I admit I had opened the letter when it came earlier today and sellotaped it shut so she could have the experience of opening too ????) xxx

    Good luck to all those dc and parents waiting to hear xxx

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