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Everything posted by OnTheMove

  1. It should be the beginning of April but you never know!
  2. Year 10 already has, last week I think
  3. That’s great to hear. My dc couldn’t go this year but it’s something worth applying for next year.
  4. Thank you. I like the idea of European school of ballet especially. Wonder what experiences people have of that.
  5. Maybe it was after they’d auditioned for upper school or something.
  6. This is good to hear that your children had such a wonderful time. Other than airport experiences in America. Scary! It’s something worth looking into then from your experience. My dc would love to meet people from other countries and train with them I’m sure. Which ones do you know have help with scholarships and bursaries? And I wonder how you go about getting them? I’m thinking my dc can do one of the European semi finals for YAGP this year and something may come from that - you never know. On another note, do you know when you can register for them as the website isn’t mentioning 23/24 yet?
  7. Yes probably. I wonder which summer schools are best?
  8. No but there is a post online that someone has so who knows!
  9. That’s a good point. Always good for your dc to see their foreign peers.
  10. Yes is it worth it? I don’t know. I’m thinking doing YAGP may be more worth it?
  11. I assume you’re talking about the bursary rather than a scholarship. I would be interested to know this too.
  12. Summer schools abroad seem so expensive (and that’s before the cost of travel). Are they really worth it? If you think they are, which ones are recommended? Where do you get the best tuition and where is best to be ‘seen’? I’m interested to hear everyone’s opinion 😊
  13. I’ve heard of people having a yes for school and no for summer intensive. They’re separate. I would take it as a no for the school but you have a place on the summer intensive and it’s up to you if you go or not. Go for the experience, if I were you, and don’t think about it as an audition as if you’ve had a no I doubt that would change.
  14. Does anyone have any insight into how places are offered at YBS? My question really is, do you think whether or not you have also applied for a bursary will affect the outcome/decision? I know they have a limited number of bursaries.
  15. Good luck. Did you apply for 2 dancers as if so you had to use 2 different emails x
  16. Yes you should get an email even if unsuccessful. Have you checked your junk folder? Maybe give them an email. intensivecourses@royalballetschool.org.uk
  17. True. But I was surprised. A low income family may have to still pay a fair amount, and with all the other costs involved it’s never a cheap business having your child at vocational school.
  18. The MDS is a sliding scale so if you earn a certain amount you get no help towards fees and the amount you pay goes down with how much your income is. I don’t know if they offer bursaries, many of the schools do, but they’re not a large percentage to my knowledge.
  19. I know of one girl and one boy that have (year 10)
  20. Straight yes twice and no professional photos. One year dc did them with me. This year their teacher did it. I would recommend a teacher doing it. Most professional photographers don’t know enough about ballet.
  21. This is a few I know of (the most popular UK ones): Royal Ballet School Yorkshire Ballet Seminars Elmhurst Ballet School Rambert Central School of Ballet Moorland Ballet Academy Tring Park Masters of Ballet Malvern Ballet Seminars Bristol Russian Natalie Kremen School (?) Academy of Northern Ballet
  22. Yes good idea about childline etc. It makes you wonder how many are getting away with inappropriate behaviour if some feel happy showing it in plain sight.
  23. This is the issue I’m having. No organisation, or let’s say they run the organisation! I really wish there was a register for dance teachers. The fact they often work with children makes it more important. I will keep an eye on the social media of this person. I am sorry you’re going through this too. It’s a worry.
  24. Some get no and some get waitlist. Not all on the waitlist will get a place. It’s very good to be offered a waitlist. I hope your dc gets a place eventually.
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