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Everything posted by goldfish

  1. I'm also particularly worried to send her in Germany because we don't know the city but it's not like London, and I'm worried that can be a too heavy experience.
  2. @tulte we applied last year at rbs upperschool when my dd (was 15 years old) arrived to the finals but she didn't get a place. We heard a lot of nice things from john cranko school, but at the same time my dd doesn't know german. At the moment we would like to apply to the school with the best dance classes to improve the tecnique. We were thinking also on ENB school. Any advice?
  3. hey everyone, do you have info about the John Cranko Ballet School in Stuttgart?my dd is 16 years old and she would like to apply there. Has anyone studying there? Can you give me some feedbacks please. thank you
  4. hi everyone, can you explain me more about this Lab 2014? where can i get some informations? thank you
  5. hallo evryone, my dd is 15 years old, i always heard a lot about RBS but i don't know so much about Elmhurst...can you give me more informations? anyone is studyng there? do you think for a girl is better the full time training in RB upper school or Elmhurst? what is the main difference between the 2 academy? i tried to look in elmhurst website but i don't understand how much it costs? thank you!
  6. Hallo it's her life, actually we apply very late(1 months ago) to upper summer school, and the RBS put my DD on priority waiting list,and we are still waiting... but i got a place in YBSS for 2 weeks; i saw that there are a lot of teacher from RBS teaching there... do you think is a good summer programme?i'm thinking is good that the teachers from RBS can see her working... ordo you think is much better the RBS summer than YBSS? My DD wants really to enter in RBS for the upper school, this year she was finalist and for 2 years she did summer course in RBS; this year she was accepted at ABT summer intensive in NY but we didn't do at the end because was too expensive... can you give me some tips or advices for RBS upperschool? thanks a lot!!
  7. she is born in november so maybe she can try again next year for the 16 years old course....can you give me advices for the auditions?becuase we leve outside the uk....and it's not easy for us to go to some dancing class with RB teachers... thank you for your help
  8. my daughter she was in the final round for a place at the upper RBS but at the end she didn't get in, do you think she can try to enter also during the summer intensive school?
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