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Appraisal marks at WL


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Can anyone give me an idea of what a good appraisal mark % is. Parents and children alike keep these marks a closely guarded secret and I entirely understand why but it means that you have no idea actually how well your DC has done compared to their classmates. I know it's not about competing directly but if their mark is consistently lower (or indeed higher) than others at least you might have a clue how they are doing!


Can anyone whose DD has done well in the past give an idea what a good mark is or someone who has been assessed out give an idea what kind of mark came along with the letter? PM's welcome of course.

Angel x

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I used to wonder the same but actually the report is a much better guide as to how they are doing. The children are best off not comparing marks as when they do, the ones with lower marks are upset and the ones with the highest marks can get some jealousy directed at them.


Systems of marking may have changed, but when we were there it was a pass mark of 50 and they seemed to give those with concerns a mark of low 50s, and 48 to those assessed out . Decent marks were in the 60s, good in the 70s and very good if any higher! But as I said, this is info from a few years ago and gleaned over vague conversations!

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Thank you JulieW,


Your reference points are great and probably the same as I had guessed. My own DD's idea of what a very good mark would be much higher I think so if her mark is lower this year I can maybe reassure her? Unless she is assessed out of course and then she can tell me 'I told you so'.


I agree with you about the children keeping marks to themselves I suppose but it is so hard as parents to know what is 'normal'. At least knowing what an average mark is could maybe give them an indication of how they are doing.


Do you know if marks go down significantly from year 8 to 9 across the board. The class teacher told them to expect lower marks but not sure that was a pre appraisal kick up the backside or an indication of the norm or indeed that they are not doing so well as a class?! Too many questions of course and I still have little DD to find her place :)

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I used to wonder the same but actually the report is a much better guide as to how they are doing. The children are best off not comparing marks as when they do, the ones with lower marks are upset and the ones with the highest marks can get some jealousy directed at them.


Systems of marking may have changed, but when we were there it was a pass mark of 50 and they seemed to give those with concerns a mark of low 50s, and 48 to those assessed out . Decent marks were in the 60s, good in the 70s and very good if any higher! But as I said, this is info from a few years ago and gleaned over vague conversations!

Once again I agree with everything Julie says. The report is a much better guide to how they are doing.


Ds was always comfortably in 50s and 60s but made it all the way whereas,some others got high marks to start with but were later assessed out. And again, when it got to year 11 some of those, like my ds who had only ever got 6os at best got the most offers for 6th form.


The appraisal mark is by and large one panels decision on what a candidate is doing on one day. Any mark above 50 is fantastic and should be celebrated.


The only comparisons that should be made is with the students own past marks- if they are vastly lower for example then it would be a good idea to investigate why so the student can work on current areas of weakness.  The trouble with comparing marks is that they then can easily either demoralise a student or give them a false sense of security when all that matters is that they are all through to the next year.


As a teacher I have seen many very talented students not get the marks I thought they were capable of and vice versa. Not quite the same as the appraisal situation I know but a mark given to a dance student on one occasion isn't necessarily an indication of their overall capabilities.


Hope all the students get good news this week, its a stressful tme for all. Good luck.

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