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Posts posted by Kat09

  1. My daughter as well - it's a long shot as hasn't done an RAD class since the summer - hoping that she has been looking at the DVD!! It's a long shot but I do feel it's a case of now or never .... fingers crossed

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  2. Twiggy - don't panic - maybe consider contacting the schools for a later audition date and at the very least advise them of your injury with a confirmation letter from your physio. Hope all goes well for you.

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  3. My daughter had only taken grade 5 when she attended Elmhurst ENBS and YBSS summer school - also attended Associate programmes and was successful in gaining a place at upper school - she took her RAD Intermediate this past summer. I don't think your grade will decide whether you are offered a place or not, so just send in your applications regardless.

  4. We sent wrong photos to Elmhurst last year and when I contacted them to enquire about sending the correct set they said not to worry and that they are only used as a reference - they were quite amused that we all get so worked up over the photos ... so ... keep calm and carry on - it will be your dancing on the day that will be the decider.Photos,leotards and hair will be secondary to the potential you show. Good luck!

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  5. Vocational or non vocational, the background of many of the dancers differs - some will have started their vocational journey at 11 others a mere 6 weeks ago - hats off to all the teachers involved in bringing their talented pupils to the standard that was witnessed on Sunday - I think that they all did themselves and their teachers proud. :)

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  6. I found, after a SWL place again last year, and subsequently very few UK participants on the programme, the chances of getting a place are really very slim. This year I will be saving the application fee,booking DD onto an alternative programme and enjoy not waiting for the Royal summons to arrive (or not)  ;)

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  7. My daughter went off to dance school with 5 pairs of Bloch Aspirations ... they lasted 5 lessons ... we are now trying Sonata Strong ... on pair number 3 and praying they last until half term!!

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