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Posts posted by Kat09

  1. I do think that everywhere will have its bad experiences and detractors .... A quick search on YouTube could put one off sending their children to Russian schools ,but of course doesn't tell the whole story . As JoJo and Primrose can testify their daughters have thrived in Moscow. I think as parents we have a duty to our children to watch,listen and react if things are not right. Why would you leave your children where they are unhappy and clearly not thriving ..... There are other training options out there. If nothing is said then things are unlikely to change - perhaps we as the adults involved ,need to look more closely at which options will suit our children's needs ,including their emotional well being. One size doesn't fit all and sometimes it's easy to get swept along with the excitement of dreams coming true.

    To date my daughter is very happy in her vocational school ,but if that were not the case,I would be in discussions with staff and if nothing positive came out of that I would look for alternatives. In my mind,you are only young once and you shouldn't spend that time feeling miserable.

    I have found that you have to give up all control over how they train and what they are doing. It feels alien but acceptable. What would not be acceptable would be thoughts of my child being put down on a daily basis and made to feel worthless,losing their confidence and love of dance. If your child is feeling like this please be brave & take action.

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  2. I'm reading the posts on here and the "British students luck motivation" about the training in RBS and it makes me sad. I don't really look forward to get the "yes" letter any more :-( not that I was expecting a "yes" but I don't think now I'd like my DD to go there... So sad

    Happymum if you receive the "yes" letter celebrate and know that your daughter has done incredibly well. It won't mean that you have to accept but you will know that your daughter has something special - be guided by her and your instinct where her talent will be best nurtured. ... Other peoples experiences may well prove to be different from your own.
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  3. Unless the rules have changed on how the dada rules are applied , unfortunately I don't think it will .

    Currently your income is assessed once for the full 3 years , the only thing that is reassessed every year is the maintenance grant .

    I do hope no one has missed out auditioning at schools they thought were unaffordable on the current levels.

    I guess that is understandable and of course if it had been revised downwards we wouldn't have been wanting that to apply ... Can't have it every which way ;)
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  4. I don't know what anyone else thinks regarding RBS Summer School but, wouldn't it be nice for them to show a little more loyalty to their own associates. I know it's obviously their own choice, but many travel week in week out, some from one side of the country to the other, in all weathers. Ours has been very lucky in the past, but there are many that would benefit greatly by getting a place. Just by being there,  would be remembered for the rest of their lives.

    It's a tricky subject isn't it - some would think that yes,Associates would gain greatly from the experience and feel more valued as Associate pupils whilst others might think,Associates benefit from the experience of dancing at RBS week in week out and all the other opportunities that come with the programme. I guess they will never please all people all of the time and RBS want to continue to scoop up unknown quantities from far and wide. It was a great source of sadness that my daughter only ever received SWL during her time as an Associate and because of this we have not submitted an application this year ... Maybe we'll try again next year.

  5. It is possible to combine the two and several institutions offer A levels ,including Elmhurst and Tring. Some girls manage to study A levels in the evening at other schools, although after a very long day I'm sure that this would be exhausting.... but not impossible.

    I would say no harm in applying and then looking at the options available to her and making a decision from there.

  6. " His basic take home pay each month is just over £400. Even those who are from that country say that the amount he earns gross isn't enough to live on in a capital city."

    Gottokeepworking this is truly terrifying .... It costs as much to train a ballet dancer over 3 years in vocational school as a commercial airline pilot, and I know who work harder. 

    It's such a shame that these beautiful people aren't considered to be worth paying a living wage - one wonders how ballet companies would fare if parents didn't continue to fund their offspring,at a time when they really should be considering funding their own retirement - which seems to be vanishing into the distance ....

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