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Everything posted by annaliesey

  1. Just thought I'd share these. Nike studio wraps DD is raving about them and prefers as alternative to foot thongs for lyrical and contemporary. She only got the inners not the outer pack with ribbons. I thought it would be a good idea to share some of our favourite dancewear items on the market as great to hear recommendations http://m.nike.com/gb/en_gb/pd/studio-wrap-3-training-shoe/pid-10267179/pgid-10301772?ef_id=UeGEswAABAEOIcgO:20150826094305:s
  2. Yes maybe I guess DD will see now in the next few weeks how things pan out. Reassuring to hear others rush a bit in this way is your DD similar age?
  3. That's probably my fault for rambling on a bit attitude to DD has been fine apart from being defensive. She was a bit stroppy over IF classes but didn't have any alternative solution to offer. Yes agree it was a timing issue really as I has every intention of telling her face to face when I saw her next but she found out within 24 hrs of me arranging with the other teacher and contacted me instead Sorry didn't mean to twist your words Nope Yeah ... Eek! I'd like to think so I think it's probably a combination of all of the points. I understand about not risking the loss of business but this goes both ways too. Side by side she has seemed intent on keeping business from lesser committed newbies versus long standing business. It's her call but like any dissatisfied customers there is the risk people will vote with their feet. I think there is a tendency so expect longer serving mums to keep their heads down / put up or shut up / but it comes down to trust and credibility to deliver a service probably at the end of the day There seems to be this kudos too to be able to say "better than you" with the graded classes as opposed to the technical class. agree too about competition team I do agree it sounds extremely frustrating. All I* can say is that it should become very clear in the first few lessons of term as to which way this is going, i.e. are the dances now going to be taught or not? Yes, agree it will be quite obvious soon. DD started to learn the dances today
  4. Yes, thanks for this I think maybe because it feels like it's been going on for so long that I should consider making alternative plans. I don't want to burn my bridges but then I don't want to be too complacent either. However, recent development yesterday, DD actually started the dances and because there was only her and one other oldie in the class they enjoyed it immensely. They are doing dance C and F. One involved a cane and one with tambourine so she said it was great fun
  5. Fab he just taught a commercial class at our Summer intensive today and was really popular !!
  6. Thank you youngatheart DD hasn't 'fallen out of favour' really as nothing has changed in terms of attitude towards her. DD doesn't describe things in this way but rather just displays her own frustration with progress. It's been the emphasis since the start of this graded class to go pretty slow, go over the exercises so thoroughly, and not have much time to do the dances. She's still demonstrating where asked. There just seems to be a split between the oldies and the newbies in terms of pace, emphasis, encouragement, expectations. The oldies seem to expect more having been used to it before and also currently in other classes. Then there is the inconsistent treatment with one particular girl supposedly doing her exam. The other oldies would like to give the exam a go earlier and risk a lower mark but that option doesn't seem available to them I don't feel bad about taking 6 lessons somewhere else without prior permission. I know it's not the done thing to go somewhere else without talking with the existing teacher first but the way I see it is that it was a temporary project which is different from registering as a student and taking exams under another teachers name. I don't consult her about short term associate classes, drop in classes, summer/easter schools, short training courses, open days etc and these 6 classes were pretty much the same as that with no exam at the end. It would be different if I took up an entire syllabus term elsewhere though, I accept. It was quite a lot of lessons for my DD to miss in a term. We missed 6 saturdays and she usually does 5 classes on those days. It's not about money but this worked out at half a term across 5 classes so, about 25 classes (25 hours approx) I only chose to take action to make up time for about 6 of them feeling that IF was the most important. Other mums did complain and ask for money back but as I said it wasn't about the money for me but rather about making up for some of the lost time. It was good of the other teacher to take her into her regular class, risk disruption to her own students, knowing full well that we would not be making it a permanent arrangement, and being generous and considerate with her time and attention. This thing about loyalty is fine up to a point but it does work both ways But in any event, the make up classes were fairly recent and the issue over the pace of the classes has been ongoing for 4 months prior. Interesting that you feel that nobody would be ready to take exams in Nov if only just starting to learn the dances in Sept. That helps me get perspective on what others think and gauge my DD's concerns regarding timescales. I completely agree that that's why so much emphasis has been with exercises up until now (getting technique into newbies). I would be surprise if anyone was having private lessons. They can't even be bothered to turn up for very low priced or even free classes to compliment their training (can you sense the irritation in my typing?) There was an extra class put on yesterday and out of 8 students only my DD turned up (and one other oldie half way through the class) !! As for the non-syllabus technique class, I would be surprised the newbies couldn't make it as it was deliberately put on after another class that they do as part of the competition team. The dance teacher did feel quite disappointed that she put on this class with them in mind (and some other older people in other grades and classes too) and yet none of them took this up. The idea initially was for new students to join these classes (there are two levels too) for at least a term before moving into the other graded classes and for this class to be used for all students that wanted to do an exam a year as opposed to an exam every other year. This is why students and mums are irritated that someone can come along, not do what everyone else does, not put the effort in, and seemingly get rewarded with the opportunities not available to others. Now I really do understand that this happens and someone talented will come along and get treated differently. I was actually watching something on youtube this morning about Misty Copeland's journey and how she actually went to live with her dance teachers and had a custody issue with parents and how she training from beginner at at 13 etc... now THERE'S comittment from a dance teacher for you!) I do understand that as soon as any student or mum comments in a negative way everyone assumes it's jealousy. It feels a bit like that too tbh but this was why my question at beginning of the thread was would others be a bit miffed too if they felt it impacted on them or if others genuinely just put their head down, keep quiet, and not take any action to change anything
  7. Just read this thread ... Brilliant read and I thought I would comment for others to read I was googling ballet and hyper mobility
  8. Thanks Taxi I changed mine straight away after seeing the other thread. Shame they've been attacked again
  9. Sorry to hear that Lisa ... Life can be cruel indeed
  10. Well done on scholarships Did I see somewhere that Ryan Jenkins taught modern? Can anyone comment on tgat as DD really likes his classes I might have to consider for next year seeing as people rate so highly Did any year 7's dance on pointe?
  11. Sorry LinMM ive just got to your post and I'm sure you are very shaken up Thoughts with the families indeed Hope you are OK
  12. Thanks Taxi that makes more sense now I wish the teacher would have expanded more on her comments at the time as would have saved a lot of tears!
  13. Yeah we have our fair share of that. Sometimes it's been my DD in one class and someone else in a different class and so on. They fall out of favour just as easily I don't actually believe too much in fairness as its not enough like the real world and sometimes playing favourites can motivate positively sometimes But I don't really want to put up and shut up just out of loyalty whereas I'd prefer to do something about a problem if I can. I've paid next terms fees and DD will carry on but I'll find an additional class hopefully
  14. Yes very likely Yes she is a fast learner but I don't know about physical attributes and accept completely your comments about trained eye No she's not new to dance. She's done modern jazz and contemporary for about 2 years. The highest marks are still the long serving students whereas the students that are quickly progressing through their grades in other dance styles (modern & jazz) are achieving low passes (52-54%). This was one of the reasons that ballet classes were being missed for a term whilst this student had lessons to retake in order to try and get a better mark. The comp team has only been running for about 2 years but all the girls involved have benefitted enormously from the intensive training and all of them have had to be fast learners to do well. Out of the 8 girls in the grade 4 ballet class 4 of them are comp team members so that's possibly another indicator of why they would like to go a bit faster. All of the new girls were completely new to ballet when they joined in September. They all had zero knowledge of ballet. This is why the mums and old students were surprised when the new 4 joined. Especially the younger girl as she was the youngest in that grade and there were newbies in grade 3 that were quite a bit older. At least one of whom had allegedly asked to do grades 3 and 4 together but was told no because of confusion with terminology and risk of injury. But everyone trusted the teachers judgement albeit concerned from the outset of the impact when the old grade 3's moved into the class. I thought the RAD used to only allow students to join at grade 3 minimum until a change a few years ago but I can't be sure and can't find any info on what it was previously. Nobody has actually been entered for the exam yet. My DD's friend has said they are aiming to be entered around Nov time. Yes but I was asking the question too about entering early and risking lower marks versus being patient and aiming for higher marks and the merits of different approaches I think we will continue to focus on ourselves, ignoring what's happening with other students and won't leave the school but will take up additional / replacement classes elsewhere without feeling bad about loyalty
  15. There isnt even the necessity for expensive private lessons. All of the students are encouraged to do other ballet technique and freework classes but choose not too. The packages and discounts couldn't be better and the conditioning class is even free but none of them attend it! I think that actually there is a disconnect between the old 4 feeling they are going at a slower pace and the teacher thinking they are going at their usual pace. I don't think she's aware of how it genuinely feels to them as is caught up in her enthusiasm for teaching ballet to the newbies. Sorry if this sounds uneducated on my part but I've been trying to analyse in order to support my DD and I mean no disrespect to proven good teaching practises.
  16. I dont know the aspirations of the girl who is apparently doing an early exam and actually I feel a bit uncomfortable making this thread just about her But if any student at grade 4 and age 12-15 wanted to aim for vocational route wouldn't they be expected or encouraged to do more than one hour a week. All the 'old 4' do inter foundation, stretch and conditioning, pointe/pointe prep, and Freework/additional technique. The 'new 4' don't do any of these There are also classes on offer for lyrical, contemporary, musical theatre, and the 'new 4' only do one or two of these
  17. Yes I agree and I think they are more innocent of this when they are younger but when they get older they become more considerate of other people's feelings. (The mum is in her 40's though *wink*)
  18. Yes, well, I don't really know what opinion to have on this I just presumed that in the same way that some students progress super-fast others might progress super-slow. I just assume maybe people were missing classes or chatting or staring out of the window or whatever I was just trying to make the point that the teacher is known for keeping students in a grade until she feels they are ready with no amount of cajoling or persuading to just chuck them into an exam and hope they pass
  19. it's girls not girl. There are 8 in the class altogether. 4 have come up through the ranks and 4 are brand new to ballet Quite possibly and I don't have a problem with this. I've said that the teachers passion for teaching ballet to students at all ages and stages is something I like about her. I just don't want my DD to be thrown under the bus to make room They are resentful that half their class has been 'invaded' for want of a better word by newbies and one girl in particular that is the age she is because they immediately felt the difference in their class. They are resentful that their pace has slowed in comparison to what it has been before and what it is in other classes. They fear their progress is being slowed when they are aiming for vocational school and the new 4 aren't. I don't think this is the same as jealousy. Jealousy to me is wishing to have something that someone else has, or do something another person can do or have an attribute someone else has ie confidence/intelligence/empathy/insight or even look differently ie; attractive/prettier/slimer/graceful/better skin/nicer hair etc. Nobody is ganging up on anyone. My DD just wants to do some classes elsewhere and I'm having a dilemma. They are asking the teacher if they can move onto learning syllabus dances instead of spending 6 months going over exercises. If there is any jealousy it is because there is a different set of rules for this girl compared with everyone else. They don't see why they have to do at least two classes a week (twice the cost) and be distinction level, and attend stretch and conditioning classes and Freework classes or exam rehearsals (all extra cost) etc before they can do an exam instead of one hour a week and not be concerned about levels. My DD would love to just have a shot at the exam after 30 hours if she was given the opportunity and so would 2 of the others and possibly the other new girls too. one view that has been shared (by a different teacher at the school) is that these new girls are only doing ballet to help with other dance forms and competition dances (lyrical and contemporary) rather than to be ballerinas and therefore the ballet teacher will be more serious about the training of the old 4. I haven't mentioned this before as didn't seem relevant but maybe it is after all. Accepted. And she does at least 12 classes a week all with an element of stop/start but not to this extreme. Obviously I can only go on what my DD describes and I'm trying to portray things as best I can. And obviously there are 2 or 3 or 8 sides to this story but I have nothing to gain by presenting a version too far from the truth or otherwise I'll get meaningless advice I just posted this thread to pose a scenario and asking people whether they would be a bit miffed and allow their dancing children to take up classes elsewhere ie; is it a good reason or whether they would be tolerant and patient and mind their own business as its not in my nature to discard 8 years of relationship with a dance teacher easily
  20. Sometimes yes but sometimes no my DD has some truly wonderful friendships there and vast majority of mums get on brilliant (98% for 98% of the time haha) Gossip is mainly the kids all talking amongst themselves and what with Instagram and snapchat .... Arghhhh!!! I have so far there's always something going on with someone and someone's always got something to say and if anything I've used it as an excuse to tell her to practise more if she doesn't like something. Especially being in and around competitions she knows there's akways someone better Ive just made sure recently that she does activities away from dance with non dancing friends too or dancing stuff somewhere where she doesn't know anybody ive also told her that if I ever catch her boasting or sniping then she'll have me to deal with! I would normally agree with you. I've told her we know people who have gone through all their grades and aren't doing any dance now so as you say, ignore it. However she's starting on level 1 of a CAT scheme next month and they have pre warned her that the ballet will be going back to basics. She has been quite grown up about this in what she's said saying she wants to make sure any wrinkles were ironed out (which was a phrase another teacher used). So I think because she is going back to basics in the CAT ballet class I have to be careful she's not bored silly in her current class where she really does want to get on yes I'll try somehow to approach it again but I'm realistically not expecting any openness no matter how I phrase it You could rehearse a conversation here, with the other dance teachers, maybe, to see what would work. I agree and reading the other thread on here about qualifications being meaningless (haha)!I'm mindful to not get screwed up about the wrong things I'm just waiting for a timetable to come through for another dance school then I think I'll plan a conversation based on what she wants to do and why. We have "show term" coming up so that's a good excuse to do syllabus work somewhere else as that stops for us for most of the term this term Thank you again
  21. Thank you Harwel Yes I think that's sound advice. I think on the basis of some replies here and just mulling things over properly and in context with other things going on I will let her do a graded ballet class elsewhere. I will try out of courtesy to explain again to the current teacher about attention and progress DD wants without going into the stuff about any other children as a) she will have a defensive hissy fit and she will know without me saying anything anyway
  22. Yes that sums it up really There's two diffetent things here really. On the one hand the school has always been very casual in its organisation. If they miss a class then tough luck as long as teacher tried her best but things happen. On one occasion we attended a river gala with local business stands and displays on a Saturday when there were term time Saturday classes due to run. The girls did their display dances (advertising the school) and then their inter foundation, pointe and lyrical classes were going to be held in front if the gazebo on the grass! It was a half hearted attempt as baking hot day, couldn't dance on grass very well with people walking by, girls were embarrassed but it was one of our paid lessons so no need to make up the time even though the lyrical teacher was nowhere to be seen! And she has been quite snappy with parents who asked for refund of half a terms fees for that class. One of the 6 classes missed was our fault (DD went for CAT audition) but rather than ask for time to make up for missed classes (I wouldn't dream of asking for refund of missed classes) I thought it just would be easier and less fuss all round to nip off to another school for some classes. She sent me some rather stroppy text messages about me going elsewhere but I stood my ground and explained it was for missed classes and our only option etc. As for missing mistakes I honestly don't know if that's new or not. It's new that my DD did that. I was quite taken aback when she explained and showed me what she had done. I don't understand the things she did but said it was all her teachers pet hates (sticking her bum out and arching her back, then rolling into the middle of her feet, not turning out properly in pliƩ, letting her tummy sag out in port de bras etc ... Was probably quite comical I suppose) but even though I played it down with DD I have picked up on the extent of her frustration. I don't think things have been missed much before as she has had distinctions in her last 5 exams (ballet tap modern jazz) and one merit that was two marks off a distinction in her last ballet exam
  23. Thanks LinMM Yes that's right. Thats why I've been taking the stance with DD of just telling her to worry about herself. Its just I'm listening to her getting in the car and complaining on the way home about the pace of the class, where the attention in the class is going, and that she thinks she won't be ready for her exam by her target date. She thinks it will be a mad rush to learn the dances and she might not learn them properly. Maybe she is over worrying but I don't know what to say to her. She's been watching the RAD app more than usual and says she is trying to teach herself from that (whereas usually she would use it for the music and a little prompt) I can't imagine her or anyone else actually failing. The teacher could always move her up without doing the exam anyway. If our students end up being the only student in a grade then usually the teacher still runs the class. Students then get in effect the benefit of private lessons for a whole term but just pay standard term fees rather than private lesson rates. This is something my DD would be jealous of! She would love to be in that position getting so much attention. Sometimes lessons get amalgamated for grades in other genres but it hasn't happened with ballet classes in the time we have been there. No she's never done this with any children and has been quite vocal slagging off other dance teachers that rush kids through grades, skip grades, or put kids in high grades to win customers! I've tried to not think about this too much as I can't help it that the mum winds me up My view is that if the girl is talented then the teacher is doing a good job by encouraging and supporting so much.. Good on her but not when it's at the expense of my DD and her other classmates if they are actually getting behind or getting a poorer learning experience Usually the teacher does not budge on this at all! There are kids who were in grade 3 for 3 years and IF for up to 4 years!! In the teachers words the kids don't work hard enough to be ready (bearing in mind she usually aims for high merit / distinction)! No, not at all. Out of a current class of 8 she is the 4th youngest. When she was put directly in grade 4 she was the youngest and there were girls older than her in grade 3 who had been dancing since tots. Yes I have lost confidence based on what my DD is telling me. I also lost a lot of respect for the teacher when she told me that this girl went into grade 4 because of her height and that my DD "was still waiting for her growth spurt". I still don't know what that has to do with anything. It was a ridiculous conversation. Since then there have been too many jibes about my DD being short and it's made her very prickly about her height as this other girl (and one other) get treated as "older girls" because of their height. Going off track slightly but it's another aspect of confidence in the teacher Please don't think I sit about gossiping about merits of other children. I don't. I've listened to what my DD has been telling me and Ive tried to understand things to help figure out what's best for her to guide her and support her. I gave up worrying about other peoples kids a long time ago!! The only time it's of interest to me now is when it directly or indirectly impacts on us. Yes I get irritated by other mums on occasions but that's usually when they are showing off, being bitchy about other people's children, etc. The competition mums are a different thread altogether
  24. Well done Katymac, really happy for you and must be lovely for your daughter to just focus on starting the course now without such financial pressure ... And we all know who to come to for help with grants when our time comes!!!! Haha Will she be happy with dance course if that's offered instead of MT?
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