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pointe shoes in year 7


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Can't help too much as it was my son who went to vocational school, not my daughter, but wanted to say "what a good question"! I know the girls at WL started pointe in year 7, but that's the extent of my expertise ;) but we have plenty of parents of girls on here who'll be able to help.

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At WL all girls do pointe work in Year 7. Some girls will have already started pointe work, but quite a few will have not. Can't remember how many hours a week they do, but by Year 8 they do approx 1 hour per day. I've not heard of anyone being assessed out because they weren't good on pointe, however girls have been assessed out because their feet are not up to the training required.


Hope this helps.


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Hi tomuchtallent


At Elmhurst the girls started pointe work about three weeks after starting in September. My dd had not started pointe work and It is a question i wish i had asked, as there was a mad rush to buy pointe shoes before the first lesson and was only alerted after a distressed call from dd worried she wouldn't be able to get them by then! I think they have two 45 mins lessons but dd is not here to ask to confirm this.

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Pointwork is started late in year 7 (according to DD), the rest of the preceding year is getting feet etc ready. Excersises are done only at the barre.


After that in later years it depends on the teacher so there is no 'set' number of hours as pointe is incorporated into their regular dance classes and not held as separate classes.



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My DD started at Hammond in year 8 and was already on pointe but only because of doing the RAD Inter foundation syllabus at home. That pointe work consisted of 30 minutes excersise and barre work (combined) every week....so she was not experience in any way on entering year 8!


None of her classmates were more advanced than her when she got there except for the few who were already on their RAD intermediate exam! They have all been taught together and pointe experience is not a requirement in year 7 entry...in fact I think that the few in year 7 who were more used to it were frustrated because they were not allowed to continue until all the class were ready ;)


Hope this helps.




Edited to add: Not all the class were strong in pointe as this is a performing arts school and they all developed at different rates, but by the end of year 8 all the girls were doing pointe work to their teachers satisfaction.

Edited by Dragonlady
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Thanks dragonlady

My dd will be starting Hammomd (year 7) in September, and she is doing her intermediate foundation exam in July, so I just wondered if she would continue on point, which by the sounds of if she might. : ) thanks.

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