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Moving north rad


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I'd also be interested in hearing more about this. DD's teacher had suggested she enter but we decided against it due to some family commitments. However, I said we would reconsider next year if it is repeated. If someone would share their experiences I'd be grateful.

Edited by Pups_mum
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Pups- Mum , it's worth going for the experience. Leeds was very professional. The chaperones and organisation were great and I guess this was the first year so it will evolve.   I hope the RAD will ask for feedback when the final is over. I'll jot down a few thoughts on here tomorrow which will serve as an aide memoire! 

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My feedback to the RAD on moving north (with regards Heat 1 in Leeds) would along the lines of:

  • it was advertised, initially anyway, as a choreography competition. When watching heat 1, I did not feel the judge did, or had time to consider between each act, who had choreographed the piece (i.e. teacher, child, student) and how that might be considered in the judging
  • there was one judge judging four different styles of dance. Surely at least two would be needed to provide at least some balance
  • the organisation and chaperoning was excellent

I hope that's helpful Pups_mum. Like I said before, this is the first year of this competition and I would hope that the RAD will ask for feedback. If they take any of it onboard, that is how it will hopefully evolve into something special. 

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