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Little ballet mum poem .. Thought you may like ..


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shoes from the second hand box

Cost me a pound

Something to do on a Thursday afternoon

It's only half an hour


Social time with other mums

Drink our tea and coffee

Whilst our daughters made friends

I'm not buying the uniform yet


Borrow a hand me down outfit

She wants to fit in

And they all look cute in pale blue

Next comes a kind of bun


She says they've thrown feathers

And had great fun

Something about good toes

And shows me naughty toes


Peering around the door

Watching the big girls

You can come in and watch if you keep quiet


My noisy girl is so silent and in awe


Humming a tune for the dressing up dance

Rushing to her pose at the end

She's hiding to not get caught

Her fantasy and belief so real


Gosh it's exam time

How did that happen

She says she mustn't squash the fairies

And she's serious


New socks

New shoes

New hair pins

Leotard and skirts washed


Rosette on

Yellow flowers in her hair

She skips off holding teachers hand

And throws me a grin


New dances,

New language

Proud and beautiful she has a passion

I hear her jumping in her bedroom


No more karate or brownies

She wants to do more of this

We find the money

Now she's wearing blue eye shadow


She's herself in the lights

Wants it to last forever

daydreaming, marking things out

Watching herself whenever she can


Can't speak without spinning

Can't stand still unless turned out

Doing homework in the splits

Admiring her six pack


Twenty eight pairs of shoes

I've kept them all for her

To remember all the hours her good toes spent in them


Her one pound shoes in a frame above her door

Thank you for taking me mummy

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I found this one by an unknown author which I put in my son's graduation year book I made for them all (quite appropriate during audition season)...


Common sense would tell parents not to send their children to a ballet school.

Common sense would tell teenagers there is a wider and happier world beyond the gruelling structures of daily barre and class.

Common sense would tell the graduating student there are infinitely superior ways of making money than joining a professional ballet company.

Common sense would tell a young dancer that very few (laughably few) of his or her colleagues will ever make it to the top or even near the top.

Yet... there remains the dance and the dancer.

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