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Gluten and dairy free diet


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I know this isn't dance related but I'm sure health wise it might be helpful to some dancers. I'm gluten and dairy intollerant and have started a blog talking about products, tips and written some of my own recipes. I'd really appreciate it if you'd take the time to have a look and maybe share it with anyone who it might help? The recipes are hopefully tasty enough to appeal to anyone who is just health conscious (dancers!) too.




Thank you for reading and I'd love to hear some feedback too.

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Thank you for taking the time to read it! I'm still figuring out what I want to do as a career so I thought I'd try out a blog, especially as I'm interested marketing. Without a degree though, I have no idea where to start on the job hunt! I'm honestly just hoping my recipes might be helpful for someone, although intolerant or not my chocolate cake was loved by a group of fussy 18 year olds! I'd love more feedback if anyone would be kind enough to take a look or even share with someone who it might help?

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Hi Munchkin. I am Gluten intolerant and over the last couple of years have decided not to eat the substitutes presented by supermarkets as I feel they have lots of questionable products in them. Naked bars are my go to snack and I take them everywhere with me just in case I'm caught out.


I like your blog very much. It's very well laid out and informative and I think could be a great help to people who are just getting to grips with a gluten/dairy free diet.


Good luck with your venture.

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Yes they aren't the best quality but if you are just starting out or on a budget sometimes you have to deal with them. I tend to get most of my stuff from places like Holland and Barret which unfortunately is a bit more expensive! Nakd bars are the best, I love them.


Thank you so much for taking the time to read it, I really appreciate the feedback as it's hard to judge after you spend so long writing it.

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I agree that your blog was well written and informative. I'm also dairy intolerant. I always find that vegan recipes and restaurants offer me inspiration of what to cook and alternatives to use - especially since I do not wish to cook separately for myself to the rest of my family. Your chocolate cake sounds lovely and I think we will be trying that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm glad it helped a bit, if you have any questions or suggestions for stuff you'd like me to write about, or recipes you'd like to have I can put them up. I'm working on a post about starting out on a gluten and dairy free diet. I know how hard it is so I'm hoping this post might make it a little easier for someone else :)

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Hi Munchkin, it's great that you're doing this blog - really informative and a great read :)

My dd has been both dairy and gluten free for a few years now - it's hard, especially when eating out, but she feels so much better on it and gets very few symptoms now so definitely worth it. It's incredibly expensive though, especially as she's a dance student and on a very tight budget - I know it does cost more for supermarkets to make free from lines but the prices of everyday staple items are shockingly high. It seems as soon as they put a 'free from' tag on food the price soars. Better stop now or I'll start to rant!!

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