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Posts posted by balletqs

  1. Hee hee love a debate :) it is just, as I say, occasionally how it works out. The new grade 5 is very challenging and obviously newer than the new IF so in the cross over some students have been studying the IF for a while and have been ready before being ready for the new G5. But also we do like them to stay in an age peer group in grades, some students will never be capable of taking the vocational grades, so we hold the more able students back with them in the grades but let them accelerate in the vocationals. It has always worked and all examiners have remarked that it is nice to see G 5 and particularly the G 6-8 candidates so strong and mature and giving the work justice. We can't argue with that! So currently I have for example 3 Adv 2 students in Grade 8 still, but they love the light relief and less pressure. It prevents us having a talented 10 yr old in with a struggling but lovely 16 yr old, and is less degrading for the struggling 16 year olds to be with their friends, who may be v talented but they are friends! They prefer it to the alternative of being I n with tiny Fonteyns.

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  2. Please tell her not to stress. All my students just gained some fantastic GCSE and A level results with nothing below a C grade. They, on average, do 6 hours ballet, 4 modern, 3 tap and then a musical theatre class drama and contemporary classes plus other extras, festivals etc. we find it does pigeon hole them into being focused and organised. They do get tired bit i know for a fact still find time to party so they can't be that exhausted! It is quality not quantity so do not underestimate that! And sometimes a ball will drop and they'll have a stressy week but it all passes fairly swiftly. I am sure if she is conscientious already about wanting to do well then she will. That is all probably unhelpful but hopefully will at least give her a biit of confidence. :)

  3. Yes where is she going? And I am assuming 6th form age? I have average instep very strong feet and got through 4 pairs in my first half term, two of which were quite battered already but were old favourites! We were refitted when we got there but I stuck with my new bob martins as I loved them. You can preserve them with ronseal wood hardener, I used Klear floor polish but ronseal is good. I never found shellac that great. Also keep them aired out of sweaty bag so they dry out and harden again. If they are off the shelf she isn't going to timbuktoo so u can send in an emergency. I would think 4 with one of those pairs being worn in would be ample for half a term.

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  4. Dancing for joy. I wasn't there but I have been in the past many years running. I think if something is cliched ie. the music is a song and the dance inspired by that it doesn't tend to go down very well, this is quite hard to achieve too as the words can evoke a different level of emotion in everyone and to the dancer in question she obviously felt very strong emotions which inspired her dance whereas the adjudicator/s may not have read the song in the same way and the dance formed a mismatch in their mind. I think it is wise to avoid words in music when choreographing until you are really confident in bringing out the right level of meaning. I also know there have been a few 'festival' dances entered in the past and it doesn't take much detective work for this to become known during the evening so that is another little factor if the competition I am NOT saying this was the case here but it does happen. Finally I expect there were just pieces they preferred. Tough bun as my hubby would say! Hope that helps. :)

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  5. I have found my students who have them have got into some bad habits quickly.. Slipping supporting foot on start of turn, not turning on full 3/4 point, poor classical position to name a few. But does help with the spin sensation. I agree depends what it is being used to help.

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  6. Hi there it is worth seeing of they are doing the audition preparation day in October half term. They probably will see an Achilles flexibility test which is a standing squat with heels on the floor, a forward stretch sitting nose on knees, splits 3 ways. In forward splits try to keep your back strong and posture of the back and neck elegant even if you are not all the way down same with box but show the effort too. Listen v carefully to any corrections given during the audition and act on them straight away ie on the second side of the barre or when repeating an exercise. Run in and out of the centre beautifully and do run! Not walk! Perform a bit. It will be at inter foundation/inter standard but very simple settings. Short barre with developpes. Ports de bras, centre with pirs, adage, 3 allegro really go for it on the grand allegro. Don't force pirouettes work on showing a good clean single. They do not take many this will be dependent on the venue and how many are in the class already but if you give a good impression it will stand you in good stead for the future even if you are not successful. Wear a simple leotard, belt, very clean but not brand new shoes, elastics advised as you might take shoes off when they look at you all. Plain ballet bun, no make up. Just really enjoy it. Don't quote me on this but it will help give you an idea.

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  7. This is a big hole here. The RAD exams are really not a question of age. They print the age requirements but it is common sense that you would not be entering a 7 year old for grade 5! Any teacher who tried would probably receive a very concerned phone call from HQ. Each grade requires so much attention to detail, maturity strength etc. I know a lot if teachers rush through grades and there is no need. Ballet students are there to learn to dance!! Not just learn a set if exercises and get a certificate! What about learning artistry, musicality, appreciation etc etc. I was fortunate to have trained as a teacher with the most respected RAD examiners whom helped devise both old and new syllabus. I'm not bragging but just as a guide for you - I work for a big school of exceptional reputation with the students gaining high merit and distinction grades most distinctions average over 90%. Our grade 5 exam students are year 8/9, however many of those will also be in Intermediate Foundation or Intermediate having taken the Inter Foundation exam in year 7. Very occasionally I will have a year 6- 11 yr old, take Inter a Foundation, this has happened three times in 20 years. Twice I was called by the RAD to say are you sure as the two girls were only going to be 11 on the day/day before. But they were exceptionally strong and both received respectable 86/89%. Please don't get bogged down with age and if yr daughter is bored then I would recommend finding a diplomatic way to talk to her teacher, we are not mind readers and I think most students will not always show they're true feelings thus leaving us teachers without a clue! I hope you manage to resolve the situation. I don't wish this to come across in the wrong way so please don't take it as such.

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  8. I have a student going in to year ten at WL she auditioned for year 5 JAs and was unsuccessful, she re auditioned for year 6 got a place and then got into WL and has been there since year 7 :) so yes it is worth it. They never offer many year 4s a place as they have more time only if they feel they would really benefit from the extra year.

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  9. I thought some if you may be interested in watching this beautiful clip of Peter Schaufuss and Eva Evdokomiva dancing John Gilpin's reconstructed Esmerelda pas de deux.


    I think it displays skill, technique, musicality, storytelling, joy of dance and performance so well. What ballet is all about!


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  10. Well I think with the pas de deux element it is tricky to enter a student who isn't already at vocational school. Even if as it says on the form they possibly can find them a partner. It will be interesting to see if the competition has staying power.

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