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Everything posted by DancerFifi

  1. Hi My daughter recently did her Intermediate Tap Exam and the examiner didn’t conduct the exam according to the syllabus, or in the way the candidates had practised which completely threw my daughter and the examiner made some inappropriate negative comments! I have made a complaint which they are making it very to proceed with. My daughter got a very disappointing mark when the results came out. Has anyone had an experience of appealing their result? Has anyone had an experience where the examiner didn’t conduct the exam fairly? Has anyone had an experience of making a complaint to the ISTD? I would welcome some insight/ advice please
  2. Yes please if you can tell me what you have that would be great
  3. Please could you send me a photo of the Yumiko Wendy? Not sure how you send the photos?
  4. Richard do you really believe they actually follow these policies they have on paper? Just because they have a policy doesn’t not mean they follow/ implement it. There are very really repercussions for anyone who complains and the children/ students pay the price I have seen it happen so many times. These schools bully and intimate pupils and parents into being silent! I have had it happen to me in an academic school setting! Schools often don’t show Ofsted the complaints or they manipulate them so that it appears to not be the schools fault. As has been previously said you have a very naive faith in the “system”. You seem determined to defend RBS and dismiss the suffering and trauma of the victims. Of course some parents would have officially complained but when you official complain you’re complaining to the very people you are complaining about! And Ofsted and Dept for Education are simply not interested.
  5. I appreciate your trying to show the other side of the story but I’d like to point out that It appears Ofsted reports are as accurate as the weather forecast. As a former teacher at several different schools and as a parent I have witness how firstly schools put on a performance for Ofsted as they already get several days notice of their visits and quite often the picture Ofsted paint of the school reflects what the school themselves want it to be not what is actually going on! The schools can have policies which all look great on paper and Ofsted praise them for this but Ofsted only go by what the school show them and tell them! Ofsted do not investigate any bullying and appear to generally turn a blind eye to it, at one school 50 parents reported bullying directly to Ofsted inspectors yet Ofsted report said as it say here “no bullying was reported” and 60% of the parents at this school said they didn’t feel their child was safe at the school yet the school came way with an “good” rating! Another example of smoke and mirrors and more evidence of a corrupt system. The schools get away with doing exactly what they want because Ofsted and the Department for Education generally turn a blind eye to it all as I have experienced this first hand! Remember actions speak louder than words! Anyone who is brave enough to speak out about these things just gets subjected to more bullying and is stamped on and ultimately got rid of. The whole time they have the threat of the loss of their career hanging over their head!
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